Monday, February 7, 2011

Winds of Change Rumblings of Discontent blatant disregard for democracy is disgusting

Shuhaimi Shafiei has said that he did not refer his comments to the sultan and has also apologised if the sultan felt slighted. So what is all this sandiwara? Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, the deputy public prosecutors, judges, police, etc, have no other productive work to do? Or is this just plain harassment?

'How can we continue to uphold rulers who are known to be robbers, adulterers, drunkards and 'kaki pukul' (thugs)?'

From the Hansard (unless it has been deleted like what has happened in Kuching): on Dec 10, 1992, Dr Affifuddin Omar, an Umno man from Padang Terap, asked in Parliament: "How can we continue to uphold rulers who are known to be robbers, adulterers, drunkards and kaki pukul (thugs)?"

Sri Muda state assembly person Shuhaimi Shafiei was  only expressing his opinion on the subject of the appointment of the SS (state secretary) by the sultan. He did not call for the sultan to abdicate or for the monarchy in Selangor to be abolished. So where is the intent to cause or incite hatred or disaffection towards the ruler or to cause public disorder?

After the acquittal of YB Karpal Singh last year for sedition by the High Court for his opinion on the legal immunity of the Perak sultan during the unconstitutional takeover of the state government by the BN in 2009, the attorney-general should not have proceeded with the prosecution of Shuhaimi. The issues are similar.

Shuhaimi has explained the meaning of the Malay proverb that he used, and frankly unless you are a Malay linguist no one can really give a fair and accurate meaning of it to the public. So how can it be seditious or have a seditious tendency if people cannot even uniformly understand what it meant? It cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

 I am not surprised that such things can be allowed in the 'Dewan Yang Mulia', when there have been cases such as the medical reports in Sodomy I and II, Teoh Beng Hock, A Kugan, and many others documented evidences were edited and doctored to hide the truth. But eventually, truth will prevail.

Yemeni protesters pray for Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country's president, to be ousted [EPA]

Najib knows that Sarawak is one of BN's fix deposits. And Taib Mahmud (despite all the corruption allegations) has many supporters. Najib is more concern about ensuring continued support of Sarawakians via Taib Mahmud rather than to focus on battling corruption.

Action speaks louder than words. Staying in power is Najib's no 1 priority. Fighting corruption is secondary.

Could the pro-democracy protests in Egypt generate an unstoppable momentum forpolitical reform across the Arab world?
The impact of those demonstrations is being felt in other Arab countries where people are also speaking out against the lack of political rights and freedoms.
As the rumblings of discontent grow, leaders in countries such as Yemen, Jordan and Algeria have introduced new policies for political and economic change.

When it comes to Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, there's no law that can apply to him. He thinks he's a dictator who can do whatever he likes, including giving his son state land that's equivalent to the size of Singapore.

This man has to go, and the sooner the better. The state speaker is just one of his sycophants will do anything to please the master.

Not Confused: This blatant disregard for democracy is disgusting, but can only be expected from a despot heading a corrupt and arrogant regime - BN. Boy, they really are running scared to take such desperate steps.

Focus: Study history and one will know this is one of the traits of dictators. Dictators think they are above all laws, hence, they perceive they have the power and means and the licence to do anything according to their whims and fancies. History tells us that in no time, people will revolt. The time has come.

