Friday, January 28, 2011


Ummi ignorant of the law, time limit long past, chides Karpal

The Best Little Whorehouse in TexasThe Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

Have they lost knowing the pleasure and wholesome pride it stirs in someone when they are told their father/mother was good and honest, dependable, someone who can be counted to act in the cause of justice, not just her name?
I can only feel for Augustine Paul with what he has left us.
And that is an irreconcilable sadness of what could have been.
Ummi confesses to being the architectthe Anwar sodomy allegation; a purely fabricated charge
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During the earlier trial, it was revealed that the Special Branch tried to convince Anwar to “take action” but that Anwar refused, until pressed further by the Director who said it was “for the sake of national security” before Anwar agreed that action be taken.
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In a new twist to the Anwar Saga, it was revealed that Ummi Hafilda Ali was the architect behind the accusation that Anwar had sodomised Azizan Abu Bakar. And, for this, she was disowned by her father just months before he died of a broken heart.
Christopher Fernando told the Kuala Lumpur Appeal Court that Said Awang, the Director of the Special Branch, went to meet Azmin Ali, Ummi’s brother, who was then Anwar’s Chief Private Secretary, to solicit his (Azmin’s) assistance to persuade Ummi to retract the allegation that Anwar had sodomised Azizan.
What is most interesting by this revelation is that:
1. Said Awang went to meet Azmin BEFORE he met Anwar. Therefore, the allegation that Anwar had abused his position by summoning the Special Branch, and that he asked them to force Ummi and Azizan to withdraw the sodomy allegation, is a fallacy. In fact, it was not Anwar who summoned Said Awang to see him, but the Special Branch Director who took the initiative to meet Anwar.
2. The idea to persuade Ummi and Azizan to retract the sodomy allegation came from the Special Branch and not Anwar. During the earlier trial, it was revealed that the Special Branch tried to convince Anwar to “take action” but that Anwar refused, until pressed further by the Director who said it was “for the sake of national security” before Anwar agreed that action be taken.
3. The Special Branch was fully aware that it was Ummi who was behind the sodomy allegation and that Azizan was merely the instrument to the whole thing. That was why they wanted Azmin, her brother, to try to persuade Ummi to retract the allegation.
This sheds light on the previous day’s proceedings where Fernando revealed that Azizan testified three times, under oath, that Anwar never sodomised him – an admission that took even the trial judge aback.
Fernando related how Said went to meet Azmin to request a meeting with Anwar Ibrahim. In the meeting with Azmin, Said asked him whether Ummi is his sister and Azmin confirmed so.
Said Awang then asked Azmin whether he was able to persuade his sister to withdraw the sodomy allegation against Anwar but Azmin replied that would be impossible as he no longer talked to his sister since the allegation surfaced.
The Special Branch was aware that Ummi was behind the accusation and was, in fact, the plotter of the whole thing. And, the period when this discussion with Azmin was going on, the Special Branch had not met Anwar yet.
Azmin then called the family together to discuss the issue. In all, three meetings were held that included Ummi herself.
Ummi at first denied she had written the letter to the Prime Minister accusing Anwar of sodomy. Azmin then advised his sister to steer clear of the conspiracy, and that was when she admitted this would be impossible to do as she had been promised money and contracts for her role and, in fact, money had already changed hands.
Ummi later confessed to her father her involvement in the conspiracy and that it was actually she who had written the letter to the Prime Minister. The father, a religious teacher, then disowned her and, soon after, died of a broken heart, never forgiving his daughter for what she had done.
It was clear, from the testimony in court, that Azizan’s letter to the Prime Minister had been written by Ummi. Ummi had confessed to this. Azizan, in turn, during the course of the trial, admitted that Anwar did not sodomise him.
However, when the defence tried to bring up this very crucial bit of evidence during the trial, the trial judge disallowed it. The judge refused to allow the letter to be admitted as evidence or to allow Ummi to be called to court to testify.
