Wednesday, July 29, 2009

‘Samy, go enjoy your illegal wealth in india, why put Maika before Buah Pala ,before we indians want to quizzically kick his balls india land of beau

India RAW insignia Indian logo of Secret ServiceThe “Firm” participated in the Mossedegh snafu in which they an elected and popular prime minister and installed Reza Shah as emperor. The CIA is the same organization that didn’t have a clue about the popularity of Imam Khomeni and ’till the last moment continued to support the Shah of Iran. “The Company” is the same spy agency that tried to buy arms from Iran to fund the Contras in Nicragua. The CIA was unable to predict the USSR’s invasion of Afghanstan and it took them two years to join the Pakistanis in their war against the Communist invaders.


A few years the CIA had claimed that it “solid”evidence” that Iraq had WMDs and was connected to Al-Qaeda. Even the flimsy articles presented turned out to be totally false.

USA CIA logo: American Central Intelligence Agency insigniaNow the CIA has “proof” that Al-Qaeda is in Pakistan and also that the ISI is helping the Taliban in Afghanistan. This CIA line defies logic. The recent attack on Lahore carried out by Indian sponsored Afghans proves the vacuity the CIA argument.

However the US Adminstration will continue to bomb Pakistani villages with drones.

The CIA has almost always been wrong on predicting major events. It has been a total failure in monitoring real and perceived enemies. Filling Gitmo, renditions and torture are not success stories that should be rewarded.

CIA-Mossad logo plot against Iran? By Yossi Melman

This is time for Pakistan to adopt a firm, dignified and “enough is enough” approach. We need not extend any pre-emptive cooperation unless the Indians are prepared to accept a joint investigation with us in which we have access to all the information, materials and people (including the dead terrorists for our own examination).

