Friday, February 11, 2011


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For far too long, the public has suffered under the tyranny of dueling narratives served up by one or another interest group seeking self-serving shortcuts around nuanced truths, all the while shortchanging the clarity of important debates about the biggest issues of the day — from health care reform to defense policy to education. Journalists have too often perpetuated the false notion that seemingly any issue can be cleanly divided into right and left, conservative and liberal, because these labels make our work simpler, supplying us with a handy structure we can impose at will on typically uncooperative facts.
News, Lies and Propaganda

It’s been a long time since I bought a copy of the local newspapers. Personally, I am fade up with the ‘so called’ news! To me, what is in the local newspapers is an insult to one’s intelligence!

Those with access to the internet should make it a point to educate and keep their family members, relatives, friends and associates who belong to the category of people still reading local newspapers, and who believe in what they hear from spin doctors, informed of what is really happening in this country. If each and every one of us do this, than more accurate news will reach the ears of those less informed people. In time, if we will open the eyes of these unfortunate people who are being fooled time and again, this may transcribe to correct votes to stir this country away from the destruction which threatens it. Perhaps, the Opposition should concentrate more on this than wasting away on infighting among themselves.

These lies and falsehood published in the mainstream newspapers are a sure sign that the 13th General Election is fast-approaching. The mainstream newspapers must be under tight control and monitoring by the BN Government indeed. Also, efforts have been stepped up to portray Pakatan Rakyat (PR) as being weak and on the point of collapse whereas BN is portrayed as being vibrant and transformed to galvanise the country’s economy to higher heights (including building the very high 100-storey Menara Warisan). This will inevitably affect the general population of voters especially those in the rural areas, not many of whom will bother to verify the facts from other alternative sources.

By winning the media war, BN can increase its number of votes among the fence-sitters. This of course is a cowardly way of doing things in an already unlevel playing field. The mainstream newspapers is playing the role of a supporting tool to BN by helping BN to secure victory in the coming general election by camouflaging facts, slanting facts and now downright publishing lies and falsehood.

When the information from the mass media is manipulated, the rakyat cannot make a wise and informed decision, the rakyat will therefore only be making a manipulated decision.
It’s been a long time since I bought a copy of the local newspapers. Personally, I am fade up with the ‘so called’ news! To me, what is in the local newspapers is an insult to one’s intelligence!

Those with access to the internet should make it a point to educate and keep their family members, relatives, friends and associates who belong to the category of people still reading local newspapers, and who believe in what they hear from spin doctors, informed of what is really happening in this country. If each and every one of us do this, than more accurate news will reach the ears of those less informed people. In time, if we will open the eyes of these unfortunate people who are being fooled time and again, this may transcribe to correct votes to stir this country away from the destruction which threatens it. Perhaps, the Opposition should concentrate more on this than wasting away on infighting among themselves.

These lies and falsehood published in the mainstream newspapers are a sure sign that the 13th General Election is fast-approaching. The mainstream newspapers must be under tight control and monitoring by the BN Government indeed. Also, efforts have been stepped up to portray Pakatan Rakyat (PR) as being weak and on the point of collapse whereas BN is portrayed as being vibrant and transformed to galvanise the country’s economy to higher heights (including building the very high 100-storey Menara Warisan). This will inevitably affect the general population of voters especially those in the rural areas, not many of whom will bother to verify the facts from other alternative sources.

By winning the media war, BN can increase its number of votes among the fence-sitters. This of course is a cowardly way of doing things in an already unlevel playing field. The mainstream newspapers is playing the role of a supporting tool to BN by helping BN to secure victory in the coming general election by camouflaging facts, slanting facts and now downright publishing lies and falsehood.

When the information from the mass media is manipulated, the rakyat cannot make a wise and informed decision, the rakyat will therefore only be making a manipulated decision.

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