Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Why do we send monkeys to Washington to convince them that we are not monkeys? Come on, the law of the jungle does not work in Washington. Obviously to save the Malaysian reputation after some obvious dumbanswers given by Nazri, the sponsor have to turn it into off the record to save face for Malaysia. The other 2 were so scare to face Washingtonians that they hide away from the seminar to let dumb Nazri be the fall guy. 
I have said it before and I am saying it again: With this sodomy part II Najib will surely be the last PM of Malaysia from UMNO. The people will be the judge, not some hand-picked corrupted judges answerable only to the BN govt. Nazri being Nazri is a gifted but stupid clown. That’s why the other two smart clowns pulled out at the last minute. Enough said!
Why do we send monkeys to Washington to convince them that we are not monkeys? Come on, the law of the jungle does not work in Washington. Obviously to save the Malaysian reputation after some obvious dumb answers given by Nazri, the sponsor have to turn it into off the record to save face for Malaysia. The other 2 were so scare to face Washingtonians that they hide away from the seminar to let dumb Nazri be the fall guy.
This is a total waste of taxpayer money. No amount of lobbying can change the perception of Malaysia in Washington unless the rule of law is not abused and blatant political prosecution is not conducted and the judiciary is purge off all those biased and unqualified judges
Seminar participant and former US envoy to Malaysia John R Malott told Malaysiakini that the seminar was the “strangest” that he had attended in Washington DC.
“I found it unusual that the session was off-the-record. This is very rare for a Washington think-tank,” he said.
“The seminar was very strange because there were supposed to be three speakers, but throughout, only one person, Minister Nazri, was there. Abdul Gani never came at all.”
Malott said he had hoped Abdul Gani would be present because he had specific questions regarding the conduct of the prosecution team in Anwar’s sodomy trial.
He said that the prosecution is required by law to give the defence team whatever evidence necessary for the accused to mount a defence but prosecutors are doing the exact opposite.
“How can they convince us (that it is a fair trial) when they withhold vital information needed defend someone. In America there is no question about this. It will be certainly hard to convince us that this trial is fair,” he said. UMNO overdone the perception thing. It is not all about perception. You must have integrity, you must have honesty. All of which UMNO has none.
The US has their mission in K.L. and UMNO think they are like the Malaysian mission overseas
Before he answered the question about the ‘Allah’ controversy, Nazri told the Malaysiakini reporter not to report his answer before his lengthy reply. why did the two guys missing in action? You remember najib and saiful in najib’s office and then saiful and musa hassan in a hotel. Sth like sodomy comes into mind. Why all in pairs. Perhaps Gani and Hamid did the saiful thing the day they were absent from the CSIS dialogue. Who knows they are curious about how it felt to be screwed from behind. Saiful might have enlightened them the taste but they want to do it themselves to really get the feel.
This twit Nazri said Saiful is entitled to justice. Fine, then why is Anwar charge for consensual sodomy? Was Saiful a willing consensual partner and then magically became “victim” on whose behalf the whole apparatus of the Malaysian govt is seeking justice? Bah! The whole “seeking justice” bullshit is contradictory to the charge. and that ladies and gentlemen, was the sum total of governance and rule of law as sprouted by ernie bower and performed as droll display by two-bit actors some of whom disrespectfully bowed out while one not-so-valiantly exposed their critical depth of intelligence.That’s the problem when thieves, liars and murderers are the ones doing the ruling. Is this still new to Malaysians?These UMNO shitheads have no shame. They carry around the mentality of the kampung folks talking behind closed doors. It’s the world they’re at or the 1st class seats they took to US was so sedating they walked around in a daze?