the CIA had claimed that it “solid”evidence” that SAMY had USED EXTRA INCOME
queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk HINDUIndian trying to enticeMALAYSIANS THAT HE IS NOT corruptedAMY VOLLU knee deep in this shit as well.As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted” STOP THE HORSE BEFORE IT TAKES THEFLIGHTCorruption spreads like H1N1. When corruption is “incubated” in a Govt-linked project, staring with “in-built” corruption to satisfy the greed of the well-connected cronies, it then spreads to other “outwardly innocent” professional parties. Corruption spreads like wild fire and cannot be contained in any perimeter. Only moral and ethical values, deterent laws, political will and unrelenting law enforcement efforts can minimise corruption.First step is get rid of the corrupt BN/UMNO Govt.By 2020 we are supposed to join the league of Developed Nation status as envisioned by none other than our TDM. I think it is about time that the government whether federal or state, should look seriously into accountability and transparency in the supply and delivery of public services.Government agencies are trusties of public funds, therefore it is incumbent upon those in power to perform their duties in a manner which is befitting a developed nation status. They should also be made accountable for their actions or inactions as part of their job scope and responsibility.Check and balance must be instituted at ever level as preventive measures and serious consequences will befall those would be irresponsible or wayward individuals as a deterrent.This may entail engaging or enlisting qualified and experienced professionals in their specialised fields.It is simply not good enough to let the MACC pick up the pieces after discovery of fraudulent acts. And in the meantime the culprits have ridden over the horizon into the sunset.As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted”1)The bottleneck from MRRII to elevated Ampang Highway near the the Hindu temple and Petronas. Removing the Petronas and widen the road can reduce the MRRII morning jam but somehow they are not doing it.2)Coming down the Ampang elevated Higway, after the Sikh temple the workshops are causing jam all the time. MPAJ nor the Highway way authority want to remove them despite they are operating beside the highway. Along Karak Highway poor lemang/ketupat seller being chased out for the safety reasons but not here.3)Whoever the genius allowed 3 lanes to join MRRII at the DUKE exit at Highland Towers.4)The same authority who preached about having a separate motorbike lane now allwing motorbikes to use elevated Ampang highway which even for two car lanes they were already narrow.If you’re coming from Cheras, Desa Tasik Selatan and heading towards Ampang, you will always encounter a humongous traffic jam at the exit to Pandan Jaya! That’s becoz the four lane MRR2 becomes a 2 lane one at that particular exit (Pandan Jaya). Now if that is not stupidity (or rather corruption) of major proportions on the part of the highway designers and builders, I don’t know wat is!If you drive through the Elevated Highway from KL in the direction of Ampang, you just cannot enter directly on to MRR2 to go to down to Cheras, Kajang or PJ. What a stupid design it was.The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should look into this for I see somebody must have been benefited out of this ‘missing link’.the horse has bolted”.
the CIA had claimed that it “solid”evidence” that SAMY had USED EXTRA INCOME
‘He can say Guan Eng can settle the Kg Buah Pala issue with the stroke of a pen but as
MIC Any queries, Any queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY SAMY Velu “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk Hinduindian trying to entice MALAYSIANS THAT HE IS NOT corrupted
Any queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk HINDUIndian trying to entice
AMY VOLLU knee deep in this shit as well.
As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted” STOP THE HORSE BEFORE IT TAKES THE
Corruption spreads like H1N1. When corruption is “incubated” in a Govt-linked project, staring with “in-built” corruption to satisfy the greed of the well-connected cronies, it then spreads to other “outwardly innocent” professional parties. Corruption spreads like wild fire and cannot be contained in any perimeter. Only moral and ethical values, deterent laws, political will and unrelenting law enforcement efforts can minimise corruption.
First step is get rid of the corrupt BN/UMNO Govt.
By 2020 we are supposed to join the league of Developed Nation status as envisioned by none other than our TDM. I think it is about time that the government whether federal or state, should look seriously into accountability and transparency in the supply and delivery of public services.
Government agencies are trusties of public funds, therefore it is incumbent upon those in power to perform their duties in a manner which is befitting a developed nation status. They should also be made accountable for their actions or inactions as part of their job scope and responsibility.
Check and balance must be instituted at ever level as preventive measures and serious consequences will befall those would be irresponsible or wayward individuals as a deterrent.
This may entail engaging or enlisting qualified and experienced professionals in their specialised fields.
It is simply not good enough to let the MACC pick up the pieces after discovery of fraudulent acts. And in the meantime the culprits have ridden over the horizon into the sunset.
As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted”
1)The bottleneck from MRRII to elevated Ampang Highway near the the Hindu temple and Petronas. Removing the Petronas and widen the road can reduce the MRRII morning jam but somehow they are not doing it.
2)Coming down the Ampang elevated Higway, after the Sikh temple the workshops are causing jam all the time. MPAJ nor the Highway way authority want to remove them despite they are operating beside the highway. Along Karak Highway poor lemang/ketupat seller being chased out for the safety reasons but not here.
3)Whoever the genius allowed 3 lanes to join MRRII at the DUKE exit at Highland Towers.
4)The same authority who preached about having a separate motorbike lane now allwing motorbikes to use elevated Ampang highway which even for two car lanes they were already narrow.
If you’re coming from Cheras, Desa Tasik Selatan and heading towards Ampang, you will always encounter a humongous traffic jam at the exit to Pandan Jaya! That’s becoz the four lane MRR2 becomes a 2 lane one at that particular exit (Pandan Jaya). Now if that is not stupidity (or rather corruption) of major proportions on the part of the highway designers and builders, I don’t know wat is!If you drive through the Elevated Highway from KL in the direction of Ampang, you just cannot enter directly on to MRR2 to go to down to Cheras, Kajang or PJ. What a stupid design it was.The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should look into this for I see somebody must have been benefited out of this ‘missing link’.
the horse has bolted”.
Many Australians say that it takes two to tango. The Aussies believe that the carping in the Indian media is exaggerated and counterproductive. Australians react to 80,000 (what they call) “smelly” Indians on campuses with “Dot Busting”The Australians complain that the Indians never take baths, and smell of sweat and spices, and destroy the aroma of the indoors. Unlike other Asians, many Indians are very fond of loitering in front of their apartment complexes with loud music blaring the latest out of Bollywood. Another unique feature which puts them at odds with the Australians is the fact that most of the Indian students away from family restrictions are very fond of drinking. Australians think this invites trouble for them. Dot Busterwas a term invented in New Jersey in the 80s. It has now become the derisive term to use for Indians in Australia. In England all Indians became “Pakis”, and in the USA they were call “Elephant jocks” as well as “Smelly Niggers”. As one Dot Buster said “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk Indian trying to entice Australian women“. The Indians do not have much of a choice. Apart from a few institutions, most Indian universities are over crowded and do not offer either the instructional facilities or the curriculum needed in the modern world. Many religious institutions have opened Science and Technology Institutes in India, but the main thrust of their education remains Ram Raj..
Indian students are ubiquitous on Australian campuses, but they have not assimilated into the Australian way of life. On many occasions they have violated their visa status and have started to permeate the landscape around the campuses in search of menial jobs. 80,000 students on a few dozen campuses makes them highly visible. In a slowing economy, there is a growing tide of Anti-Indian feeling among the Aussies. Many Australians feel that the Indian complaints are exaggerated and hide the real truth which usually stem from domestic disputes, lewd behaviour, drunkenness or theft of property.Massive backlash against India: Why do Australians hate Indians?
Advani, Thackery & Prohit: When will India handover the terrorists to Pakistan? If India does not stop the terror activities against Pakistan, Pakistan may have to unleash the ISI on India. Justifying the Banality of a brutal Occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan: The Thinktanks attempt to complete the circle of complicity between a sycophantic press, and a non-inquisitive servile public. The nation is forced to accept the only argument that it is being repeatedly inundated with
So far 546,000 have registered as internally displaced people (IDPs) according to figures provided by Rabia Ali, spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and Maqbool Shah Roghani, administrator for IDPs at the Commission for Afghan Refugees. The commissioner’s office says there are thousands more unregistered people who have taken refuge with relatives and friends or who are in rented accommodation. Talking Peace in Prague, Dropping Bombs in Pakistan, Hard Rain Keeps Falling By CHRIS FLOYD
The pseudo liberals are quiet about the suffering of more than half a million people who are suffering. They are always concerned about the Mukhtara Mai and Chand Bibi. They seem unconcerned about the 250,000 women who have suffering becuase of the US drone bombing
