Friday, February 11, 2011


Rais: Ex-U.S. envoy Mallot is outdated

Rais Yatim Making a Fool of Himself
on National Television

rais yatim
Rais Yatim,
Malaysia’s Minister for Information, Communications and Culture
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is apparently disappointed with Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim for lodging police reports against several bloggers.
The premier, who used the term “terkilan” (disappointed), said that a dialogue would have been a more reasonable approach.
“He said he will personally ask Rais to explain what many saw as an unnecessary action taken when other means of finding a solution could have been conducted,” stated the Barking Magpie blog.
Rais had filed the police reports against blogger Ahirudin Attan, who runs the popular Rocky’s Bru blog, BigDog and TnT. The reports were related to the allegation that Rais’ son was one of the beneficiaries of the ministry’s RM1 billion grant to improve broadband access within the nation.
Another blog, Apanama, also reported that Najib had expressed disappointment with Rais, and warned that the latter’s political future could be at stake.
“Our friend Dr Rais Yatim appears to be in trouble and may need the services of a real (I mean medical) doctor soon. He might also need a ‘political’ doctor to save his career, apart from the dumb spin-doctors who have successfully dragged him into the pit. Rais’s decision to lodge the police reports could just be one of his biggest mistakes in his tenure as a minister and politician in Malaysia,” read the posting.
Meanwhile, Ahirudin said the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which falls under Rai’s ministry, had called him for another round of investigation relating to the matter.
“I doubt they’re meeting me to return my (seized) laptop, though,” he said.
Ibrahim Ali whom the media also never misses to tag as ‘the lawmaker’. His bare-all, self-styled chest-beating
Rais Yatim Making a Fool of Himself
on National Televisiontrade mark in fighting for the rights of the Malay community in Malaysia has become a political brand. He too has seized on the rope to swing a kick on Joh Malott’s criticisms on Malaysia. It is yet to be seen how far he will be allowed to go to butcher the US ex-Envoy who has unmistakably, wide influence.What do all these translate in terms of national reputation? What would be APCO’s public relations advice to the PM Najib?Indeed Malaysia has entered a dramatic chapter in its political journey. It will take more than mere public relations strategies to ensure that the nation will be able to successfully sieve the scum out from the substance.To do so, we will need leadership which appears to be the most eluding factor for us all. Ultimately that fate unfortunately rests in the hands ofthe rakyat – the voting citizenry, and not on any ruling or opposition party.
Unfortunate because looking at all the past General Elections, we can summarily conclude that voters are easy prey for corrupt thoughts and feelings. They are gullible to the nice things one can get during campaigning.
Unfortunate because the larger rural voters also do not see the world of tomorrow in the same way as how a corporate employee views the future. The Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ levels are distinctly different for the two segments of rural and urban population. And this the politicians will exploit to the hilt.
Unfortunate because the leadership in Malaysia is webbed within the System that forms the framework of Malaysian politics. Even the Tun Dr M2 recently admitted this when he claimed that the ‘Ops Lalang’ was way beyond his leadership and control.Whether we wear the lens of Clinton, Malott or Ali, the one central point that emerges is that Malaysia is going through difficult times politically. We really cannot see a rising star among the existing politicians. We cannot see a System of governance that is bold, clear, corrupt free, and strong.  We cannot see a System emerging to beat a pathway in this new age world order that is driven by true democracy and civil liberties.
Hence, we can only prepare ourselves to continue to wallow in the tides of the thoughts in the likes of the Clintons, Malotts and Alis.All these may sound negative. It may be interpreted as unfounded. It may be appearing to be sheer hopelessness.But look, what else can it be?
Are we not fighting along race-based political economies and religious dichotomies today? Are we not anchored on sex and sin slanders and character assassinations to demonstrate who is worthier to be a leader? Are we not threatening to suffer ‘crushed bodies’ and ‘lost lives’ if another political adversary wins the elections? Is not  our social currency one of corruption and greed?Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim on Friday described as outdated the criticism hurled at Malaysia by former United States ambassador to Malaysia John R. Malott, and said the latter’s intention was purely dirty politics.He said that as an envoy, Malott should not take sides or adopt a stand which clearly reflected his political leaning.”When he was the ambassador in Kuala Lumpur, Malott enjoyed the modernity and progress of our country. Of course, he preferred to associate himself with the opposition. We abhor such an envoy.”We have to regard him as a political practitioner who is nothing more or less than (Opposition Leader) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim or as one of the members of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Kuala Lumpur,” he told reporters after MIC President Datuk G. Palanivel had called on him at his office, here.Dr Rais was asked to comment on Malott’s article titled “The Price of Malaysia’s Racism”, recently carried in The Asian Wall Street Journal, critical of the 1Malaysia concept initiated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.Malott had said, among others, that racial and religious tensions were higher today than when Najib took office as the prime minister in 2009.Dr Rais said Malott’s criticism was baseless because the judicial system, the parliamentary system and the national education system moulding 1Malaysia denizens were realities which people like Malott did not comprehend.
“I am amazed that The Asian Wall Street Journal was willing to publish such an article,” he said.
He said the intention behind the article was dirty politics.
“There are religious and racial tensions in every country, but I wanted people to know that in the case of Malaysia, the Government itself is condoning and even provoking those tensions.”

Narendra Modi in Press Conference


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