Double standards are the norms rather than the exceptions and that is the very reason why in certain societies, nations, like Malaysia,nation building and the idea of a melting pot is elusive and a farce. Only a dream ,which is tied down by myriad of government policies. And had not some who also had been strong proponents of this “divide and rule ” policies themselves fell out of favor with the ruling elites of UMNO ,the fight for decency ,fairness and human rights that is currently going on would have never taken place. Called “change ” for a more honest and peaceful Malaysia for all Malaysians irrespective of beliefs and racial identities.
your honour,
“due to overwhelming public pressure” we the Rakyat want the umno pm to be tried in court for the many scandals which even the international audience would like to hear, please your honour……why are we still waiting for your action???
also your honour,
“due to overwhelming public pressure” and 50 Australian MPs, the charges against Anwar for sodomy 2 to be discharged and marked NFA.
No further questions, your honour !!!
with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and former PKR Youth chief Ezam Mohd Nor,
who was recently appointed senator.
Saiful told the High Court that Najib, who was then deputy prime minister, was initially sceptical about his allegation against Anwar Ibrahim, but this later turned to shock. 
The meeting took place at the deputy premier’s residence in Taman Duta on June 24, 2008, two days before the sodomy incident which led Saiful to file a police report against Opposition Leader Anwar.
On June 27, Saiful said he met Ezam in Rawang to complain to the latter about how Anwar had allegedly abused him.
Ezam, a former close confidant of Anwar since his days as deputy premier, had quit PKR after a fallout and since then has been on the warpath against his ex-boss.
Saiful, who was a former aide to the opposition leader, has claimed that he was sodomised by Anwar against his will at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur on June 26.
He has also claimed that it was not the first time that the man, whom he idolised, had done this to him.
Anwar, on the other hand, has described the charge as a political consipracy, similar to the one authored in 1998 which saw him jailed for sodomy.
Saiful also revealed details pertaining to his phone call to Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan a day before the incident and his meeting with another top cop Rodhwan Mohd Yusof.
Saiful, on the third day of cross-examination by Anwar’s counsel Karpal Singh, said he first went to Najib’s office in January 2008 to get a support letter for a study loan to enrol for a pilot course in Kota Baharu.
“At that time, I did not see the deputy prime minister and only met his special officer,” he added.
30-minute meeting with Najib
Responding to another question, Saiful, 24, said he was taken to Najib’s house on June 24 by the latter’s ex-aide Khairil Anas.
“I went to Khairil’s house to tell him about this (sodomy allegation), and he then took me to Najib’s house,” he said, adding that they reached the latter’s residence around 8pm.
Saiful said he then spent some 30 minutes relating his ordeal to the deputy prime minister during the meeting, where Khairil was also present.
Asked if Najib had offered him any advice, the star witness replied: “No”.
Apart from this, Saiful also revealed to the court that he had caught a glimpse of Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor at the house, but did not meet her personally.
He also denied meeting one ‘Datuk Mumtaz’ at Najib’s house.
It is believed that Karpal was referring to Mumtaz Jaafar, a former national runner, who now heads the National Athlete Welfare Foundation, in which Rosmah is the patron. Mumtaz is said to be a close friend of Rosmah.
Quizzed on how he had obtained the IGP’s phone number, Saiful said it happened by chance when he was in Najib’s house.
“Najib asked for Musa’s number from someone whom I cannot identify. I overheard the conversation and keyed the number into my mobile phone in case of emergency,” he added.
After the meeting with Najib, Saiful said Khairil drove him back to the latter’s house, and this was where he received a call from Rodhwan, and the police officer had asked Saiful to meet him at Melia Hotel on the same night.
“I met Rodhwan in a room at the hotel and told him what had happened to me,” he said, adding that he had only related his complaint verbally and did not lodge a report then.
‘Crank call’ to the IGP
Responding to Karpal, Saiful said Rodhwan did not advise him on what to do next, but had requested for another meeting at the Concorde Hotel on June 25. This was later cancelled.
As for Musa, Saiful said he had called the police chief on June 25 and had a brief conversation with him.
Karpal: Why telephone him?
Mohd Saiful: To complain about my problems.
Karpal: Many problems?
Mohd Saiful: Of course, I have many problems.
Karpal: Did you meet him?
Mohd Saiful: Only contacted him.
Karpal: When?
Mohd Saiful: On June 25, 2008, in the morning.