the CIA had claimed that it “solid”evidence” that SAMY had USED EXTRA INCOME
queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk HINDUIndian trying to enticeMALAYSIANS THAT HE IS NOT corruptedAMY VOLLU knee deep in this shit as well.As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted” STOP THE HORSE BEFORE IT TAKES THEFLIGHTCorruption spreads like H1N1. When corruption is “incubated” in a Govt-linked project, staring with “in-built” corruption to satisfy the greed of the well-connected cronies, it then spreads to other “outwardly innocent” professional parties. Corruption spreads like wild fire and cannot be contained in any perimeter. Only moral and ethical values, deterent laws, political will and unrelenting law enforcement efforts can minimise corruption.First step is get rid of the corrupt BN/UMNO Govt.By 2020 we are supposed to join the league of Developed Nation status as envisioned by none other than our TDM. I think it is about time that the government whether federal or state, should look seriously into accountability and transparency in the supply and delivery of public services.Government agencies are trusties of public funds, therefore it is incumbent upon those in power to perform their duties in a manner which is befitting a developed nation status. They should also be made accountable for their actions or inactions as part of their job scope and responsibility.Check and balance must be instituted at ever level as preventive measures and serious consequences will befall those would be irresponsible or wayward individuals as a deterrent.This may entail engaging or enlisting qualified and experienced professionals in their specialised fields.It is simply not good enough to let the MACC pick up the pieces after discovery of fraudulent acts. And in the meantime the culprits have ridden over the horizon into the sunset.As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted”1)The bottleneck from MRRII to elevated Ampang Highway near the the Hindu temple and Petronas. Removing the Petronas and widen the road can reduce the MRRII morning jam but somehow they are not doing it.2)Coming down the Ampang elevated Higway, after the Sikh temple the workshops are causing jam all the time. MPAJ nor the Highway way authority want to remove them despite they are operating beside the highway. Along Karak Highway poor lemang/ketupat seller being chased out for the safety reasons but not here.3)Whoever the genius allowed 3 lanes to join MRRII at the DUKE exit at Highland Towers.4)The same authority who preached about having a separate motorbike lane now allwing motorbikes to use elevated Ampang highway which even for two car lanes they were already narrow.If you’re coming from Cheras, Desa Tasik Selatan and heading towards Ampang, you will always encounter a humongous traffic jam at the exit to Pandan Jaya! That’s becoz the four lane MRR2 becomes a 2 lane one at that particular exit (Pandan Jaya). Now if that is not stupidity (or rather corruption) of major proportions on the part of the highway designers and builders, I don’t know wat is!If you drive through the Elevated Highway from KL in the direction of Ampang, you just cannot enter directly on to MRR2 to go to down to Cheras, Kajang or PJ. What a stupid design it was.The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should look into this for I see somebody must have been benefited out of this ‘missing link’.the horse has bolted”.
the CIA had claimed that it “solid”evidence” that SAMY had USED EXTRA INCOME
‘He can say Guan Eng can settle the Kg Buah Pala issue with the stroke of a pen but as
MIC Any queries, Any queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY SAMY Velu “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk Hinduindian trying to entice MALAYSIANS THAT HE IS NOT corrupted
Any queries, please forward them to WWW BLACKMALAYSIA
THE GOD MUST BE CRAZY “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk HINDUIndian trying to entice
AMY VOLLU knee deep in this shit as well.
As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted” STOP THE HORSE BEFORE IT TAKES THE
Corruption spreads like H1N1. When corruption is “incubated” in a Govt-linked project, staring with “in-built” corruption to satisfy the greed of the well-connected cronies, it then spreads to other “outwardly innocent” professional parties. Corruption spreads like wild fire and cannot be contained in any perimeter. Only moral and ethical values, deterent laws, political will and unrelenting law enforcement efforts can minimise corruption.
First step is get rid of the corrupt BN/UMNO Govt.
By 2020 we are supposed to join the league of Developed Nation status as envisioned by none other than our TDM. I think it is about time that the government whether federal or state, should look seriously into accountability and transparency in the supply and delivery of public services.
Government agencies are trusties of public funds, therefore it is incumbent upon those in power to perform their duties in a manner which is befitting a developed nation status. They should also be made accountable for their actions or inactions as part of their job scope and responsibility.
Check and balance must be instituted at ever level as preventive measures and serious consequences will befall those would be irresponsible or wayward individuals as a deterrent.
This may entail engaging or enlisting qualified and experienced professionals in their specialised fields.
It is simply not good enough to let the MACC pick up the pieces after discovery of fraudulent acts. And in the meantime the culprits have ridden over the horizon into the sunset.
As the saying goes… ” Why bother to lock the stable doorafterthe horse has bolted”
1)The bottleneck from MRRII to elevated Ampang Highway near the the Hindu temple and Petronas. Removing the Petronas and widen the road can reduce the MRRII morning jam but somehow they are not doing it.
2)Coming down the Ampang elevated Higway, after the Sikh temple the workshops are causing jam all the time. MPAJ nor the Highway way authority want to remove them despite they are operating beside the highway. Along Karak Highway poor lemang/ketupat seller being chased out for the safety reasons but not here.
3)Whoever the genius allowed 3 lanes to join MRRII at the DUKE exit at Highland Towers.
4)The same authority who preached about having a separate motorbike lane now allwing motorbikes to use elevated Ampang highway which even for two car lanes they were already narrow.
If you’re coming from Cheras, Desa Tasik Selatan and heading towards Ampang, you will always encounter a humongous traffic jam at the exit to Pandan Jaya! That’s becoz the four lane MRR2 becomes a 2 lane one at that particular exit (Pandan Jaya). Now if that is not stupidity (or rather corruption) of major proportions on the part of the highway designers and builders, I don’t know wat is!If you drive through the Elevated Highway from KL in the direction of Ampang, you just cannot enter directly on to MRR2 to go to down to Cheras, Kajang or PJ. What a stupid design it was.The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should look into this for I see somebody must have been benefited out of this ‘missing link’.
the horse has bolted”.
Many Australians say that it takes two to tango. The Aussies believe that the carping in the Indian media is exaggerated and counterproductive. Australians react to 80,000 (what they call) “smelly” Indians on campuses with “Dot Busting”The Australians complain that the Indians never take baths, and smell of sweat and spices, and destroy the aroma of the indoors. Unlike other Asians, many Indians are very fond of loitering in front of their apartment complexes with loud music blaring the latest out of Bollywood. Another unique feature which puts them at odds with the Australians is the fact that most of the Indian students away from family restrictions are very fond of drinking. Australians think this invites trouble for them. Dot Busterwas a term invented in New Jersey in the 80s. It has now become the derisive term to use for Indians in Australia. In England all Indians became “Pakis”, and in the USA they were call “Elephant jocks” as well as “Smelly Niggers”. As one Dot Buster said “Nothing worse than a smelly drunk Indian trying to entice Australian women“. The Indians do not have much of a choice. Apart from a few institutions, most Indian universities are over crowded and do not offer either the instructional facilities or the curriculum needed in the modern world. Many religious institutions have opened Science and Technology Institutes in India, but the main thrust of their education remains Ram Raj..
Indian students are ubiquitous on Australian campuses, but they have not assimilated into the Australian way of life. On many occasions they have violated their visa status and have started to permeate the landscape around the campuses in search of menial jobs. 80,000 students on a few dozen campuses makes them highly visible. In a slowing economy, there is a growing tide of Anti-Indian feeling among the Aussies. Many Australians feel that the Indian complaints are exaggerated and hide the real truth which usually stem from domestic disputes, lewd behaviour, drunkenness or theft of property.Massive backlash against India: Why do Australians hate Indians?
Advani, Thackery & Prohit: When will India handover the terrorists to Pakistan? If India does not stop the terror activities against Pakistan, Pakistan may have to unleash the ISI on India. Justifying the Banality of a brutal Occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan: The Thinktanks attempt to complete the circle of complicity between a sycophantic press, and a non-inquisitive servile public. The nation is forced to accept the only argument that it is being repeatedly inundated with
So far 546,000 have registered as internally displaced people (IDPs) according to figures provided by Rabia Ali, spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and Maqbool Shah Roghani, administrator for IDPs at the Commission for Afghan Refugees. The commissioner’s office says there are thousands more unregistered people who have taken refuge with relatives and friends or who are in rented accommodation. Talking Peace in Prague, Dropping Bombs in Pakistan, Hard Rain Keeps Falling By CHRIS FLOYD
The pseudo liberals are quiet about the suffering of more than half a million people who are suffering. They are always concerned about the Mukhtara Mai and Chand Bibi. They seem unconcerned about the 250,000 women who have suffering becuase of the US drone bombing