Ummi’s role in this whole thing was clear and indisputable. The fact the sodomy accusation against Anwar was false was apparent. Just before he died, Ummi’s father wrote an open letter to Harakah, an opposition newspaper, explaining the whole matter and, in no uncertain terms, accused his daughter of involvement in the conspiracy to frame Anwar and of being the person who wrote the letter to the Prime Minister.
Had the judge allowed this crucial bit of evidence to be admitted, argued Fernando, it would have changed the entire complexion of the case and the judge would have been hard-pressed to find Anwar guilty.
Attempt after attempt was made to frame Anwar of sexual misconduct charges; and Pak Lah is involved too
“There was an evil plot to secure a conviction through devious means,” said Christopher Fernando on the second day of Anwar’s appeal hearing in the Kuala Lumpur Appeal Court.
Fernando then told the court that attempt after attempt was made to frame Anwar on sexual misconduct charges.
One such case was Dr. Munawar Ahmad Anees, then one of Anwar’s speech writers, who was arrested and subjected to physical and mental torture to force him to admit he had a homosexual relationship with Anwar.
Fernando then took the court through the lengthy Affidavit signed by Dr Munawar on 7 November 1998 that detailed the experience he went through at the hands of the Malaysian police.
The torture he endured finally broke him and he admitted to the ‘crime’, which he later retracted in his Affidavit.
Fernando then brought the court’s attention back to the Manjeet Singh Dhillon matter that was raised in court yesterday to emphasis his point of yet another attempt to frame Anwar.
At this point, Fernando called upon the court to recommend a Royal Commission of Inquiry be established to investigate Manjit Singh Dhillon’s serious allegation against Abdul Gani Patail and Azhar Mohamad as this is a most serious matter affecting the administration of justice and the rule of law.
“If they are found not to be involved in extorting fabricated evidence, then their names will be cleared,” said Fernando. “It will be to their benefit.”
“If they are involved, then they ought to be brought to justice. That is the only way to resolve this pressing problem and to restore public confidence.”
Clearly there was a concerted effort to frame Anwar. But these attempts were not confined to Malaysia. It also extended to the shores of the US as well, argued Fernando. One case in point was an incident involving Jamal Abder Rahman.
“We are trying to show a pattern, how witnesses were approached to give fabricated evidence and these efforts extended beyond the shores of Malaysia to the US,” said Fernando.
Jamal is an American citizen of Arab descent who operates a limousine service in Washington DC and had a contract to provide limousine services to the Malaysian Embassy in Washington.
In September 1998, soon after Anwar’s dismissal and subsequent arrest, a Malaysian Diplomat, Mustapha Ong, asked Jamal to declare that he had procured women and young boys for Anwar.
“A witness who constantly changes his stand means he is lying,” argued Karpal. “And yet the judge declared that Azizan’s testimony is ‘as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar’.”
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“The prosecution not only wanted their pound of flesh, it also wanted a pint of blood”
Karpal Singh continued where he left off on Wednesday, 26 March 2003, by emphasising that Section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code is mandatory and there is absolutely no discretion in the matter.
The Kuala Lumpur Appeal Court was told that the date on the charge against Anwar was amended twice; from ‘May 1994’, to ‘May 1992’, then to ‘one day from1 January 1993 to 31 March 1993’. The defence had asked for a postponement to allow it time to file its notice of alibi but the court did not grant this ten-day grace that it should have under the law.
“This violated Article 5(1) of the Constitution,” argued Karpal. “Dato Seri Anwar was deprived of his right under the law.”
Karpal said the trial judge had acted prejudicial and irredeemable and he ought not to have sanctioned the prosecution of Anwar.
Karpal then asked the court to consider setting aside the judgement against Anwar.
On the credibility of the prosecution’s star witness, Azizan Abu Bakar, Karpal said Azizan gave five conflicting statements at different points of time
Azizan’s statement was recorded under Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code and, under this section of the code, a person whose statement is being recorded:
1. Must answer all questions posed to him. (He/she cannot refuse to answer any question).
2. Must tell the truth. (He/she cannot lie).
3. Anything he/she says can be used against him/her. (Including cited for perjury if he/she lies).
Azizan, who had his statement recorded over five different dates from August 1997 until June 1999, however, kept changing his stand.
