Ultra Right-Wing Hindu Chauvinist, Bal Thackeray, Chief of the Shiv Sena. Shown here on 23 January 2008, in an interview conducted on his 82nd birthday at his residence, ‘Mathoshree’, at Bandra in Mumbai.
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The terror attacks on Mumbai made headlines around the world. When the dust settled, we found ourselves asking the same questions, “How did this happen?” and “What could we have done to prevent this?” But while India and the world contemplates the causes and consequences of these attacks, we ignore India’s “other” terrorism: From late August through October, organized Hindu extremist groups committed systematic attacks killing more than 100 people, mostly Christians, in the eastern India state of Orissa. Most worrying, the terrorists responsible for Orissa’s violence remain at-large and have explicitly threatened to repeat their attacks on Dec. 25.
US wants “serious response” from Pak on ISI terror links
WASHINGTON: The United States expects a “serious response” from Pakistan about its spy agency ISI’s ties with terrorist groups, a key American
official has said, amid unrelenting pressure from Washington on Islamabad to forgo its pursuit of “strategic depth” and use of terrorism as a state policy.
Bruce Riedel, President Obama’s principal adviser on South Asia, became the latest US official to speak bluntly about Pakistan’s ties with terrorism in an interview to the German magazine Der Spiegel, following up on the riot act read out to Islamabad in this regard by the civilian-military tag team of Richard Holbrooke and Mike Mullen earlier this week.
Despite Islamabad’s denials and histrionics during the Holbrooke-Mullen visit when confronted about the ISI’s terrorist ties, Riedel did not back down from answering a loaded question by the magazine on the subject. This is how the exchange went: hree hindu extremist groups—the rss, vhp, and the bajrang dal—are responsible for this autumn’s violence, destroying some 4500 homes and burning 147 churches. the dead are mostly christians and some moderate hindus. father akbar digal, a christian, was beheaded after three times refusing to convert to hinduism
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