Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gaddafi's sex Playmate Lover Voluptuous Blonde' (VIDEO) "Gaddafi. is the best!" in Russian while on board, "She said life would be worse for her without Gaddafi.,"

Known as one of Moammar Gaddafi's most loyal confidantes, a Ukrainian nurse once described by a U.S. diplomat as a "voluptuous blonde" has nonetheless become the latest in the Libyan leader's entourage to desert her boss for safety in her homeland.
As the BBC is reporting, Galyna Kolotnytska returned to Kiev Sunday morning on a plane with an estimated 185 other Ukrainian evacuees, including other medics.
Kolotnytska's adult daughter Tatyana, who lives just outside the Ukrainian capital Kiev, said her mother was expected home soon after the pair spoke last week, the Wall Street Journal is reporting. "She spoke in a calm voice, asked us not to worry, and said she would be home soon," Tatyana, a student, is quoted as saying.
Kolotnytska, who is believed to be about 38 years old, was described in a diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks as a "voluptuous blond" who "travel[s] everywhere" with Gaddafi. Gaddafi "relies heavily" on Kolotnytska as "she alone knows his routine." Though Kolotnytska has slammed the allegations, the cable quoted "some embassy contacts" as noting that the pair had "a romantic relationship."
survey has revealed that people in sixties feel younger – as young as a 44-year-old perhaps. 

Not only are they tech savvy and enjoy long holidays abroad but sexagenarians also have the money to spend entertaining themselves or friends, says a study by retirement specialist LV.

And the definition of "old" is different for every age group according to the survey.
18 year olds believe 44 is quite old, but those in 40s believe 67 is when you actually become old, reports the Daily Express .

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Galyna Kolotnytska might be refusing to speak publicly since her return from Tripoli last Sunday, but eyewitnesses say the personal nurse of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi made her feelings about her embattled former boss clear during the return flight to Kiev.
As the Wall Street Journal is reporting, Vladislav Voloshyn, a journalist who was on the flight along with around 185 Ukrainian evacuees, said Kolotnytska refused to answer his questions, but quickly jumped to the defense of her embattled former boss, whom she cryptically referred to as "Papa."
Voloshyn said Kolotnytska cried out, "Papa is the best!" in Russian while on board, apparently referring to Gaddafi. "She said life would be worse for her without Papa," he added.
The Telegraph quotes another passenger, who claims Kolotnytska also said, "Papa is good and Papa is eternal...Gaddafi will be victorious and in one and a half to two months I will return there."
Described in a diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks as a "voluptuous blonde" who "travel[s] everywhere" with Gaddafi, Kolotnytska is also reported to have left her apartment with her 20-year-old daughter Tatyana in an effort to avoid an onslaught of international media which had set up camp nearby, and may be holed up in a private home in a neighboring village.
Though Kolotnytska has slammed the allegations, the cable also quoted unnamed sources as claiming the 38-year-old nurse and Gaddafi were engaged in "a romantic relationship." While acknowledging her mother's job was tough, Tatyana also denied the rumors in an earlier interview. "My mother is close to [Gaddafi]," she said. "She says he's a kind person, but can be strict when necessary."

View video of Kolotnytska's return to Kiev, courtesy of Al Jazeera, below:

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