Selective Amnesia of Americans: Pakistan is the most mistreated friend in the world. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the organization that gave us the fiasco of Bay of Pigs becuase it didn’t have a clue that the Cuban had Russian missiles hidden in their closets. By the time they found out it was too late. The CIA is the same organization that couldn’t predict the simple fact that the USSR was ready to implode, a fact known to almost everyone on the streets of Moscow or Kabul.

Pakistan is already fighting two kinds of terrorism: extremist militancy by non-state actors (a word President Zardari seems to have just discovered!) and state terrorism from the neighbourhood and beyond. Perhaps the one statement our leaders should learn and repeat over and over again to the Indians is Sonia Gandhi’s declaration: “friendship should not be taken for weakness”. Clearly the Indians are confusing one with the other in the case of Pakistan. The writer was, until few months back, the Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad


Posted: 10 Jun 2009 01:46 AM PDT

Dhuundhoge agar mulkoN mulkoN milne ke nahiiN, naayaab haiN ham…..

The doyen of Indian theatre, Habib Tanvir, was laid to rest at a graveyard in Bhopal. The 86-year-old theatre legend was draped in national flag, with policemen lowering their weapons to accord full state honours.

Tanvir was buried adjacent to his wife Monika Misra’s grave. The representatives of state governments of MP and Chhattisgarh, ministers and hundreds of admirers were part of the procession.

In the same BJP-ruled state where he had been literally boycotted in his old age and had earlier faced opposition for his play ‘Ponga Pandit’, (which was written not by him by two Hindus), his demise forced even those officials to the qabristan, who had closed the doors of multi-cultural complex Bharat Bhavan for him. He was not even allowed to get possession of land, which was allotted during the earlier Congress-regime, for his Naya Theatre group.Rape’s suddenly got a new dimension and it’s something worth a look. It’s for the first time rape has crossed class lines in this manner where a mere maid has taken on a celebrity, actor Shiney Ahuja in this case. She has risen above, or dived way below if she’s proved wrong, the stigma of rape and shown remarkable presence of mind to reach a police station soon after the ‘crime’.

Exquisite glimpses

But to go back a bit, it was not until a few years ago that rape was taken as seriously as it is now. It took the gangrape of a Delhi medical college student in broad daylight by a slumdweller and his friends for the crime to make it to the front pages in 2002. This was a young girl from middle-class India raped by a lowgrader. It wasn't


Lowgraders raping lowgraders is city page briefs column. No news there. But after the MAMC rape, Delhi became unsafe for women, rapes in Mumbai started getting big coverage, civil society bayed for blood over a policeman raping a youngster in a Mumbai thana and finally, rape became a zero-tolerance crime. But cases have meandered aimlessly into nothing and punishments have been iffy. Convicted rapists have been sentenced with anything from one-day jail terms (Judge Laxmi Rao sentenced a man to a one-day jail term for raping his minor maid who also became pregnant), to death (Dhananjay Chatterjee was hanged for raping and murdering 14-year-old Kolkata schoolgirl). The law as a deterrent simply doesn’t work. The media, on the other hand, were in relentless pursuit of every rape case. This spotlighting on rape has helped in getting more and more women to come out and report. That, in itself, has been a huge move forward. And somewhere down the line, the stigma of rape in urban India has lessened. If they manage to access the support systems that now exist, women do heal; rehab within their family is a real possibility. The raped is now no longer the one shunned, while the rapist is loathed. I couldn’t have asked for better news. The response to the maid's allegation that actor Shiney Ahuja raped her is tinged with queasy quasi-affront. There's a sense of discomfort. Because with this case, response to rape has breached the next level. On the evidence of it, there’s no dilemma here, as has been pointed out in "No escape route for Shiney". Yet, doubts float. There’s something that is making people wonder. The possibility that Ahuja’s maid has used the rape tool on a celebrity to make money is a serious hypothesis. This is new. Blackmail is known to happen in same-class set-ups, in date rapes for instance. But not like this. Cynics have talked of out-of-court settlements. A house-help daring to squeal on her star-employer? Not in dark whispers but to the police. Obviously, her quick action in reporting the matter is stirring imaginations. Her refusal to hide is raising doubts. She knows that as a victim of rape, her family and relatives may throw her out. But that is not a fear stopping her. And so, she does not fit our victim stereotype. Kudos to her fight. It’s a classic case. A housemaid has taken on a celebrity. Whether it was consensual or he raped her is not the only issue here. In the minds of society, rape has become a double-edged knife. Women may also use it to destroy. Women may not be averse to using the ugly tool in their own way. I think it’s a big thing. We realise that in wolfish urban India, at least, women may not just cry justice. They might just be making the best of an ugly situation. I’d stick my neck out to advise men that they do need to take care while making passes at well, the maids, to begin with. Those untameable hormones could turn gunpowder in her hands and blow up in his face. That could prove to be some deterrent.Hard Copy
Man gets 17 years, 10 strokes for incest KOTA BARU (June 18, 2009) : The Sessions Court here today sentenced a house builder to 17 years in jail and 10 strokes of the rotan after he pleaded guilty to two counts of incest with his eldest daughter two years ago.The 44-year-old man looked calm when Judge Wan Fadhilah Nor Wan Nasir said he was to be sent to prison for 17 years and whipped five times on each count and the jail terms were to run concurrently.The father of six was charged with committing the offence twice with his daugther who was then 16 in June 2007 at their house in Machang.This followed a report lodged by the victim's uncle at the Machang police headquarters when she was 24 weeks pregnant and the DNA test confirmed that her father was also her child's father. -- BERNAMA

