Now that Anwar Ibrahim's trial has kicked off maybe it is time to recap on what happened about a year ago with regards to the allegation that Anwar had buggered Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Malaysia Today previously published Dr Osman's medical report and the Statutory Declaration that followed it and the police subsequently raided my house and called me in for interrogation wanting to know how I managed to get my hands on these documents.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
1. Doktor Pusrawi Muncul Semula & Akui Akuan Bersumpah Miliknya
2. Dr Osman pertahan keputusan pemeriksaan perubatan Saiful
3. Cops grill Raja Petra over doc's SD
“This trial is a bald-faced attempt to permanently remove an opposition leader from Malaysian politics,” said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government is trying to manipulate the justice system for political purposes.”alse charges vs evil umno the judge Augustinkosong,prosecuting Safianballsucker defence team head the taxidriver streetwise kid
Statement from Human Rights Watch : Government Pre-Trial Maneuvers Show Political Motivations
The Malaysian government should immediately drop politically motivated criminal charges against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, Human Rights Watch said today.
On July 15, 2009, the Kuala Lumpur High Court will hear Anwar’s application to strike out a sodomy charge against him, and an ongoing defense request for evidence it says is crucial to properly prepare for trial. A truth nobody will ever admit why mahatir incarcerated Anwar Does justice matter after 11 years why lingamgate was buried?
This is the second time Anwar has been charged with sodomy. He spent six years in prison before his previous conviction for sodomy was overturned in 2004.EFFECTIVELY ELIMINATING MISCONDUCT AMONG ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Gani Patail Witness what happened to former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim by Police Chief. CHARGE him for not reporting
Human Rights Watch said the current charge appears politically motivated and lacks credibility.
The government has failed to disclose key evidence to the defense, hastily sought to pass a DNA statute that aids the prosecution, and put Anwar at a disadvantage by unnecessarily moving the trial to the high court. In addition, the government allowed the attorney general, who is under investigation for misconduct in Anwar’s previous trial, to be involved in the current case.will the untouchable beautifully beastifull rosamah sent Anwar Ibrahim to jail?

“This trial is a bald-faced attempt to permanently remove an opposition leader from Malaysian politics,” said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government is trying to manipulate the justice system for political purposes.”
Nature of charge changed at whim and fancy when the governmence effectiveness and rule of law. Voice and accountability,burning burning najib fiddle with sodomy2 directed by rosmah“ can we afford another Anwar prosecution”Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan?
The current charge against Anwar relates to allegations that on June 26, 2008, he had sexual relations with Mohd Saiful Bukhari bin Azlan, a 23-year-old male former volunteer aide to Anwar. Although initially filed as a non-consensual offense, prosecutors later changed the charge to consensual sodomy, though Saiful has never been charged. Charge Saiful for making a false report and causing all the trouble. Send him to jail to share with perverts so that he can fulfill his dream TIME: Circa 2006 LOCATION: THE UNITED STATESof TANAH MELAYU
A conviction would force Anwar to vacate his seat in Parliament and effectively bar him from contesting in the next general election, expected before 2012.
Anwar’s July 15 court application to drop the sodomy charge rests on the basis of two medical reports. Three specialists from the public Kuala Lumpur Hospital endorsed a July 13, 2008 medical report regarding the complainant that found “no conclusive clinical findings suggestive of penetration to the anus and no significant defensive wound on the body of the patient.”political comedy satire THE NAJISROSMAA-THE SAYFOOL STORY THE MALAYSIAN VERSION WATERGATE WHO PUT HIM IN , WHO PUSHED IN MAA MAAMIAH
A doctor at the private Pusrawi Hospital who examined Saiful on June 28, 2008, two days after the alleged incident, reported the anus as “normal.” The doctor later left Malaysia to escape what he said was persistent pressure to alter his report.
In addition, the defense will reiterate its January 2009 request for at least 10 documents it asserts are necessary for it to properly prepare Anwar’s defense at trial. They include the original closed-circuit television recordings from the alleged crime scene, original specimens from which DNA samples were allegedly obtained, chemist’s notes, witness statements including the complainant’s, and medical reports.the credibility of (BN) government The doctrine, which calls for checks and balances between the three estates of government, has been dead in the country’s system of political governance since 1998.
To date, the Public Prosecutor’s office has denied it is withholding any documents it is mandated to share under the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code.
“Providing the defendant with evidence crucial for preparing his defense is a basic requirement of a fair trial,” said Pearson. “The prosecution’s withholding of key evidence is a red flag of political shenanigans.”
Escalating case to reduce Anwar’s avenues of appeal
Concerns about a fair trial were heightened on July 1 after the court dismissed Anwar’s appeal challenging Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s decision to move the trial to the High Court from the Sessions Court where it originated.
Transfer to a high court reduces opportunities for a defense appeal to higher courts should Anwar be found guilty. Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi then stated publicly in July 2008 that Abdul Gani, who is also public prosecutor, would have no part in Anwar’s trial as he is under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission for allegedly falsifying evidence to protect those involved in an assault on Anwar in 1998 while he was in police custody during the earlier sodomy trial.
Sessions Court Judge Komathy Suppiah ruled in March that, “it is evident that any involvement by the AG [Gani] in this case would seriously undermine public confidence in the administration of criminal justice.” The High Court overruled Judge Komathy’s decision, stating that Gani was only acting administratively in approving the transfer and thus was not involved in the new trial.