“A witness who constantly changes his stand means he is lying,” argued Karpal. “And yet the judge declared that Azizan’s testimony is ‘as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar’.”
“Far from it!” said Karpal.
“The duty of the prosecutor is not to obtain a conviction but to administer justice.”
“The role of the prosecutor should exclude the notion of winning or losing.”
Karpal said that since Azizan made five conflicting statements at different points of time, this “made an improbability of what actually happened.”
As for the fact that Anwar was charged in 1999 for an event that was alleged to have happened in 1993, the six years delay would have reduced his opportunity of preparing a proper defence.
“Memories fail with time erasing the ability to recollect happenings six years ago,” said Karpal. “A fair trial could not be achieved with such a long time lapse.”
“Under section 402A, Dato Seri Anwar’s trial should never have taken place. This is a serious miscarriage of justice.”
“Your Lordships are bound to rule that Section 402A has been infringed.”
The Bench and Karpal then engaged in a debate as to the notice of alibi which, according to the Bench, is to the benefit of the prosecution.
Karpal argued that it did not matter as to whose benefit the notice of alibi may be. It is something mandatory and not something the judge could use his discretion to rule. The defence had made a request for a postponement but the trail judge denied the request.
“The judge did not do his duty. He should have stopped the trial and all the evidence should have been ruled inadmissible.”
Karpal then related how the defence had applied for a postponement to allow the investigating officer to investigate Anwar’s alibi. The Attorney-General then, Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah, stood up to say he had no objections to the postponement.
“However, after lunch, the AG turned turtle and raised an objection.”
Even the judge had declared that the police should investigate the alibi. “Then, later, he turned round and said that it is their choice, that it was their discretion if they choose to do so.
“The judge said that it was the prosecution’s own funeral if they do not challenge the defence’s alibi.”
Karpal then told the court that the judge had stated that corroboration is necessary. He then turned around and said he was prepared to accept Azizan’s testimony without corroboration though Azizan was an unreliable testimony who perjured himself many times.
“Corroboration is necessary. But, if a witness is unreliable, then, even if his testimony is corroborated, it still cannot be accepted and should be rejected.”
Karpal then took the court through Azizan’s close proximity (khalwat) case in the Alor Gajah Syariah Court. Because of this case, Azizan’s credibility as a witness had been destroyed.
Azizan said he had revealed the alleged sodomy incident because of his “duty and honour as a Muslim.”
Karpal said the defence then requested to recall Azizan as a witness to reassess his credibility. The judge, however, would not allow it.
“You can put a label of a thoroughbred on a horse,” said Karpal. “But a donkey is still a donkey.”
“The judge was not only scraping the bottom of the barrel. He was scraping the outer bottom of the barrel.”
The investigation officer had testified that Azizan’s testimony had no contradictions. “Then why amend the date on the charge?” asked Karpal.
“Was the judge judicially honest in arriving at the decision that Azizan is a reliable witness who did not perjure himself?”
Karpal then said that medical evidence is prime evidence. “Why was Azizan not sent for a medical examination? This could have corroborated Azizan’s testimony.”
“The investigation officer admitted that there was still time to send Azizan for a medical examination.”
“The judge swallowed the evidence hook line and sinker.”
“Allegations of sodomy can easily be made but are very difficult to prove. The evidence therefore must be very convincing.”
In any trial, there is the prosecution’s case and the defence’s case. But Dato Seri Anwar was denied his constitutional right to a proper defence. Anwar, therefore, had only half a trial – which means he had no trial.
Karpal then asked the court to allow Anwar’s appeal and set aside the conviction.
“Anwar’s prosecution, in fact, ought not to have commenced right from the word go. No man properly trained in the law would have done what the AG (then) had done.”
