Saturday, March 5, 2011

Zionist Baptized Paraian Ahmad Zahid will rather share bed with UMNO’S Prostitute Ummi Hafilda Ali then break the Walls of Muslim Division

Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on Saturday vowed to defend party president Najib Abdul Razak to his last breath.
“If anyone wants to topple Najib, they would have to cross over the body of this person in front of you.
“We will have to defend him. The blood that flows in his veins is the (second Prime Minister) Abdul Razak (Hussein)’s blood, the blood of a warrior who defended us, Umno, the BN and the rakyat,” he said.
Ahmad Zahid, who is also defence minister, delivered his stirring pledge at an event hosted by BN Merlimau Pasir to a dismal turnout of about 100 people.
He was speaking alongside Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan.
They are part of a large entourage of cabinet ministers and top BN leaders who have come to Merlimau in the final lap of the campaign in a state seat which has been a BN stronghold.
Merlimau Pasir is also where a multipurpose hall named after BN candidate Roslan Ahmad’s father stands and where his family home is located.
Zahid: We'll defend Najib to death

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According to Ahmad Zahid, Najib, who is also prime minister, did not “rock the boat”, and is currently continuing and improving the policies of former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after taking over two years ago.
As such, he said, it is ridiculous for Pakatan Rakyat to say that Najib should get the boot like the ousted leaders of Tunisia and Egypt.
Like others who spoke on the BN side in Merlimau, Ahmad Zahid went on the offensive against PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, this time roping in the Turkish government.
The minister said that Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan called Najib his “brother”, instead of the usual protocol address of “your excellency” during Najib’s recent visit to the European country.
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He said that Anwar had misled the people into thinking that the Turkish government is on his side, as the Turkey foreign minster, whom the PKR man said he is close to, said he last spoke to Anwar was more than a year ago.
He said the government also corrected Ankara’s perception that the ongoing case against Anwar is a continuation of Sodomy I.
“I explained to them that it is a different complaint and it is sexual harassment against an employee,” he said.
Poor turnout alarm for BN
Ahmad Zahid was expected to share the stage in Merlimau Pasir with Ummi Hafilda Ali, a witness in Sodomy I who has hit both the campaign trails in Merlimau and Kerdau on behalf of the BN.
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However, Ummi, who attracted about 200 people in Chinchin on Thursday, was said to have chosen to spin her yarns about Anwar’s wild scandals at the Ayer Merbau event instead.
PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu in ChinchinAbout 500 metres down the road, PAS attracted about 600 people who stood, squatted and sat on the dirt in the dark to listen to popular former PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu.
Speaking in his trademark deadpan humour style, Mohamad drove home the message that criticising Umno does not mean criticising the government nor is it about going against development.
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The marked difference in crowd size may indicate higher support for PAS candidate Yuhaizad Abdullah at the polls on March 6.
It also raises questions about the strength of the Umno machinery, which early into the campaign faced hurdles with several factions of Umno Jasin threatening a boycott as they were unhappy with the candidate selection.
A DAP event featuring Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng drew what looked like a larger crowd than the pro-BN 1Malaysia NGO free dinner-and-dance show, despite the party charging RM30 per head for dinner.
However, it was unclear how many of those in attendance were actually Merlimau voters as several who spoke to Malaysiakini said that they were from neighbouring constituencies.
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Parti Keadilan Rakyat has strongly condemned violence displayed last night during a visit by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to Kerdau, where his vehicle was surrounded by some 30 UMNO supporters who shouted obscenities and threw objects.
PKR’s Temerloh chairman Ahmad Nizam Hamid said the men, carrying Barisan Nasional banners and flags, threw stones and nails.
Earlier, Nizam said nails were deliberately strewn on roads leading to Felda’s Jengka 22 settlement, where Anwar’s speech had been widely anticipated by locals, causing more than 50 motorcycles and cars punctured along the way.
“They also uttered lewd words against Anwar. This is a new culture, because in Pahang, we have never seen this before,” said Nizam.
It was however not the first time a by-election in Pahang has been marred by obscenities during campaigning. On March 21, 2000, during nomination day for the Sanggang by-election which pitted PAS’s Hishamuddin Yahaya against UMNO’s religious scholar Redzwan Harun, the Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob created a storm when he showed lewd gestures at Opposition supporters.
Pictures of his hand gestures were immediately published in opposition papers and widely distributed on the internet. An unrepentant Adnan however refused to express regret, blaming PAS supporters of provocation.
Stooping to a new low
Nizam said an election campaign should have been a “celebration of democracy”, not “this nonsense and uncivilised behaviour of UMNO-BN supporters”.“UMNO is growingly becoming immature and have stooped to the lowest point,” he added.
Nizam however reiterated that Pakatan Rakyat supporters had managed to avoid the provocations, and praised police personnel who had taken immediate action to disperse the unruly crowd from hurting passers-by.
The crowd listening to Anwar’s speech last night gathered only few metres from a smaller event organised by UMNO which starred Ummi Halfida, the woman who was instrumental in levelling vile accusations against Anwar in 1998.
Ummi had earlier this week addressed UMNO supporters in Merlimau, Melaka, where she indulged in her trademark name-calling and abuse of Anwar.
HOENIX (AP) — A photo taken of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shortly before a shooting rampage erupted in Tucson shows the congresswoman listening intently as she talks with two of her constituents, one of whom also was injured.
Giffords is wearing a bright red coat and bold red necklace, and has her hands clasped in front of her as she speaks to Jim and Doris Tucker of Tucson. Shortly after it was taken, a man walked quickly up to the group, shot Giffords in the head and then shot 18 others at the “Congress on Your Corner” event. Six were killed in the Jan. 8 attack, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl, and 13 more were injured, including Giffords.READMORE Zionist Baptized Paraian Ahmad Zahid will rather share bed with UMNO’S Prostitute Ummi Hafilda Ali then break the Walls of Muslim Division

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