Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Week's Ridiculous Malaysia Today reporting Free Malaysia Today's It’s The Ass ‘n Balls Show! from Perkasa's Arman Arza Abu Hanifa

Please, give this Perkasa's Arman Arza Abu Hanifa his overdue 15 seconds of fame. The guy desperate for notice.


TO prove that CSL has marital affair a CSLsex video was produce to prove that it is TRUE....., RPK often presented documents OR reports to back what he says is true just show us proof and we will sure believe YOUand PERKASA if not you are JUST A LIAR

man, how stupid and pig-moron Perkosa is? You think Anwar can run away easily like Najib on his PD award winning case, P Rosmah, Psycho Rais, Hisap-pudding, Jarjlis??? Why dont Perkosa go and perkosa CSL first about talking sense and bed-talking?

Check this. Youth Leader, Arman, sat down, removed the favourite pencil from the ultra high songkok, then itemised probable events for the Police Report:-
1/ Anwar would escape with the assistance,
2/ Anwar is planning to organise mass demonstrations,
3/ Anwar to have “a self-inflicted car accident”, apparently in a bid instigate the populous,

But the telling reasons, "Why?" is not yet known ! “Why does he want to do this? The poor Youth Leader unsure, asks in positive bewilderment. Suggested reasons: For popularity ? To incite hatred against the gov?

Boy ! This Arman is damn good. He has raised an issue that certainly will spawn raging debates both in the blog sphere and coffee shops throughout the natio

Begs the question what they do on their off 


Anwar could not possibly flee the country as he has a score to settle with those basxxrds who had inflicted so much torture and humiliation on him!!!

Perkasa claims it has detailed information about the alleged escape plan, which involves the Turkish, Australian and US governments.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Perkasa claims that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is making plans to flee Malaysia in order to escape a prison sentence in relation to his Sodomy II trial.


I received reliable source from government agency that requested not to disclose his or her identity, this guy on video knew Anwar will be guilty in the 2nd sodomy case before the court passes judgment. I also received information that Mahathir will sleep on the roof top tonight. I also received information that Najib will announce that all Malaysians do not need to pay taxes in 2100. I am expected to receive information later that Ibrahim Ali will fix a bionic heart made of rusty iron. I also received information yesterday that this guy would accuse Anwar of eating his breakfast before escaping. I also received reliable source that did not wish to be identified Perkasa is out there to fly kite tomorrow. If you believe this guy then you should also believe the above information I received.
What is wrong if Anwar flees. Who would not so the same thing if they hace been wrongly jailed for six years and constantly harassed and demonised and persecuted like he has committed a great crime when so many REAL criminals are allowed to go free. 

great cartoonist with dump brain.

As you say he is planned to be smuggled out, so do you think he needs the passport to be with him? Idiot.
    There are comedians and there are idiots and this is defiantly the latter. Thanks for the good laugh bodohs from perkasa.

And i do wonder Where the UMNO flee when they fail to form government next few months....

Pengecut, surely will shrink more and more.

What is wrong if Anwar flees. Who would not so the same thing if they hace been wrongly jailed for six years and constantly harassed and demonised and persecuted like he has committed a great crime when so many REAL criminals are allowed to go free.

You should be ashamed of yourself, you are doing this to your muslim brother who is such a talented leader just to stifle opposition. Beware of your own sins. You are trying to destroy and deprive us of a great leader because of your own greed and power.

At least Anwar is fighting for democracy. What are you fighting for? To only enrich and fatten yourself at the expense of others.What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his own soul?
You may abuse your power and escape punishment for now but God knows what you do!!

Baby One More Time (Britney Spears)

We've heard it a countless times. It shot dear Britney to stardom. But listening to it here in the Baby One More Time live in London, Oops Tour, I have to confess that yeah, her perpetual "loneliness" and the emotional barfing of it all has been killing me for quite some time. Brit's also chrips, "when I'm not with you I lose my mind/give me a sign/hit me baby one more time." Looking back, I'm wondering if she meant that literally? Brits: as much as I've enjoyed your 2000-2010 creative slideshow into the abyss and back again, why not spend the next 10 years spitting out material that could, oh, actually empower the youngsters, in better way/?

Every Breath You Take (The Police)

Ponder this music video by The Police performingEvery Breath You Take (Black and White Version/(C) 1983 A&M Records Ltd.) Here's what I hear: "Every move you make/Every vow you break/Every smile you fake/Every claim you stake/I'll be watching you." That stings, Sting. Stalk much? Later, the icon sings, "Since you've gone I been lost without a trace/I dream at night I can only see your face/I look around but it's you I can't replace." One word: Try. Ok, I get it: love, real or imagined, is a bit painful. There's some loneliness involved. Two more words: Grow up. Take life by the big cajones, head to mirror, tell youself you're a pretty decent person and start loving yourself, man. (That'll be $150, thank you.)

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