A TEACHER in Sibu, Sarawak had a secret liaison with the mother of one of his students for four months before the wronged husband exposed the affair.

Sin Chew Daily reported that the boy’s father discovered the illicit relationship after his wife started behaving suspiciously and lodged a complaint with the Sarawak Edu-cation Department and the school authorities on March 11.

The husband wanted the state education authorities to take action against the teacher.

The daily said that although the teacher had admitted to the affair on Feb 10, no action had been taken against him.

On Wednesday, the husband, accompanied by Bukit Assek assemblyman Richard Wong Ho Leng, met with three officials from the state education department to discuss the complaint, a day after he had written to the Education Ministry.

The daily also reported that a 23-year-old woman was killed instantly after she was hit from behind by a car along a highway in Kuala Lumpur.

The victim, who worked as a dancer at a pub, had just got out of her boyfriend’s car when the hit-and-run accident occurred at about 3.30am on Thursday.

> Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with a sub-heading, it denotes a separate news item.

BINTULU (June 15, 2009) : A primary school teacher reportedly forced four pupils aged between eight and 10 to perform oral sex on him on separate occasions while he took pictures of them in the act.According to reports in the Chinese press today, the incidents occurred in the teacher's restroom in a boarding school in Bintulu between May 14 and 19.The reports, quoting police sources, said the incidents came to light only after the victims related their ordeals to their classmates, who informed the hostel matron.One of them, a Year Four girl, was forced to gratify the 24-year-old teacher's lust on three occasions while the other three - two in Year Two and one in Year Four -- had their modesty outraged once.On all occasions, the teacher sent for the victims on the pretext of wanting them to collect exercise books for their classes, and took them to the restroom where he stripped them and outraged their modesty. The reports said police are investigating the case following a report lodged by the school's headmaster on Saturday night.

KUANTAN: A 17-year-old restaurant helper thought her employer was being kind by offering her a ride home but she ended up being raped.

State Criminal Investigation Department chief Assistant Commissioner T. Narenasagaran said the incident occurred on Monday at the restaurant in Simpang Kalang, Raub, at 11.45pm. He said the 33-year old man offered to take the girl back to her rented home in Taman Amalina Bestari but took her to his house instead on the pretext of picking up something. He then raped her. He told her to keep quiet but the girl called her family who took her to Raub police station to lodge a report.
Rape: Are men beasts?Ramesh Khazanchi Friday June 19, 2009

Believe it or not. Men are born beasts, but a majority of them aren't bestial. Be it fornication, adultery, consensual sex, rape, sex without love or call it what you may. Biologically oriented to be easily excited, giving vent to their pent-up carnal urge comes naturally to them. Alas, the animal instinct in their DNA nudges them to get into the physical at the slightest pretext, provocation or titillation, real or imaginary. They may be rich or poor, young or old, rustic or sophisticated, the trait of promiscuity is common to them all. Their end-aim is to consummate what they might initiate as it's-all-too-innocuous. Mind you, they generally don't get beastly in public, but in private they do.

However, in the absence of the mandatory green signal from the opposite sex, they dare not even touch a whore soliciting them in the dark alleys let alone their maid or paramour within the confines of their home or hearth. So, whatever the legal status of Shiney Ahuja case, the truth behind what appears to be transparent but is actually opaque is known only to the two persons concerned. They, and they alone, know the naked truth. The rest, including the legal eagles, speculate in the realm of the surreal.

I for one don't defend the indefensible, the accused in this case, but I add a caveat that taking all that the victim says at its face value would be a travesty of justice. We are, neither morally nor legally, qualified to condemn the prisoner to death before the case is decided on the basis of its legal merits. Nobody is above the law but at the same time everybody is entitled to a free and fair trial. Public opinion snowballing into an outcry that the accused be sent to the gallows pending a just trial merits no consideration.

Let us be brutally frank about it. When was it last that you didn't ogle a pretty, young lady with your eyeballs popping out to have a look over your shoulder when she is past you?. Must have been just a couple of minutes or hours ago, I suppose. You, indeed, would be a hypocrite if you denied having had such an amorous look at the anterior or the posterior of the diva who passed you by. At a public forum you would vehemently denounce such an attitude as socially unacceptable, bohemian — a behavioural aberration which needed to be shunned and the person concerned castigated. In private, however, the animal instinct in the man would come to the fore(play) and advances of the baser kind follow as a corollary. Howsoever abominable, every one of us at one time or another has behaved in that cussed a manner.