“The prosecution not only wanted their pound of flesh. It also wanted a pint of blood.”
“Azizan’s evidence has turned to stardust.”


Oleh Zana, 2005-11-17 11:30:24, IP :
Pada hari kiamat, orang yang durhaka kepada orang tua akan mendapatkan siksa yang sangat berat dan pedih. Mengapa demikian hukuman Allah SAW.? Karena dia telah menentang perintah Allah, serta melakukan perbuatan yang sangat keji. Allah telah memerintahkan, agar setiap orang senantiasa memuliakan orangtua.
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Bahkan perintah berbakti kepada orangtua disejajarkan dengan perintah beribadah kepada-Nya. Dalam Al-Qur’an telah ditegaskan “Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan agar kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia, dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada ibu-bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika salah seorangdari keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berusia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka jangan sekali-kali mengatakan : hus, dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka, serta ucapkanlah kepada mereka ucapan yang mulia.
Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang, serta ucapkanlah : “Ya Tuhanku, kasihanilah mereka sebagaimana mereka keduanya telah mendidik aku sewaktu kecil.” (QS. Al-Isra’ : 23-24).
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Keharusan bersyukur kepada kedua orangtua juga ditegaskan oleh Allah SWT. dalam Al-Qur’an: “Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia agar berbuat baik kepada dua orang ibu-bapaknya. Ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada dua orang ibu-bapakmu. Hanya kepada-Ku-lah kamu akan kembali.” (QS.Luqman: 14).
Berbakti kepada orangtua, nilai pahalanya tidak kalah dengan berjihad di jalan Allah. Sahabat Abdullah bin Amrin bin Ash menerangkan : “Pada suatu ketika ada seorang lelaki datang menghadap Rasulullah, memohon ijin untuk ikut berjihad bersama beliau. Lantas Rasulullah bertanya kepada lelaki itu: “Adakah orangtuamu masih hidup?” Jawabnya: “Ya, orangtuaku masih hidup dan telah berusia lanjut.” Rasulullah kemudian bersabda: “Berbaktilah dan urus mereka dengan sebaik-baiknya, dalam diri orangtuamu itulah terdapat nilai jihad.” (HR.Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abdullah bin Amrin bin Ash). Durhaka kepada orangtua termasuk perbuatan dosa besar.
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Dalam hal ini Rasulullah telah menegaskan: “Maukah sekiranya aku menceritakan kepadamu tentang sebesar-besar dosa besar? Yakni menyekutukan Allah dan durhaka kepada orangtua.” Lantas Rasulullah duduk, lalu bersabda lagi: “Ingatlah, ucapan dusta dan sumpah palsu adalah termasuk dosa besar pula.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim). Jadi, orang yang durhaka kepada orangtua dosanya sama dengan dosa menyekutukan Allah. Karena itu, berhati-hatilah!Allah sangat melaknat orang yang berbuat durhaka kepada orangtua. Dalam hal ini Rasulullah telah menegaskan: “Allah sangat melaknat orang yang durhaka kepada orangtua.Pretty Woman [Blu-ray]Pretty Woman [Blu-ray]
Allah sangat melaknat orang yang mencela bapaknya, dan Allah sangat melaknat orang yang menyakiti hati ibunya.”(HR.Ibnu Hibban dari Ibnu Abbas).Siksa bagi orang yang berbuat durhaka kepada orangtua, diberikan dengan segera di dunia ini. Padahal dosa-dosa yang lain, siksanya ditunda sampai dengan hari kiamat tiba,
sebagaimana ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah: “Setiap dosa, siksanya ditunda sampai dengan hari kiamat tiba, kecuali siksa bagi orang yang durhaka kepada orangtua. Kepada pelakunya siksaan itu akan diberikan dengan segera, ketika masih berada di dunia ini.” (HR.Hakim dan Abu Bakar).
