MALAYSIANS, WHAT SCREWS US UP!Umno has been in the lying business since the day they usurped power
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
this taxidriver has been treated like a criminal,chased threaten to pull his taxi off the road ever since he
he picked attantuya on that night when she related her story to him that story had hit 3000within one week
the struggle gores now jobless but he writes on for humanity………………..
altantuya’s ghost again? the taxi driver picked altantuya last night, was it her spirit? this is what she relate to him read on…..
We can well understand Najib and UMNO’s desperation to ascend the premiership in great urgency, since he has already been hyped as the savior of a sinking ship, and any hindrance to such ascendancy could spell disaster, nevertheless, such usurping of the authority and status of the monarch is an affront on our Constitution and serves to further undermine constitutional rule in this country under Barisan Nasional rule. It also gives rise to questions about the legitimacy of the new premiership.
It is an ominous start for Najib as Prime Minister, having just added another baggage to the many uncleared baggages Najib is carrying over to his premiership.
If politicians mobilise MALAYSIANS on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nepotism, patronage and corruption, and not on what is positive for the country, it is not surprising that there is no political will to resolve critical national issues.
Are we witnessing the folly of UMNO’s winner-takes-all political system? Are we witnessing how unpatriotic the MPs are? It is this negative politics that is at the heart of as the Cabinet crisis.
Is there anything magical about the numbers being debated? What are the fundamental differences between OTHERS and UMNO The argument is that a lean cabinet is cost-effective.
For instance, would the Ministry HOME AFFAIRS not be the most powerful if it had more resources?why was it given to the guy who alway point the kris at you? is najib expecting an allout battle
Given the post-election conflict, is this not the ministry that should be well resourced to allow the country’s reconstruction?
As long as some ministries trump all others in terms of power, resources, and decision-making as well as remain unaccountable to other ministries, the struggles will always be there to control the key ministries.
The lobby groups’ activism and agitation should focus on how ministries should be weighted equally in terms of power, resources and decision-making.
The struggle for ministries is also based on corrupt practices and greed. The lobbies seem to forget that certain ministries have been engines of corruption.misuse of power like the home ministry how the office of IGP CONTROL THE MINISTER NOT THE MINISTER CONTROL THE I.G P it is imperative that the attorney general’s wide powers be subject to close scrutiny and not be permitted to be exercised arbitrarily.14
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