Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We all know Issa has ashady, criminal thuggish.Najib's Partner in Crime

We all know Issa has ashadycriminal thuggish. Well, Rockstar Games, the makers of the Grand Theft Auto video game series, decided to make Issa the star of their newest game, calling it Grand Theft Issa.
You play  Issa as you build your empire. From his days (allegedly!) stealing cars and threatening a manager with a gun, to his making a fortune selling land, and eventually becoming the chair of the FELDA
We have obtained an exclusive preview of the soon to be released game. Take a look.

We have obtained an exclusive preview of the soon to be released game. Take a look.

Najib: Don't vote Pakatan, BN ready to take M'sia to the 'next level'

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Tuesday advised the people not to risk the country's future through experimentation by giving their votes to the opposition, but to continue supporting Barisan Nasional (BN) in order to safeguard their future.

The prime minister who is also BN chairman, said BN upheld the concept of close cooperation among the component parties which shared the same ideology of propelling the nation's success to a higher level.

"We in BN have the same ideology and that is why we've made the country successful and we wish to bring it to the next level of success.

"It's not just for today but in future too. In 10 years' time, we will achieve our dream of making Malaysia a developed nation," he said when officiating at the opening of the replacement building for the Labis National-Type Primary School and gathering with Chinese associations and non-governmental organisations, here Tuesday.

Najib said the opposition pact comprising PKR, DAP and PAS could only "share a pillow but have different dreams and ambitions", showing their lack of understanding of each other.

"PAS aspires to establish a PAS-style Islamic state but the DAP says, 'over my dead body'. They are only pretending to be friends in order to defeat BN.

"But try to imagine the two parties having different objectives, with DAP wanting a DAP-style secular state; it's definitely not workable. In reality, they are just acting out a political 'sandiwara'.

"They are trying to fool the people. Their cooperation is fragile. Theirs is actually not a workable relationship," he said.

Najib said if the people chose to vote in the opposition, the country's future would be scuppered and it would not be easy for the people to get back what had been built up with much effort all these years.

He also questioned Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's intention of forming a shadow cabinet as until today, what had been harped by the former deputy prime minister was merely rhetoric.

Najib also urged the Chinese community to give their support to the BN candidate to be announced for the upcoming Tenang state seat by-election.

He said their support would up the development momentum and indicate to prospective investors and Malaysia had strong political stability, which was important for economic growth.

The by-election has been called following the death of the incumbent assemblyman Datuk Sulaiman Taha, 59, from BN, on last Dec 17 due to complications from diabetes.

Nomination of candidates for the by-election is on Jan 22 and polling on Jan 30.

Normala Sudirman, 38, who is Labis PAS women's wing head has been named the party's candidate for the by-election, while the BN candidate is scheduled to be announced by Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin Wednesday.
YA lemon, black strings and dark powder were unusual objects for cops to find in the pocket of a notorious burglar. Later, cops were told by the superstitious culprit that a Godman had given him the objects to ward off ‘evils’ like police and to bring good luck while stealing! The revelation left cops stupefied.

Seeking divine blessings before coming for duty is a regular practice for most cops who often risk disciplinary action for retaining ‘tika’ on forehead. It is same for the miscreants too, a situation that might create some dilemmas for the Almighty. With both playing a fraught game, luck plays a big role in the life of guardians of law as well as law-breakers. No wonder, both strive to win divine favour with their devotion.

Recently nabbed by Sitabuldi police, Rahul Makkrelwar, a notorious vehicle thief from Chhindwara, was almost certainly planning something to improve his luck as he landed behind bars. It was sheer ill-luck that saw him fall in police net. He had managed to slip away when the cops visited his Nagpur cops residence in Madhya Pradesh. He returned home after two hours realizing he had forgotten his wallet at home. The cops too returned to his place at the same time. The outcome was obvious.

Same could be said about the teenage girl who was picked up, along with her mother, by the crime branch for a series of alleged thefts at various marriage venues. In one such case, the girl had stolen an expensive mobile belonging to a guest at a marriage party. The girl landed in police net after gifting the stolen cellphone to her boyfriend. With the phone, the girl seemed to have parted with her luck too as cyber crime cell traced the location of device as the boyfriend started to use it.

That led to rounding up of the mother-daughter duo. Sizable amount of stolen properties were recovered from their residence. Here, too, luck let them down. A piece of a stolen jewellery was spotted by the cops under the bed. They lifted the bed to find other stolen properties under it.

In another case, a woman constable was able to hoodwink the department for more than a decade until she had a fight with her husband. The upset spouse revealed to the department that the woman had furnished fake documents at the time of recruitment. Along with her husband, her luck also walked out on her.

In similar fashion, an imposter from Nagpur was working as a doctor in Mumbai. He was posing as ‘Dr Meraj Shaikh’, who was actually a former classmate of his, for almost a decade. The ‘original’ Dr Shaikh, employed as an intensivist in Nagpur hospital, was bewildered on learning this from another friend happened to visit the hospital where the imposter worked. The original Dr Shaikh ensured that the duplicate soon landed in jail.

The miscreants seem to realize the importance of keeping Almighty appeased. A notorious burglar would head to religious places to distribute a portion of his stolen booty as alms to beggars. Later, he would travel to a pilgrimage after each successful mission. But apparently his gods were not interested in ill-gotten pieties. After stealing cash from district court premises, the burglar had distributed a portion of it among the poor outside a dargah. Still, police managed to net him.

A smooth-talking trickster, targeting railway passengers, apparently goes on a pilgrimage after having robbed a victim by drugging. He is learnt to be wanted by several state. He seems to be holding on to his luck. This high-flying trickster maintains a girlfriend in Mumbai and is a frequent flier too. Police managed to reach his girlfriend but somehow his luck has prevailed over that of the cops so far.ou play Darrell Issa as you build your empire. From his days (allegedly!) stealing cars and threatening a manager with a gun, to his making a fortune selling Viper car alarms, and eventually becoming the chair of the House Oversight Committee.

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