But you don't stretch your fascination or the epicurean urge to the extent of being a psycho so as to force someone into the act against her wish. That's where you ought to draw the line between the voyeurist — that a man by nature is — and the evil rapist. And worse, if the escapades don't stop at that you are most likely to end up as a serial stalker like Jack the Ripper or our neighbourhood gentleman-turned-Nithari-serial-killer. They, too, must have been the ordinary folks just like any of us before their lust overtook them and the well-meaning psychological self got transmutated into the psychopathic. That is where the behavioural anomaly gets better of the the once-disciplined self. The same holds true in the case of the young teenagers who go on a killing spree in US schools, or back home where a young man in a fit of rage fatally pushes off the terrace his spouse and mother. Or a young woman, blinded by the passion of physical proximity to her paramour, hacks into pieces her spouse.

Love is supposed to be sublime and this subliminal when taken to a higher plane transforms the relationship into the metaphysical as exemplified by the divine devotion of the mystic poetess Meera for her idol Lord Krishna.

However, the metamorphosis from the metaphysical into the outrageously physical is the cumulative culmination of a series of processes, both at the physiological and psychological level, which manifests itself into an action of which Shiney and numerous others of his ilk are guilty of.

However, on the legal front, modern jurisprudence on consensual sex between two adults does provide the accused with a fig leaf of an escape route provided the forensic and circumstantial evidence is corroborative of the fact that the consummation of the act occurred with the explicit consent of the victim and not under duress or any unlawful inducement. More so, the onus of proof in the case of alleged rape being on the accused, it makes all the more difficult for Shiney to extricate himself from the quagmire that supposedly is of his own making. Whether this episode will turn into India's O J Simpson trial remains to be seen.


who pushed it in Rosma? Mumtaj's girl Khairil Asshole (Pegawai Khas Dato’ Seri Najib) Mahathir admitting conspiracy in the 1988 sodomy accusation?

Raja Petra Kamarudin

HKL medical report: No sign of penetration

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyers today disclosed that the most important element needed to stick a sodomy charge on the politician was missing from a report prepared by Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). They said that the medical report released by the hospital has revealed that there was no evidence of penetration on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan – the complainant on whom the criminal case was based. A copy of the medical report was attached to an affidavit filed by Anwar yesterday to strike out the sodomy charges. The court is to hear the case beginning July 1. The medical report was dated July 13, 2008 and was endorsed by three specialists from the government hospital. Part of the report, which was provided to members of media today by Anwar’s lawyers, stated: “No conclusive clinical findings suggestive of penetration to the anus and no significant defensive wound on the body of the patient (Mohd Saiful)”.
At 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 June 2008, Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Prior to this secret meeting, Rodwan and Saiful spoke on the phone at least eight (8) times.Three days later, at 2.00pm on 28 June 2008, Saiful went to see Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of the Hospital Pusrawi to ‘complain’ that he had been sodomised by ‘a very important person’ and that he wished to lodge a police report. The doctor, however, found no traces or evidence that he had been sodomised and suggested, for purposes of the police report, that Saiful go to a government hospital.Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? Well, read the following archived reports to get a better understanding of this scumbag and slime-ball named Rodwan. Maybe then you can understand why he met Saiful in a hotel room three days before the sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim exploded.


Saiful 'wants HIS SHIT justice to be carried out'
do i look like saifooL
its a vergin

SAIFOOL with the gayest pose ever. How the hell is he going to explain this WHO PUSHED IT IN ?
KUALA LUMPUR - THE young man who accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of sexual assault said he was thankful that the opposition leader was to be charged for the alleged offence.
His lawyer, Mr Zamri Idrus, said that Mr Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan was grateful because Anwar would finally be brought to court.'My client has promised that he will give his full cooperation to ensure that justice will be carried out in court,' said Mr Zamri.Mr Saiful also asked for Malaysians to allow the legal process to run smoothly so the truth would prevail, he added. When asked if Mr Saiful would be present at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today, Mr Zamri said his client would not be there for safety reasons.'Saiful does not need to come to court tomorrow and he only needs to come as a witness later,' he said. 'As promised by Saiful, he will swear on the Quran soon, but the date is still being decided on.' On June 28, Mr Saiful, 23, made a police report accusing Mr Anwar, his former employer, of sodomising him on various occasions, the last being at a condominium unit in Damansara, two days before the report was made.


Wish there were more pictures of this one.The Return of Sex Actor and Mahathirism

Malaysia a Paradise of Scandals – from Sex to Stadium
Amazing, isn’t it? Just when you thought the dust hasWish there were more pictures of this one. settled another surprise, or rather scandal, appears and screaming for your attention. Unlike BMF scandal that saw a whooping RM2.5 billion vaporized into thin air back in 1980s the same cannot be said about PKFZ’s scandal which has eaten RM7.453 billion of taxpayers’ money and is about to put the whole project in the country’s Guinness Record – a staggering RM12.453 billion. The country has indeed made her progress at an astounding rate – not only the quality of scandal or corruption (in terms of value) has increased, the quantity has also skyrocketed exponentially since then.
Going by the rate the scandals are queuing waiting to explode, now is perhaps the best time for Najib’s administration to prepare a long list, assign a queue-number to each of them with the most critical given priority and release it one after another. The reason is pretty simple. Bombard and overload the people or taxpayers with the scandals and chances are high they’ll forget about it the next day because before they can debate and digest the first scandal at their favorite coffee-shop, the next scandal would be front-paged and then the third, the fourth, the fifth and the list continues. Remember I said the most critical has to go first? So by the time the last scandal (if there would be a last scandal in the first place) makes its appearance the scale of it would probably amounting to a few thousands of ringgit that eventually people will ignore it. Great strategy isn’t it?
So, why are we so surprise about Malaysian government allegedly cover-up in Kelantan prince’s scandal over Indonesian babe 17-year-old Manohara Odelia Pinot and the latest RM300 million stadium named after the King - Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, which collapsed just a year after it opened? Point your gun at my head but I’m still betting my last dollar that corruption was involved. But in Malaysia corruption is OK as long as the project does not “collapse” but unfortunately the stadium did collapse one year after it was officially opened by the King himself, and that’s embarrassing enough. At least during Mahathir’s era the Penang bridge (built by Korean construction company), PLUS highway, Putrajaya and Petronas Twin Towers (Japanese and Korean contractor) have not collapse. This leave the preliminary question if the politicians should start pointing the finger at the Korean contractor the moment the stadium collapsed, unless of course this Korean contractor did not even qualified for such project in the first place.

