Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Posted by muslimmalaysia786 on March 9, 2011 · Leave a Comment (Edit)

‘The prosecution is not worried about the DNA evidence being expunged because they have created a doubt – that Anwar did sodomise Saiful.’The key actors were known and available. No sleuths needed here.Our MALAYSIAN response to a scandalous mess is neat and categorised. Cash and sex are the north and south pole of mass interest, each with a sprawling magnetic field. We divide the hemispheres with the equator of logic. Cash and corruption are the preserve of politics. Sex is the province of glamour. We refuse to recognise any cross-over evidence.The words of this column will make no difference. The UMNO government’s Mission achieved: Anwar dragged through mud My apologies for a rare detour into the personal, but this is a rare moment to Mahatir had become impervious to anything except sycophancy. Words demand a different kind of loyalty, and one was relieved to return to the world of words.Ego sometimes persuades a pompous politician to flaunt a bogus ‘Dr’ on his nameplate. This is not a reward for academic brilliance but an upgrade to a peacock feather, the ‘honorary doctorate’, a worthless piece of paper handed out by an institution desperate for attention. However, this does not matter too much, since we do not expect a high level of honesty from our politicians. Only two letters separate use from abuse, so there will always be a quack preening himself in the garb of a doctor. But when a person held in high esteem dilutes the trust reposed in him, it affects the collective reputation of the brotherhood.
Prosecution will not appeal ruling
It unlawful extraction of evidence is inadmissible and it was a landmark ruling by the Federal Court then the prosecution should know about it.
The question is that why they still proceed? Well, there are only two possible answers. Either that are inefficient or they did it deliberately to have this part of the evidence reported to the public.This is to give the opportunity to BN control media to paint the guilty picture so that many rural folks will see it that way. If the latter is true then it is politically motivated and got nothing to do with the case. The government and the police knew all along they got no case on Anwar Ibrahim. One would expect the prosecution to appeal all the way to the Federal Court and they had never failed to win. That they do not want to appeal shows that the verdict was pre-planned. Umno may have realised that it is against their interest to jail Anwar.With the DNA evidence disqualified the prosecution has no case so we can expect Anwar to be acquitted for lack of evidence. However Umno has achieved its purpose of dragging Anwar through mud.The whole trial was a sham. The prosecution is not worried about the DNA evidence being expunged because they are banking on the fact that they have created a doubt – that Anwar did sodomise Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. This is all Umno needs to refer to this in the GE campaigns by saying that Anwar got away through a technicality.Now, naturally most people who are not exposed to the BN Machiavellian moves may buy into this and believe this lie. So Anwar, you are checkmated despite your innocence. How I wish people would use their heads to think for themselves but knowing the people in this country that’s unlikely.With this ruling, Umno still wins, the West will look at the judiciary as “fair”, but since the evidence already shows that the DNA of those three articles match the one planted into Saiful’s arse, Anwar will still be “guilty” by those in Malaysia who see the print media as gospel truth. It looks like no matter which way the verdict goes, Anwar’s credibility is now down the drain.Who is Saiful? When the evidence relating to the DNA found in three items (a mineral water bottle, a ‘Good Morning’ towel, and a toothbrush) had been expunged by the court, only Saiful’s testimony can wage a challenge to the defence, said Karpal.But is Saiful a credible witness? Is he a reliable person? Do you trust him? Did he behave as someone who was a victim of sodomy? He said he went to the bathroom and came out clad in a towel before the said encounter with Anwar;
Secondly, he was seen entertaining some guests in Anwar’s office the day after the said incident. If you are puzzled by Saiful’s action as usual behaviour, what then had caused his attitudinal change?How do you explain that? Could it be that there was an incentive offered to him so huge that he could not possibly refuse?It should be obvious to everyone by now that Anwar’s blood from Sodomy I was mixed with Saiful’s semen and inserted up Saiful’s rectum with the use of a plastic syringe. This is the plastic object referred to when Saiful told the first doctor he saw at Hospital Pusrawi that his anus had a plastic object inserted.Saiful is not gay, but because the plot had to be adhered to with the corresponding juicy payoffs, he allowed the officer (assigned to him by Najib Razak) to insert the syringe up his rear end at a room at the Concorde Hotel when he met him after meeting Najib, and before going to the hospital.That also explains the apparent presence of Anwar’s DNA at the front (not the back) of Saiful’s underwear as the liquid from the syringe could easily have been jettisoned forward, when Saiful was bending over, with the officer manipulating the syringe from behind him. The dripping of excess fluid would fall onto the front, and not the rear of his underpants. The night is still young. They will plant some other damning evidence some place else. Umno is dead set on getting rid of Anwar, so this is not the end of the persecution.At the same time, Najib can say the police may be slightly dirty but the judiciary and the attorney-general are clean. We must remember that the big picture includes Altantuya Shaariibuu, Scorpene, space tourists, PKFZ, BMF, Proton, MAS, APs, Sime Darby, Perwaja, and on, and on, and on. Prosecution will not appeal? I thought this is the ace up their sleeves. Appeal cannot be allowed? This is incredulous. At last some order is being adhered to, or is it? I am dying in suspense.’The judge, faced with just and persuasive arguments, had no choice but to rule against the admission of the illegally obtained evidence.‘READMORE The Karma of Mahatir”s Zionist Propaganda Anwar dragged through mud but He and His Generation will pay a Heavy Price

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