Karpal: You contacted him to tell him your problems, right?
Mohd Saiful: Yes, but I only spoke for a minute and was scolded by the IGP because he probably thought it was a crank call and put down the telephone. He also reminded me not to call him again.
To another question from Karpal, Saiful said he did not find it strange that he had managed to meet the deputy premier and call the IGP.
On his meeting with Ezam, Saiful said a colleague, by the name of Rahimi, and his uncle, Tuah Mohamad, took him to mee Ezam at the latter’s house at Bandar Tasik Puteri.
Asked by Karpal if he had known Ezam prior to that, Saiful said he only knew him superficially.
Saiful told the court that the late night meeting with Ezam, prior to the police report being lodged against Anwar, only ended the next morning.
The trial continues tomorrow.
Anwar, 63, is charged with sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful, 25, at Unit 11-5-1 Desa Damansara Condominium, Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara, between 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26, 2008.
He is charged under Section 377B of the Penal Code and faces up to 20 years’ in jail and whipping upon conviction.
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 22 — The lead defence counsel in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II trial today suggested that multiple DNA profiles found in Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s anus made him a “passive homosexual.”
During the cross-examination of government scientist Dr Seah Lay Hong, the veteran lawyer asked whether the evidence of DNA profiles found in Saiful’s anus would lead to that conclusion.
“I’m putting it to you that it is a logical conclusion, multiple DNA profiles in his anus makes him a passive homosexual,” said Karpal.
Dr Seah, in turn said that she was not in the position to comment on the matter.
Karpal then asked Dr Seah to comment on the proforma report on Saiful, where it was stated that Saiful had complained of “attempted” sodomy.
“If it was attempted sodomy, how could DNA be found in Saiful’s anus?” asked Karpal.
This bought lead prosecutor Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden to object, saying that Dr Seah had nothing to do with the proforma report, and that therefore she need not answer.
In response, Karpal said that all he did was refer Dr Seah to a document (proforma report) which was already an exhibit.
Despite the prosecution’s objection, Judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah allowed Karpal to proceed with the question.
Dr Seah said that it would not be possible for DNA profiles to be found in Saiful’s anus if it was attempted sodomy.
“No, it would not be possible,” said the forensic scientist.
The trial will continue in the afternoon with the prosecution’s reexamination of Dr Seah.
Saiful had complained that Anwar, his ex-boss, had sodomised him at a luxury condominium in upper-class Bukit Damansara here on June 26, 2008.
Saiful, now aged 25, has never named anyone else.
Anwar, the 63-year-old PKR de facto leader, is currently facing sodomy charges for the second time in his life.
He has denied the charge, describing it as “evil, frivolous lies by those in power” when the charge was read out to him.
He is charged under section 377B of the Penal Code and can be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years’ jail and whipping upon conviction. The trial is taking place 18 months after Anwar was charged in court in August 2008.
He was charged with sodomy and corruption in 1998 after he was sacked from the Cabinet and was later convicted and jailed for both offences.
He was freed in September 2004 and later resurrected his political career by winning back his Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat in a by-election in 2008, which had been held in the interim by his wife.
He led the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, to a historic sweep of five states and 82 parliamentary seats in Election 2008.

Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
At 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 June 2008, Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Prior to this secret meeting, Rodwan and Saiful spoke on the phone at least eight (8) times. 
Three days later, at 2.00pm on 28 June 2008, Saiful went to see Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of the Hospital Pusrawi to ‘complain’ that he had been sodomised by ‘a very important person’ and that he wished to lodge a police report. The doctor, however, found no traces or evidence that he had been sodomised and suggested, for purposes of the police report, that Saiful go to a government hospital.
Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? Well, read the following archived reports to get a better understanding of this scumbag and slime-ball named Rodwan. Maybe then you can understand why he met Saiful in a hotel room three days before the sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim exploded.
Berita Harian
Rabu, 30 Disember 1998
Seorang pakar forensik Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini bahawa contoh darah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh digunakan untuk ujian DNA kerana ia diambil dan disediakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD (penyakit kelamin).
