
Najib& rosmah says, by hook or by crook, Anwar Ibrahim must be banished from the public eyes. Who cares about what international communities says. Malaysia still got plenty of resources to be grab by Umnoputra.
The AG he knew about this evidence would not have made the decision to prefer the sodomy charge against DSAI. To do so is to do injustice and would bring great disrepute to his office.
Let's see how the trial turns out. The Prosecution may have their surprises too in their legal armory.
The goalpost can be moved by the prosecution whims and fancies. So no penetration from the back, but that is not the only hole,how about penetration from the front?
AI is facing an uphill battle, and I wonder which judge will be hearing the case?
no replay of augustine paul
KUALA LUMPUR, June 18 — In the matter of the public prosecutor against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for the charge of sodomy, the case for the defence has already begun in earnest even though the trial is still weeks away.
Anwar’s lawyers and supporters are already building up what they hope is a strong case to show that his second sodomy trial in a decade is part of a political conspiracy.
Today, Anwar started chipping away at the prosecution’s case when he claimed that the Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) had found that his former aide Saiful Bukhari Azlan was never sodomised.
The report is contained in an affidavit filed yesterday at the High Court here to strike out the case against him.
He is also likely to take his case overseas.
The Malaysian Insider understands that plans are being made for the Opposition Leader to attend a political event in the United States where he could get face time with a number of influential leaders there.
These leaders include House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice-President Joe Biden.
It is no secret that Anwar has many friends in the US, and this has been used by Umno in attacks against him.
But if he successfully convinces influential leaders in the US that he is a victim of a high-level political conspiracy, it could present Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration a problem in Washington.
Anwar’s supporters are also zeroing in on some of the other perceived weaknesses in the prosecution’s case against him.
This would include the recent allegation by Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim, the police officer who investigated Anwar’s black-eye beating in 1998, that the country’s top lawyer and police chief fabricated evidence in the assault.
He claimed he was told by the then prime minister to ensure there was no cover-up in the investigations, according to a statement of claim made by him in a suit filed against the opposition leader.
Mat Zain filed a RM30 million defamation suit against Anwar last year after the Pakatan Rakyat leader claimed that Abdul Gani Patail, who was a senior deputy public prosecutor then, and Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was an investigating officer, had fabricated evidence against him in the black-eye assault.
Tan Sri Rahim Noor, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) in 1998, later admitted he had assaulted Anwar following a Royal Commission of Inquiry probe in 1999.
Besides Mat Zain, Musa has also filed a defamation suit against Anwar.
The statements of claim made by both Musa and Mat Zain have been admitted as part of an affidavit filed by Anwar for his Sodomy II trial.
With his attack on all fronts, Anwar appears to be preparing to give, if he can, a black-eye to his opponents in the Barisan Nasional (BN).
Leslie Lau is consultant editor for The Malaysian Insider
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