Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recipe for Sexless Singapore Jennifer's best undressed moments AND Mara Morelli (Miss Italia 2005) Is Stunning And Naked For Newlook

Ever found yourself asking, 'How did that scrawny, nerdish looking guy end up with that drop-dead bombshell?' Yes, women do swoon at the sight of that all macho man but when it comes to the decision of a life partner, it's the man's personality that scores much higher than just his looks.
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If one takes a realistic look, you're bound to find that the man who is Mr Popular with women - no matter what he looks like - is often the one who pays attention to them. He'll take time to really hear her out and look her in the eye when talking. He'll appreciate and compliment every details like a new haircut, a nice perfume, a new dress or bag, thus silently telling her that he is really paying attention. And as we all know it, there's nothing a woman loves more than a loving and attentive guy. The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]

When it comes to relationships, guy's approach relationships and sex in the very same way they approach life. Hence, if he is passionate about life and living it to the fullest, he's bound to be the same about the relationships. If he respects women and doesn't think of them of second fiddle, he's bound to give you the same respect and attention.
"Apart from his looks, physical traits like height and voice modulation also work to increase a man's sensuality quotient. But more importantly, it's his empathy and unconditional positive regard for his partner that scores the more brownie points," says Seema Hingorrany, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. According to her, though our psyche is more conditioned to considering a person's physical attributes, it's the man's psychological traits that make him more attractive and desirable. "If he understands and empathises with her when she's low or in a bad mood and says the right things, he's definitely scoring big time," she says.

Another very important consideration, according to Seema, the quality of being an extrovert. "Women dig men who smile a lot and have a good sense of humour. They say it helps diffuse their tension and stress. Communication skills - being well read, know what he's talking about, being able to hold his ground in a conversation, being confident when he's introduced to her friends and not bragging about himself endlessly - are a very important consideration," she explains. 
Lie With MeLie With Me

"It's the little things that matter the most, then be it his chivalry, capacity to pay attention to smaller details and also, being mindful of his manners. The most important trait, however, is the way he behaves towards a woman, especially playing attention to what she says and being caring without being possessive," opines model Shruti Agarwal. She adds that a personal sense of hygeine - clean nails, putting a bit of effort into dressing well - are also huge turn-ons. 
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Designer Nishka Lulla describes a sensual man as one who takes care of his woman and if a situation arises, takes control of it knowing exactly what he's doing. "Also, he must obviously be chivalrous - it's never to ancient to hold the door open for your lady, loyal, responsible and dependable. He may not be the best looking hunk around town but that's no excuse for not being clean and well groomed. A man who makes the effort to take care of his looks is always appreciated. Lastly and most importantly, he should know how to pamper his lady," she says. 
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"At the first meeting, his appearance - the way he dresses and carries himself - would count. But once that's been established, a man who is charming with a potent dose of sex appeal will definitely make a mark," says designer Gayatri Khanna. According to her, if a guy only has a good body and nothing else to boast about, she'd think, "Oh what a lovely clown!'. "He must know how to hold his lady's attention. A good sense of humour, being worldly wise, up to date with his general knowledge, being witty, broad-minded and modern in his thingking are the traits I'd look for. Also, he must show a sense of maturity in both, his decisions and his actions," she adds.

In conclusion Seema says, "When in a relationship, remember this formula: emotional compatibility = sexual compatibility."
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Male turn-ons 
Smelling good and being well-groomed
Being neatly dressed
Being intelligent and articulate
Making his partner the focus of his attention
Honest conversation
Laughter and a sense of humour 

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Knowing what's going on in the world
Complimenting his partner and being sincere about it
Being open-minded and interested in trying new things
Not bragging constantly about himself and his achievements
Not being rude to people like waiters, drivers, lift-men, etc
Not constantly starring at her chest instead of her face 

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SINGAPORE - With all the recent attention-grabbing headlines on nudity and public displays of affection, it would seem that Singaporeans are becoming more open about sex.