Dr Zahari Noor berkata, oleh kerana itu beliau menolak permintaan polis sebanyak dua kali supaya contoh darah itu digunakan untuk ujian DNA. Menurutnya, ketika di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman pada 28 September lalu bagi mengambil darah Anwar, beliau ditanya oleh Asisten Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof sama ada ujian DNA boleh dilakukan terhadap Anwar. Katanya, beliau menasihatkan polis supaya tidak mengambil darah Anwar untuk ujian DNA kerana Anwar hanya memberi persetujuan supaya darahnya digunakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD.
“Pada 15 Oktober lalu, Mohd Rodwan dan SAC I (Senior Asisten Komisioner) Musa Hassan datang ke HKL dan bertanya sama ada mereka boleh mengambil contoh darah Anwar untuk analisis DNA,” katanya.
Dr Zahari: Kami memberikan empat sebab kepada polis mengapa ujian DNA tidak boleh dilakukan terhadap darah Anwar:
* contoh itu tidak disediakan untuk analisis DNA,
* ia tidak sesuai untuk ujian DNA,
* pendapat kami ialah keputusan ujian DNA itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
* ia boleh membawa keputusan yang mengelirukan kerana kami menyimpan contoh darah itu di dalam bekas biasa tanpa pengawet atau EDTA.
Katanya, mereka kemudian mencadangkan kepada polis bahawa mereka bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk mengambil contoh darah Anwar di penjara Sungai Buloh untuk ujian DNA jika tertuduh membenarkannya.
“In 1998-1999 trials, Anwar experienced the phenomenon of fabrication of DNA evidence. We had SAC Rodwan illegally removing DNA samples from forensic custody. In cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses it was exposed that DNA taken from blood samples was planted on the infamous mattress,” said Sivarasa.
“When confronted with this fact the prosecution amended its charge and persuaded the judge, Augustine Paul, to expunge the entire DNA evidence from the record, preventing Anwar’s lawyers from responding.”
Police have never dilly-dallied in investigating the alleged sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim since the case was reported to police on June 28, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar. He said the police, instead, had been relentlessly seeking relevant and the latest information, besides giving the case priority, as it was a high-profile case.
“We want to solve this case as soon as possible. The investigating officer is constantly looking for new leads. We are doing our best and we need the cooperation of all quarters concerned,” he told Bernama when contacted here Tuesday.
Ismail was asked to comment on Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar’s statement on Monday, asking for police to speed up the investigations into the sodomy allegation against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor.
He said since the police investigations began, some quarters had been making speculations and statements that could interfere with the investigations.
“I wish to warn everyone, including bloggers, not to disturb police investigations by disseminating material or information that is inaccurate or false.
“Action will be taken against those who deliberately try to interfere with the investigations. Let the police do a meticulous job,” he added.
Sources told The Malaysian Insider that investigators are “crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s” and will be relying on Anwar’s DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) samples from 1998 when he faced similar charges which cost him the chance to be prime minister.
“Nobody wants a repeat of 1998 when the prosecution had to amend the charges. Anwar has alleged that he had an alibi for the 24 hours on the day the offence took place. So the authorities have to check everything out,” said an official who is familiar with the investigations.
“We understand that there is an attempt to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. The police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference.
“This case is built on strong scientific evidence,” the official added.
This was posted on Susan Loone’s blog: 
I would like to write the following statement in the name of GOD whom I believe.
I am a government doctor in the rank of consultant working in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). I know personally the doctors who examined Saiful on that day – 28 June 2008.
The so-called medical report mentioned in the NST is a fabrication or imagination by the UMNO paper. There is no such medical report submitted to the polis yet.
When examining Saiful, the specialist could not find any signs of Saiful being sodomised. Saiful was very cheerful, unlike real sodomised patients who will usually be very sad and disturbed.
Saiful was subsequently admitted to the ward and observed for a day. He was completely well in the ward and not emotionally disturbed.readmore Today we know why Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

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