blockbuster lier deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin,conned Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad can we trust him any more
July 8, 2009 · Leave a Comment

PUTRAJAYA, July 8 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressed disappointment with the government’s decision to scrap his policy of teaching mathematics and science in English, saying it will affect future generations.
He said his recommendations were not taken into consideration when deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also Education Minister, met him over the policy first introduced in 2003.
“I was only briefed about it, so after the briefing I gave my suggestions, I said even if it could not be implemented at primary level, at least at secondary level it should be maintained, so it was not a consultation only briefing,” Dr Mahathir told reporters here.
“I am saddened because the future of our children will be affected. They will be the victims,” he added.
Dr Mahathir said failure to get the teachers to teach the two subjects in English should not be used as an excuse to scrap the policy.
have the previous Minister of Education introduced to improve the standard of English in schools, especially the rural areas? Yes, TDM introduced the Maths & Science in English. The idea was good. Did anyone in the Ministry of Education do anything to look at the standard of teachers BEFORE the introduction? Didn’t ANYONE in the Government noticed the level of English in the schools, universities, interviews given on TVs in English? If yes, why isn’t anybody do anything to improve, enhance and do something about it? Why? I am flabbergasted!!!
Go to a Government department and speak to a high level Government officer. Not a PSU. Go higher. Say KSU or TKSU. You will be ashamed to call yourself a Malaysian.
Are we Malaysian happy with the Standard of English today? Is this the way forward? Is this the so-called 2020?
Fine, now the Government have scrapped the Maths & Science in schools. Ok, What’s next? What’s our solutions to get back to the old days of English being the main language? How are we going to improve the children of tomorrow? The leaders of the future? What are the plans the Government have in mind. The country should know.
A generation or two will be lost and that’s a long time to recover. What a waste, sheer waste when things are not done with proper planning, thought and implemented in the correct ways.
We are now seeing the fun of Malaysians delivering their speeches and lectures in broken English at international meetings. Very soon, future Malaysian Ministers will need translaters/interpreters during official visits of foreign dignataries!!
Having to make the switch from BM (secondary school) to English (university), it was difficult. Now our new generation of kids have the chance to study Science and maths in English and Muhyiddin wrecked it. He is a total IDIOT !!
Kids will never forgive him for that. Neither will Dr M. As a doctor, he knows very well the importance of English to science students do not agree with Dr M on many fronts but must say that the language swith from BM to English was the best thing he ever did in his 22 years in office. Yes, there are some problems in its implementation but Muhyiddin really should try to solve these problems rather than switching back to BM. How are we going to compete globally ? In the 60s, Malaysians spoke very good English. Now, we are producing unemployable graduates who can’t even string together a simple sentence in English …. where have we gone wrong?
Krishammudin, don’t do this Monday morning quarterback thingy la, just admit it, you had the chance to do the right thing but you flopped it.1. Health Hazard School Bags – Do something to reduce the daily book load. But please dont just do the Photo Op thingie at some school where they’ll spend thousands for your visit (and child labour to clean up the compund) – just as they did to a Bibir Merah Education Minister many years ago at mychilds school. No action after that, but he got promoted, and my youngest child is suffering just as her eldest brother did. Just admit it, Krishammudin you cocked up! readmore click below
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