Irate Malaysian taxpayers are demanding to know why Prime Minister Najib Razak is splurging RM6 billion on 6 patrol vessels that are at least 50 times more expensive than those paid by Indonesia, 8 times more costly than the U.S. Sentinel series and 7 times dearer than Britain’s sophisticated HMS Clyde.
Even if Najib and Defense minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are trying to surreptitiously arm the Malaysian boats with high-tech missiles and gadgets without alarming Singapore and other ASEAN neighbours like Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia, the cost is still exorbitant.
“It is incumbent on the Malaysian government to explain the purpose of the purchase as well as the processes and procedures for deciding on the vendor. It should not be treated as a big secret because taxpayers have the right to know what they are paying for and if they are getting value for money,” Ramon Navaratnam, past president of Transparency International, told Malaysia Chronicle.
Opposition politicians have already demanded that Najib explain the reasons for the costs and whether any open tenders were conducted.
No match in terms of pricing
According to Tony Pua, the MP for PJ Utara, even if the 6 vessels were armed with the most sophisticated warfare equipment, no other boats of this class in the world came close to the Malaysian pricing. In U.S. dollar terms, Najib is paying US$1.971 billion for the 6 ships or US$328.5 million or RM1 billion apiece.
“The Irish Roisin class will cost US$34 million (RM103 million), the Greek Super Vita US$108 million (RM329 million), the German Type 130 US$188 million (RM572 million) and the Israeli Saar V US$260 million (RM791 million) each,” Tony said in a statement.
"Even at the very top of the range, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, two of the best and biggest military companies in the world, built the US Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) at a budget of less than US$300 million (RM913 million) in 2004.”
He emphasized that Israel, which considers itself in a state-of-war, paid only US$260 million or RM791 million for each of its Saar V. That is at least RM200 million less than what Najib is paying for the Boustead boats.
Economic and transparency concerns
But does Malaysia need such high-tech and deadly equivalents? Already, the country is struggling under the weight of two Scorpene submarines that have cost taxpayers RM6.7 billion so far.
Malaysian sovereign debt hit a record 7 per cent of GDP last year and to reduce the borrowing, the Najib administration has insisted on slashing subsidies on consumer essentials, triggering price hikes on petrol, sugar and fuel.
The price rises have in turn jacked up broader food and transportation costs, angering Malaysians who are demanding that their interests be given priority rather than the large government-linked and crony firms.
"In light of the recent increase in food and commodity prices in the country as a result of 'subsidy rationalisation', the question that needs to be asked is if this counts as prudent spending?" said Klang MP Charles Santiago in a press statement.
Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong also accused Najib of trying to bailout the vendor - Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd. Liew demanded full details and whether the BN government had undertaken any open tenders before transacting with Boustead.
According to Liew, Boustead was the previously “bailed-out and re-named PSCI", a firm that had failed to deliver on a similar previous order.
“In the instance where international open bidding offers half the price and better quality, are we still insistent in building this particular segment of local industry?" asked Liew in a statement to the press.
Preventing colonization by Singapore
Meanwhile, some Umno supporters are trying to “spin” away the “over-pricing” as a necessary evil to keep Singapore in its corner and prevent Malaysia from being “colonized” by the island republic, which is governed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his father Lee Kuan Yew.
It is a favourite tactic of the Umno elite to use Singapore as a bogeyman to scare the rural Malays into rallying behind their party. For decades, Umno which is the boss in the ruling BN coalition, has adopted a divide-and-rule policy, stirring hostility amongst the different ethnic groups in a bid to cling to political power .
“We are not surprised by this same old, same old from Umno. No doubt, Malaysia has the right to defend itself but we have a foreign policy, a defence budget and a Parliament where all issues pertaining to public interest are supposed to be discussed and evaluated. The problem is Najib and Umno are too used to behaving like dictators and treating the country’s treasury as their personal piggy banks,” PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
“In this case, it is clear-cut. Even the most sophisticated warship is cheaper than the one Najib and Zahid are buying from Boustead. It is also interesting to know what state-of-the-art artillery or missiles a firm like Boustead can fit into our ships that they can blast even the Israeli and U.S. war models out of the water – price wise that is.”
Not the first time for Najib
This is not the first time that Najib has turned to mega arms-acquisition. The Boustead boats hark back to another huge naval deal made by Najib in the early 2000s when he was the defense minister.
He had approved the purchase of 2 Scorpene submarines that experts had insisted were unnecessary and which have cost Malaysian taxpayers RM6.7 billion so far. The annual service and maintenance fees are exorbitant and will set the country back a few more billion in the coming years.
Apart from that, the Scorpenes also cast shame on the nation as Najib got himself embroiled in corruption and murder allegations involving a Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, who was killed in Malaysia in 2006 after she threatened to blow the whistle on the deal.
French vendor DCNS is currently being probed by Parisian authorities for having allegedly bribed Najib's close friend Razak Baginda with a 114 million euros side-deal to secure the order.

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