The Return of Sex Actor and Mahathirism

Who would have thought that the former health minister, Chua Soi Lek, would make a comeback after his sex scandal exposed early this year? He was written off from the political scene simply because none of the politicians who involved in sex scandal could come back in a big way. But now it appears this guy has not only come back after a mere 10-month since his cuckoo was revealed to public, he also came back as the deputy President of MCA, the second biggest party in the BN coalition government. As strange as it may look, the return of the sex actor spells more uncertainty to the party.The newly elected President of MCA, Ong Tee Kiat, has been on cyber-war with the newly elected deputy President, Chua Soi Lek, via their personal blogs ever since the race for the power (and money?) begins. And now both have been put on the bed as newly wed husband-and-wife, it would be interesting to watch how they could sleep and live happily together. The result of the election also shows that the “just awaken” MCA delegates do not mind having a sex actor as their deputy President as long as he dares to speak up, lest they wish the party to become totally irrelevant. It’s always better to have such candidate than to have someone whose task is to submit to the bully UMNO, not to mention the continuity of “Ong-Dynasty”. You don’t need a heart-surgeon to conclude that the Ong-Brothers expired right after the Mar 2008 general election.Ong Ka Chuan lost to Chua Soi LekThe fact is not only has the political landscape changed overnight after the Mar 2008 general election but indirectly the economic landscape has changed as well. Everyone, both foreign and local investors, are awaiting for reforms to happen. With U.S. economic in chaos, the foreign fund managers are not rushing their money into Malaysia. Hey! You can’t fool these investors as the “track record” since 2004 under Badawi’s administration was not that super-duper that they’ve to fight tooth and nail to pour their money in. But with the PM Badawi set to retire for good in another five-months, the shadow of “Mahathirism” comes back to haunt the investors. They still remember how former premier Mahathir “locked” or “trapped” their money from being repatriated overseas. But I guess nobody can blame the dictator as he himself was caught in panic over the 1997-1998 Economic Crisis which within 18-months had erased the KLCI of 1,300 in Feb 1997 to 262 in early Sep 1998. Until now, it’s hard to say whether his capital control was successful as compared to the IMF-pills swallowed by countries such as South Korea and Indonesia. However one thing is for sure – over the period of 10-year since 1998 crisis, Malaysia could not match the prosperity enjoyed pre-1998. Sure, it appears that the country is not “affected” by the current global economic crisis as per various statements by the government ministers. The joke was that the local stock market did not fall as badly as 1997-1998 Crisis because almost all the foreign investors have exited and is enjoying pop-corn and Coke while watching how the country would perform. Furthermore compared to pre-1997 Crisis, the presence of foreign hot-moneypost-1997 was laughable. Theoretically the stock market should jump as a sign of approval of the three musketeers – Mahathir-Najib-Muhyddin, right after Badawi thrown in his towel. But it didn’t happen, so go figure.Badawi lost to Mahathir
Whether the de-facto PM Najib (with Mahathir's influence and tips?) could prove that he’s a better leader (economically) and not another slogan master does not only depends on what he has to announce today (if there’s one) but rather if those actions are practical and achievable. Investors have tasted the Malaysian style flip-fried-with-flop and it would be stupid to order the same dish again. After being tricked by Badawi somehow I’ve a feeling that Mahathir believes it’s better to copy Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew Minister Mentor model since Najib is relatively smarter than Badawi. Won’t it be fun to see if the return of the Sex Actor and the Mahathirism could bring major changes to the country – good or bad?
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that corruption in Malaysia is so serious that there were abundant jokes about the situation. A bunch of Malaysians paid a visit to their Korean friend’s house hoping to taste homemade “kim-chi”.
Malaysians: Whoa!!! Your house is like a palace … Is that the latest Benz model? Just how on earth could you afford this? No wonder you won’t go back to Korea *laugh*
Korean: Come here and I’ll show you my little secret … Can you see that Penang bridge?
Malaysians: Yes? *scratching their head” ...
Korean: Well, it was supposed to be two Penang bridges because our study showed a single bridge will be insufficient to cater for the traffic …
Malaysians: So? *getting more confuse*
Korean: So? So there you have it – a single bridge built with the cost of two …
Malaysians: *it took them several minutes to digest what the Korean told them* … then burst into laughter as if they’ve found the holy grail …
Some years later, this Korean decided to pay a visit to one of his old Malaysian friends.
Korean: Whoa! Your house is triple the size of my palace … Is that the latest Lambo model? Simply Amazing! How did you do it?
Malaysian: Come here my friend and I’ll show you my little secret …
Korean: OK, OK, I’m coming … *was about to orgasm*
Malaysian: Can you see that bridge over there?
Korean: *staring for a couple of minutes* … but I don’t see any bridge …
Malaysian: *burst into laughter* … precisely …
Now, do you understand why Malaysian politicians are so eager to start mega-projects almost on daily basis? It doesn’t matter if the bridge is “crook” or to be built halfway to nowhere but most importantly the project has to be awarded (you know to whom). In Malaysia you’re untouchable even if the writing is on the wall that you blatantly squandered millions or even billions of taxpayer money but you’re asking for trouble if you wear black, mentioned the word Altantuya or even protest about escalating cost of living or police brutality. Malaysia is indeed a paradise of scandals – from Sex to Stadium.

