Saturday, April 11, 2009

We cannot solve our problems at home or abroad unless this happens. Under your leadership, we can transform the narrative we carry of each other, Musl

You are an inspirational speaker and a leader who could be trusted. It was a pleasure listening to your public speeches during the campaign, and your victory speech was a fitting ode to an extraordinary election. Everything worked for you in this election. You had the best funded campaign of any US Presidential candidate ever, and a strong group of loyal supporters worked for you passionately. The natural tool of change in any country, the youth, was on your side and it was their record turnout to vote that changed the equations in several states. You’ve a great family, and like you, they stood the test of times.
As your term of office continues, you face some of the toughest challenges this country has ever dealt with. During these troubled times, it’s easy to forget about U.S.-Muslim relations. And yet right now, it is more important than ever for us to face our world problems together. U.S. relations with the Muslim world need a lot of improvement. The media has routinely stereotyped Muslims as untrustworthy at best, and violent terrorists at worst, poisoning the public perception. Thousands of innocent Muslims have experienced intolerance and have been questioned by government agents, prompting fear and suspicion by all non-Muslims. As we make caricatures of one another, communities fracture, individuals become isolated and we all miss experiencing the rich mosaic of relationships so unique to the American landscape. You have the unique power as our president to change the course of history. Now is the time to deepen understanding and respect, to reduce tensions, to head off future acts of intolerance and to build networks of cooperation. Please remember that you represent ALL Americans, and that you represent us to a world that looks to us as an example of democracy at its best. Please seek to improve communications with the Muslim world and work with diplomacy to engage Muslims in this country and around the world. We can’t solve our problems at home or abroad unless this happens. Under your leadership, we can transform the narrative we carry of each other, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

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