Murder...Who was Altantuya Shaariibuu?
The final picture here is perhaps the most disheartening. It is the three urns in which her bones sit while the trial drones on.
But the newspaper does not publish the said photograph. my sedition trial, Superintendent Gan Tack Guan just refuses to reply to YB Gobind Singh Deo’s questions as to how and why Altantuya Shaaribuu was killed and whether someone had paid Azilah and Sirul to kill her. Gan also refuses to confirm whether C4 was used to blow up her body after she was killed. Gan, in fact, says it was not C4 and he does not know what type of explosive was used. Today, Malaysia Today will reveal the truth that Gan refuses to reveal in my trial.
why didn’t the prosecution follow thru with an appeal and more importantly why the courts granted the acquital to mr baginda in such a contradictory f
This is approximately how things are going to look
on october 18, 2006, a pretty young mongolian translator named altantuya shaariibuu was brutally murdered at the age of 28. her mutilated body was found in a jungle clearing near the kuala lumpur suburb of sha alam. her reputation has been brutalized as well. the pictures printed here may give some of her back to the world.oh my god ,now what have i done to my husband,it is my fault again.
french daily reveals grisly details of altantuya’s deathmaking the headlines in europe why public interest has stuck stubbornly on the casetoo many unanswered questions over who conspired in her killing, not least why she should be denied the justice of having those guilty brought to the dock and arnaud dubus
malaysian murder gets stickier for ruling party,gobin suspended for questioning najib over altantuya “answer me, you murderer!”
ghost of mahathir is running amok in malaysia vsthe ghost of altantuya. made the ghost of ali rustam the hungry ghost to clear the ghost in waiting rosmah
this is what najib meant baginda, he has settled in the uk with his family. he has never uttered a word of regret on the fate of the woman who shared his life for two year the truth that refuses to surface,now ”abuse of power like text message correspondence is between najib tun abdul razak, and shafee abdullah“tentative” charge and that “all is not lost”
lastest edition the watergate scandalmahatir back with a vengeance was stop by the warrior from rembau khairy the elected youth leader who singley fought the great mahatir the best option is for najib to resign or face the charges remember the military intelligence report
when i was at the brickfields police station, aminah’s own private investigator, we had a discussion. i was told to deliver a demand to abdul razak baginda for usd$500,000.00 and 3 tickets to mongolia, apparently as commission owed to aminah from a deal in paris.why the police did not investigate the usd$500,000.00 ?
Not only is Najib trying to murder participatory democracy in its crib, he has just stabbed all our hopes for peaceful change of government in the heart!
Like his father Tun Abdul Razak, this man is prepared to leave a legacy of bloodshed & violence just to cling to power. His father escaped public calumny simply because people didn't have access to the truth back in 1969 & so they believed the MSM spin that May 13 was all about race.tulisan chamil wariya ini,there goes our journalistic objectivity” dont bastardtise..that would be quite a legacy for the son of a great patriot. perversely then, najib’s political demise would of necessity trigger and be instrumental in umno’s reform.
Well, folks, it's NEVER about race or religion. It's ALWAYS about unmitigated greed, powerlust, self-aggrandizement & refusing to be held accountable for crimes committed while in public office!the old sly old fox is on prowl again, this time beging for votes for altantuya’s ghost murders