Ong Ka Chuan lost to Chua Soi Lek
---------------------------------------------- Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972 in Sharonville, Ohio, USA), professionally known as Carmen Electra, is an American glamour model, television personality,entertainer and sex symbol. She gained fame for her appearances in Playboymagazine, on the MTV game show Singled Out, on the TV series Baywatch and Summerland, for her appearances dancing with the Pussycat Dolls, and has since become recognizable for her roles in the parody films Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, and Disaster Movie.


The raids into the nation’s coffers were numerous and intense that they lose count of who did what and when – or why??

The Mongolian connection

It is interesting how much shared destiny Rosmah and Najib has. To begin with, they both came into power on the wrong foot.

We all know about Najib’s baggage – the murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu and the alleged corruption surrounding exorbitant defence purchases. While Rosmah’s reputation took a blow when popular blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin claimed he was reliably informed that Rosmah was involved in Altantuya’s murder … and to the extent that Rosmah was at the crime scene herself!

rosmah.jpgSensational news has its pulling factor and we all love juicy, sexy stories. But I cannot imagine Rosmah at that secondary forest clearing in the middle of the night ordering special action police officers to shoot Altantuya in the head and blow her up with military grade C4 explosives based on sole consideration.

Why on earth would Rosmah want to get her hands dirty or worse, ruin her heels that would dig into the mud near a water catchment area?

She’s an educated lady with some class. Just look her every day in the papers.She looks flawless in every picture. From programme launches to hospital visits, look at her perfectly fluffed hair, smooth complexion and those eyes. Such a cheeky, devilish glare she has!

An outspoken First Lady

Malaysia blacklisted for human trafficking


The United States has put Malaysia back on the blacklist of countries trafficking in people after removing the country from the list last year.

The State Department annual ‘Trafficking in Persons Report 2009′, which examined efforts in more than 173 countries to combat trafficking for forced labour, prostitution, military service and other purposes, has Malaysia sharing the blacklist with 16 other countries.

Among the 17 countries on the blacklist are Burma, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea, Sudan and Saudi Arabia. “Malaysia is a destination and, to a lesser extent, a source and transit country for women and children trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation, and for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labour,” said the report, which was released by the US State Department today.

Malaysia was elevated from the blacklist in 2008 to the ‘Tier 2′ watch list after plunging into the dreaded ‘Tier 3′ two years ago. The country was first blacklisted in 2001 but its ranking improved to ‘Tier 2′ in subsequent years until 2007. In that year, it was relegated to ‘Tier 3′ but last year, the report said “significant efforts being made to comply with minimum standards of combating human trafficking” which resulted in Malaysia being removed from the blacklist.

“Malaysia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so, despite some progress in enforcing the country’s new anti-trafficking law,” said the 2009 report.

It said that while the government took initial actions under the 2007 anti-trafficking law against sex trafficking, it has yet to fully address issues of human trafficking.

Refugees ‘sold’ by Immigration Officials

The report referred to another report by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee two months ago which found the involvement of Immigration Department officials in trafficking Burmese refugees. According to the report, Malaysian immigration officials sold refugees for approximately US$200 (RM700) per person to traffickers operating along Thailand’s southern border.

In turn, the traffickers demanded ransom – ranging from US$300 (RM1,000) for children to US$575 (RM2,000) for adults – in exchange for their freedom. “Informed sources estimated 20 percent of the victims were unable to pay the ransom, and were sold for the purpose of labour and commercial sexual exploitation.” It said that so far little action has been taken since the release of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee report in April.

“The Malaysian police is investigating the allegations with the cooperation of the Immigration Department, as publicly confirmed by the prime minister but no officials were arrested, prosecuted, or convicted for involvement in trafficking during the reporting period,” it lamented.

Migrant workers victimised

The report is also scathing in describing the country’s treatment of migrant labourers. “Some migrant workers are victimised by their employers, employment agents, or traffickers who supply migrant labourers and victims of sex trafficking. Some victims suffer conditions including physical and sexual abuse, forced drug use, debt bondage, non-payment of wages, threats, confinement, and withholding of travel documents to restrict their freedom of movement.”

The report pointed out that the government continue to condone the confiscation of passports by employers, while employers passed the government’s ‘immigration levy’ on to the low-skilled migrant workers, which facilitated debt bondage.

It also said that women from Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, Mongolia, and China are forced into prostitution after being lured to Malaysia with promises of legitimate employment.

The report concluded that the government had made only “limited efforts” to prevent trafficking in persons over the last year.

“As a regional economic leader approaching developed nation status, Malaysia has the resources and government infrastructure to do more in addressing trafficking in persons,” said the report.

Malaysia could face sanctions Countries on the blacklist could face sanctions, including the withholding by US of non-humanitarian, non-trade related foreign aid. They would also be subject to withholding of funding for government officials to participate in educational and cultural exchange programmes.

On a bright note, the report named Malaysia’s Alice Nah as one of its nine 2009 ‘heroes’. Nah, who is from the Migration Working Group, has raised government and public awareness through online articles describing the plight of trafficking victims, refugees, and migrant workers.

“In January 2009, Nah wrote about the trafficking of Burmese refugees along the Malaysia-Thailand border. Her article increased local and international attention to the issue and raised public awareness within Malaysia,” it said.
Wish there were more pictures of this one.

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