Thursday, February 10, 2011

Smelly Hindu A Kohilan Pillay this is what you expect from core ideology of Hindutva is fuzzily defined.its rabble rousing. Hindu chauvinism.

The fallout from the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt will shape a new geopolitical structure in the Middle East [CC -Jacob Anikulapo]

Hosni Mubarak is still president of Egypt, but his days in power are numbered; there will be no Mubarak dynasty either. The authoritarian order in Egypt and throughout the Arab world has been profoundly shaken. The ousting of Ben Ali in Tunisia, a remarkable event in itself, now appears to have been the trigger for a far broader upheaval that is shaking regimes across the region.
Since Mohamed Bou'azizi set himself alight in Tunisia on December 17, self-immolations have taken place in Egypt, Algeria, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Unprecedented demonstrations have since spread to Algeria, Jordan, and Yemen. Remember too that all this was taking place against the backdrop of a tense regional environment: the dangerous paralysis in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, a simmering crisis in Lebanon, continuing uncertainties over Iraq, and the Iranian nuclear issue.
Egypt as a catalyst?

Should we laugh, or cry, when Deputy Foreign Minister A Kohilan Pillay moaned about his inability to bathe or sleep in his Five Star hotel bed when he was in Cairo to assist stranded Malaysians?
Most people, when interviewed, would have enthused about being in Egypt where a historic and momentous occasion in its history (and also of the middle-east) is being made and where events are fast unfolding.
We do not mind so much Kohilan’s incredulity at not being able to perform his ablutions but as a minister, he displays a shocking lack of perspicacity.
Instead of being aware of his surroundings, Kohilan’s highlight during his Egyptian experience was ‘not being able to take a bath’. He displayed admirable performance with his role as a stranded tourist, rather than the over-worked foreign diplomat.
He said, “I did not have a bath for two days and slept in an airport terminal.”
Perhaps Kohilan is ill-suited to his portfolio at the Foreign Ministry. Perhaps our diplomats are spoilt after cocktail parties at the High Commission, making small talk with celebrities and CEOs of First World countries. Perhaps someone omitted to tell Kohilan that not all events at various global locations are cushy postings. Let us hope the Ministry does not send Kohilan to a war-torn country.readmore

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