Monday, February 28, 2011



Karim Benzema
Karim Benzema
Date of Birth:17 Dec 1987 (Age 23)
Place of Birth:Lyon
Height:184 cm.
Weight:80 Kg.
Squad Number:9
National Team Page:France

Disgraced billionaire money manager (and former Bill Clinton associate) Jeffrey Epstein is back in New York City after 13 months of jail time for soliciting a minor for prostitution — and he appears far from repentant.
All rapists are monsters who deserve to suffer for the things they do. I was sexually abused repeatedly by my step dad and his father when I was 3yrs old. I remember everything that they said & did to me. 11yrs later I still wake up screaming & crying from vivid nightmares. I’m still learning how to deal with the pain of the abuse because even though my step dad died 9yrs ago from a heart attack in his sleep it doesn’t erase the memories & I still see my step dad’s mother & father out in public.
In an interview with the New York Post, Epstein was breezy about his conviction. “I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’ hesaid. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”
Last month, a New York judge ruled Epstein a Level 3 sex offender — the most dangerous kind.
Back in July, the Daily Beast shone a light into some of the less savory aspects of Epstein’s lifestyle with a detailed report of the financier’s “sex den,” in Florida which, according to police reports, displayed how he “organized his life around this sexual compulsion in an open and methodical way that suggests he felt he was beyond the law.”
The details included, but were not limited to, nude images of young girls scattered around the house, genital-shaped bathroom soap, and house staff who would routinely troll for fresh bodies to keep up with Epstein’s schedule of two or three “massage” appointments each day.
These are far from the only excruciatingly personal details that have surfaced about Epstein. In a disposition from September 2009, he was forced to answer the following question from the opposing counsel: “Is it true that you have what’s been described as an egg-shaped penis?”
Epstein doesn’t come up in a ZIP code search of New York’s sex-offender database. ThePost reports:
That’s because Epstein’s Upper East Side home is considered “temporary.” By state law, he is required to provide only his permanent address to the database, and Epstein listed his Florida home.
Karim Benzema of Real Madrid and Bayern Munich wingerFranck Ribery have been charged with soliciting an under-age prostitute and could face up to three years in jail respectively.
Both Ribery and Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema had been detained for questioning by police about a prostitution ring in Paris. The players came under investigation after they were alleged to have paid for sex with Zahia Dehar when she was a minor.
Prostitution is legal in France, but prostitutes must be over 18 years old, and clients are liable if they are not of legal age.
According to the press agency, both Benzema and Ribery were placed under formal judicial investigation after several hours of questioning by the French vice squad but were later released.
Both could face up to three years in prison, along with a significant fine, but only if the prosecution can prove that players knew prostitute was a minor.
Ribery was indicted for “solicitation of a minor prostitute” by Andre Dando, the judge investigating the case. The offences centred around the Zaman Cafe, a bar on the Champs-Elysees.
Karim Benzema and Ribery’s brother-in-law were due to hear their indictments from Dando in the late afternoon. No indication has been given about the content of statements from Ribery during his seven hours in custody this morning in the premises of the Punishment of Procuring Brigade (BRP) in Paris.
During the investigation, Zahia had told the police she had sex with players – including Franck Ribery, in 2009, and Karim Benzema in 2008 – when she was under-age.
Soliciting sex with a minor prostitute is punishable by three years in prison and 45,000 euros fine under French law.
I. IntroductionChild labour is not a new phenomenon. It has existed in one form or the other in all historical periods. What is new, however, it its perception as a social problem and its being a matter of social concern.
In older days the child was viewed with a tender feeling and treated with warmth, mercy, and compassion. But the fund of knowledge about the psychophysical needs and the environmental influence impinging on his growth and development was rather meager. The mechanics and dynamics of child development were not adequately and scientifically understood. Today on scientific grounds it can be asserted that work as a direct fulfilment of child’s natural abilities and creative potentialities is always conducive to healthy growth but work when taken up as a means for fulfilment of some other needs becomes enslaving in character of a social problem in as much as it hinders, arrests, or distorts the natural growth processes and prevents the child from attaining full blown personality.
The lions share of the value generated by it is appropriated by some one else and the child is left with a fraction that can not meet comfortably even the survival needs.
Child labour is thus defined as work performed by children that either endangers their health or safety, interferes with or prevents education or keeps them from play and other activity important to their development. Child labour of this kind is considered a social evil.
The problem of child labour is a multi-dimensional one as the children from a large segment of the total population. Child prostitution involving both boys and girls is very common today but female child prostitution is more common than male child prostitution.
Termed as the oldest profession, prostitution has become an integral part of ‘all sorts’ that make the world. Women who resort to this rarely get a sympathetic word from the society and their life is wasted away selling momentary pleasures for a meal and existence in cubby holes called ‘cages’. If their plight is pathetic, worse still is that of the child prostitutes.
Today there is existence of ‘kid porn’ where children and not adults are chosen for sexual exploitation.
Ironically child prostitution is a special category of rigorous case of child labour and it raises more troubling ethical problems than child labour in general.
II. Extent