However, this is not the case for some couples whom gynaecologist Dr Yong Tze Tein sees at her clinic.

A senior consultant at the Singapore General Hospital's department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Dr Yong has seen her fair share of married couples who have sexual dysfunction and problems consummating.

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In the past two to three years, she has seen 12 such cases - a figure which represents only the tip of an iceberg, since most people are too embarrassed to come forward and admit their problem.

A majority of the couples Dr Yong sees are in their 30s and have been married for a few years. They end up being referred to her when they are unable to successfully conceive.

According to Dr Yong, the sexual dysfunction issues she has seen are varied. For instance, there was a female patient with an anatomical problem - her hymen was so thick that it was impossible for sexual penetration to occur - and surgery was required to fix that.

Sex - What's that?
Marie and Jack: A Hardcore Love Story (Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series)Marie and Jack: A Hardcore Love Story (Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series)
Interestingly, Dr Yong also sees couples who are clueless about the "birds and the bees".

"We've seen couples who try to have sexual intercourse but do not succeed, so the women end up not having any actual penetration. They are either not very sure what to do or have misconceptions about how sex is like," said Dr Yong, who recommended that both husband and wife see her at the same time for treatment.

Occasionally, the problems are more deep-seated and require a multi-disciplinary approach, with the help of an urologist and psychologist.

The Good Old Naughty Days (Polissons et Galipettes)The Good Old Naughty Days (Polissons et Galipettes)

Sexual dysfunction becomes a challenge to treat when there are psychological problems or if either spouse is not open to treatment.

Take Jessie and Mark (not their real names) for instance. They have been married for several years but have not consummated their marriage.

While Jessie was eager to get professional help, Mark was embarrassed and unwilling to open up about his sexual problems.
Girl Next DoorGirl Next Door
"You could sense the wife's frustration and the husband's avoidance towards the issue. He made excuses like how he found sex very ticklish. He was always absent during consultations. I told his wife it was not possible for me to treat them when one party is always not around. You need two willing people to make sex happen!" said Dr Yong.

Mark's reaction is not uncommon. According to Dr Yong, men find it harder to talk about their sexual problems.

Left untreated, sexual dysfunction can become a chronic issue, making it harder to treat. Dr Yong advised couples to seek help early if they encounter problems.

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Touching Base

While it is impossible to say how much sex is healthy, Dr Yong recommended couples to "touch base" at least once a week.

"Who are we to say that it's not right for a married couple to not have sex? Butmaking love demands some form of trust and shedding of inhibition. If there's no sex in a marriage, then the couple wouldn't have truly experienced that level of intimacy," she said.

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Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New EconomyGlobal Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy

Jennifer Aniston covers the February issue ofAllure, and inside she poses half-naked with a teddy bear and talks about her body and watching 'The Bachelor.'
Allure's press release follows; scroll down for photos and read more here.
On mixing the perfect drink: "I can make two drinks really well: a dirty martini and a Bloody Mary. People are like, 'You make the best Bloody Marys,' and my secret ingredient is basically Mr and Mrs T Bloody Mary Mix. It's not some fancy mix that they do with the horseradish and Worcestershire sauce. It's the 7-Eleven of Bloody Marys. It's the trashiest."
On her body: "My stomach is not my hardest [challenge]-my derriere is much more my challenge."
What she's watching on TV: "You know what I find fascinating? The Bachelor. I was mesmerized by how these girls, they meet this guy, they have three dates together or something, and they're weeping as though they've just lost the love of their life. I don't understand that."

Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between)Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between)

Here is former Miss Italy (Miss Italia 2005) Mara Morelli completely naked in France's Newlook Magazine for February 2011. Sure Mara Morelli is stunning and beautiful and totally out of the reach of most men, especially those without a few millions in the bank. But what I really like about her is that she is covered in stupid tattoos so she is back in our league again because we know she is up for making bad decisions. And we also know from the tats she doesn't respect her body. And as we all know, there is nothing better than a stunning beautiful woman who doesn't respect her body. Enjoy! 
Click on pictures to enlarge.

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