Hammering through new DNA law
DNA issues are also contentious in the case. On June 23, 2009, the lower house of Parliament quickly passed the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Identification Act, which will go into effect after Senate and Royal assent. It would allow police to take DNA samples from criminal suspects and to use those samples to build a DNA databank.
Anwar has repeatedly refused to submit DNA samples in this case on the grounds that current law does not require it and because of his reasonable concern for evidence tampering as happened in his 1998 trial.
The proposed DNA law includes a provision stating that “any existing DNA profile and any information in relation thereto kept and maintained by the Chemistry Department of Malaysia or Royal Malaysia Police, immediately before coming into operation of this Act shall … form part of the DNA Databank established under this Act.”
Circumventing Anwar’s refusal to provide a new DNA sample, this would permit the manipulated samples from his previous trial to be used as evidence and manipulated again during the upcoming trial.
Other language in the bill raises fair-trial concerns. Article 24 reads: “Any information from the DNA Database shall be admissible as a conclusive proof of the DNA identification in any proceedings in any court.” Such decisive stipulations ignore well-known information that DNA databanks are not foolproof, and are often prone to tampering and mistakes in evidence collection and handling.
As a safeguard, many courts around the world have determined that information gleaned from DNA cannot be conclusive and must always be corroborated. Those responsible for the collection of evidence must be professional, competent, and beyond the reach of any improper interference.Najib strategy at the moment:to get Hadi Awang and his deputy Nasharudin Mat Isa endorse “traumatized” Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan story their intention is to convict him by hook or by crook,
Serious concerns about fairness and impartial administration of justice, combined with heavy-handed police tactics at the time of Anwar’s arrest and intimidation of witnesses, are reminiscent of Anwar’s earlier, deeply marred sodomy trial, Human Rights Watch said. Given these concerns, Human Rights Watch renewed its call for the charge against Anwar to be dropped immediately.
“The Malaysian government should stop using the courts to pursue political vendettas,” said Pearson. “Unless it drops these dubious charges against Anwar, it risks giving its reputation another black eye.” Ghani Patail and Musa Hassan will go down well in history as the greatest crook of all time who make a joke out of the judiciary, the law and order and the human rights of Malaysia.
Sodomy (”committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature”), even when consensual, is punishable in Malaysia under Section 377B of the Penal Code by up to 20 years in prison and whipping.
Human Rights Watch urges the Malaysian authorities to uphold international human rights standards by decriminalizing consensual homosexual conduct and replacing Section 377A with a gender-neutral rape law.
- Human Rights Watch is an international watchdog based in New York, U.S.
the beautifully beastifull rosamah the sayfoolstory
![]() Political agenda behind Rosmah videos |
Wong Pheak Zern | Jun 26, 09 4:53pm |
Academicians and scholars have come out strongly and condemned the malicious videos on the prime minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, that were posted on the internet.the fake picture |
the true picture
- POLITICS to politic. If not for the politics factor, all the other 4 factors, Police, AG, Judiciary and the Press would not be playing and singing the same tune
Remember that most Rakyat are out of their shells. What bring them out of their shells are they no longer rely on Medias which propagated lies of present Govt. They can convict DSAI as they control all relevent Ministries and forces to carryout the execution of their requirements. However I personally think there will chaos in Malaysia and countries like Europe and USA will lose respect to Malaysia because of PUTTING AWAY Political opponents through the COWARD MEANS, and my prediction is very bad incident will happen to the present
the true picture
socalled “”LEadERS”" and UMNO/BN will be kicked out in the next General Election.
The educated masses are not fools.Everything is known clearly.There are some who despite knowing the overt faults of the regime that calls itself the Government,still lobby in its support because their own conscience is tainted.The regime has allowed corruption to be ingrained into the core of the Government operations.It would need the sacking of at least 30% of the Government sector before any remedial measures can be successfully instituited.The good public of this nation must fight on!
Well, Kenny’s analysis holds out the hope that Anwar may be able to defend the sodomy charges successfully.
I must admit I have no such optimism!
yes, we must battle for justice but when the investigative, prosecution and judiciary are stacked for the UMNOputras, I wonder what an ordinary rakyat can do?
I will bide my time and come the next general elections , hopefully the collective vote will show the UMNOputras the door!
All law abiding citizens must stand up and be counted. This is a fight where the citizens must win in order that we may live in peace and not in fear!
If you think this is just Anwar’s problem, then, think again because if the justice system in Malaysia is damaged beyond repair, then, all Malaysians could be confronted with situations like Kugan, Anwar and a whole host of other abusive and life threatening occasions experienced by the less fortunate.
Once the justice system is irreparably damaged, then, the darker side of jealousy or opportunists will creep beyond the less fortunate onto other innocent parties like you and me. This will be because if the institutions of the nation are able to manipulate our country’s democratic rights without any consequences, then, our enemies or disenchanted acquaintances will be able to do an “Anwar” or “Kugan” on you if they so choose and can afford it or have good contact to execute it!
Nobody will be safe if we do not stand up and voice out our opposition to gross manipulation of our democratic system underpinned by our pillars of democracy. The politicians are very sensitive to public opinions and when the public overwhelmingly demands that they stop destroying our democracy, they will have no choice but to follow suit because every citizen holds the power to send them to oblivion through the ballot boxes.
Make use of your voice and your vote!
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