Many surveys have been conducted to find out the extent of child prostitution. Dr. Gilada’s paper on perspectives and positional problems of social intervention” shows that,
“70% of women are forced into prostitution and 20% of these are child prostitutes.”
Statistics of the survey done show:-
City Population Prostitute Population
Bombay 10 million 100,000
Calcutta 9 million 100,000
Delhi 7 million 40,000
Agra 3 million 40,000
A survey conducted by Indian Health Organization of a red light area of Bombay shows:-
1. 20% of the one lakh prostitutes are children.
2. 25% of the child prostitutes had been abducted and sold.
3. 6% had been raped and sold.
4. 8% had been sold by their fathers after forcing them into incestuous relationships.
5. 2 lakh minor girls between ages 9yrs-20yrs were brought every year from Nepal to India and 20,000 of them are in Bombay brothels.
6. 15% to 18% are adolescents between 13 yrs and 18 yrs.
7. 15% of the women in prostitution have been sold by their husbands
8. Of 200m suffering from sexually transmitted diseases in the world 50m alone were in India.
9. 15% of them are devdasis.
III. Cases

There are several causes of child prostitution but some of the most important ones are as follows:
1. Devdasi system:- many of the devdasis are the girls who were dedicated to the Goddess Yellamma by their parents at a very young age. They are the servants of God as they are married to the Goddess. This ceremony takes place twice a year. The main one is during the second fortnight of January at Karnatakas Saudatti village in South West of Miraj. Once the girl is married to a Goddess she cannot marry a mortal.
The procurers frequent the place inorder to get the fresh supplies of girls as 4000 to 5000 girls are dedicated every year to the Goddess.
Attaining puberty is a secondary thing as there is a ceremony known as heath Lawni (or touching ceremony) whereby the girl is made over to the highest bidder.
A study revealed that one third, of which three fourth are under fourteen years, are in Bombay’s cheapest brothels. They belong to the low castes like Mahars, Matangs, etc. who give low priority to education. They are so poverty stricken that Fathers, brothers and husbands do not hesitate to sell their daughters, sisters and wives.
Prevention of devdasis Act has been in the statute book since 1935 and amended recently but the system continues even today despite governmental ban, Still the girls are dedicated to the Goddess and forced into virtual prostitution and made to entertain males in order to invoke the blessings of the deity.
It was estimated that in Delhi 50% of the prostitutes are devdasis and in Bombay, Pune, Solapur and Sangli. 15% of them are devdasis,
(2) It is also noticed that young and old men prefer young and new girls.
(3) Growing poverty, increasing urbanization, and industrialization, migration, and widespread unemployment, breaking up of joint family system etc. are also responsible for the prevalence and perpetuation of the child prostitution.
(4) The influx of the affluent and not so affluent people from Gulf countries in India has boosted the flesh trade in cities like Bombay, Hyderabad etc. The parents are forced to part with their daughters for as little as 2 rupees tow two thousand in the fond hope that they would get two square meals in the moneyed new world.
(5) Quick marriages without proper knowledge of the bridegroom’s family background leading to a divorce initiates the gravitation of girls to the red light area.
(6) Another inaction is after rape. A fifteen years old girl was brought to Dr, Gildas Clinic as she was suffering from the symptoms of an STD she had been raped and sold by a self styled social worker. The poor girl was forced into silence by the threats of dire consequences.
(7) The children are not lured into it but are thrust into it. There was a case of a sixteen years old girl who was sold to a brothel owner by her father following incest. 8% of these girls are victims of incest because of the myth-that one of the causes for an STD is intercourse with a virgin.
(8) Many a times when a child who has lost both his parents is looked after by the relatives and these relatives too force the child into prostitution.READMORE Billionaire money manager (and former Bill Clinton associate ): ‘I’m Not A Sexual Predator, I’m An ‘Offender,”

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