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Itulah pula yang menjadi tanda dari sebuah “dosa besar”, yaitu manakala pelakunya akan mendapatkan laknat dari Allah SWT. baik ketika masih berada di dunia (masih hidup) maupun di akhirat nanti (setelah mati).Imam Bukhari dan Muslim mengetengahkan sebuah riwayat, bahwa pada suatu ketika ada seorang lelaki datang menghadap Rasulullah, seraya berkata : “Ya Rasulallah, siapakah di antara manusia ini yang paling berhak aku pergauli dengan baik?” Jawab Rasulullah : “Ibumu.” Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: “Kemudian siapa lagi?” Jawab Rasulullah: “Ibumu.” Lelaki itu kemudian bertanya lagi: “Kemudian siapa lagi, ya Rasulallah?” Jawab Rasulullah: “Ibumu.” Lantas lelaki itu bertanya lagi: “Ya Rasulallah, kemudian siapa lagi?” Jawab Rasulullah: “Bapakmu. Baru kemudian keluargamu yang lebih dekat, dan yang lebih dekat.”Secara tegas Rasulullah menekankan, bahwa berbakti kepada ibu lebih penting daripada berbakti kepada bapak. Demikian pula penghormatan serta kasih sayang kepada ibu harus lebih diprioritaskan.
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Itulah sebabnya Rasulullah menyebutnya sampai tiga kali, sementara berbuat baik dan bakti kepada seorang bapak hanya disebut satu kali. Rasulullah berpesan demikian, karena pada kenyataannya perhatian dan kecintaan seorang ibu terhadap anak-anaknya jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kecintaan dan perhatian seorang bapak.
Cobalah renungkan, penderitaan, kesabaran dan kecintaan seorang ibu mulai sejak mengandung selama sembilan bulan, melahirkan, menyusui, mengasuh, berjaga semalaman ketika si anak sedang sakit, mendidik sejak usia dini, semua kasih sayang seorang ibu dicurahkan kepada anaknya dengan penuh ketulusan hati.Sebelum terlambat dan tertutupnya pintu tobat, dan menghindari kemurkaan Allah SWT. kepada kita dengan azab dan siksa yang pedih baik di dunia maupun di akhirat, seorang anak, terutama ketika kedua orang tua masih hidup, sudah sepatutnya berbakti kepada kedua orang tua dengan sebaik-baiknya dengan memperlakukan ibu dan bapak dengan penuh hormat dan dengan adab dan akhlak yang baik. Kenikmatan yang diperoleh anak manusia yang berasal dari karunia Allah SWT. melalui orangtuanya dari sejak berupa janin di rahim ibu sampai berhasil lulus menjadi sarjana atau lebih tinggi lagi, sungguh tidak bisa dinilai dengan uang. Namun, orangtua sama sekali tidak mengharapkan balasan berupa materi, melainkan hanya kasih sayang dan rasa hormat anak-anaknya. Banyak anak yang durhaka kepada orangtua karena menganggap dia lebih pintar, lebih kaya atau lebih terhormat dibandingkan kedua orangtuanya yang kurang berpendidikan dan hidup sederhana di kampung.
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Seorang anak seringkali juga berbuat durhaka kepada kedua orangtuanya karena pengaruh seorang isteri atau suaminya. Kini sudah banyak kita lihat dalam kehidupan, orang yang lebih mementingkan dan menuruti kemauan seorang isteri daripada orangtuanya. Bahkan tidak jarang mereka bahkan berani memperbudak orangtuanya untuk mencari kesetiaan dan simpati sang isteri. Mereka lupa bahwa kepintaran, kesuksesan dan kemewahan yang mereka dapatkan, semata-mata karena jerih payah penderitaan, dan yang paling utama adalah keikhlasan serta do’a dari orangtuanya. Jika sudah demikian, tunggulah musibah besar pasti akan menimpa mereka.Bagaimana adab seorang anak dihadapan orangtua sehingga terhindar dari perbuatan durhaka dan murka Allah yang sangat pedih di dunia dan di akhirat?
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Beberapa diantaranya adalah :
1.. Mendengar dan memperhatikan ucapan orangtua dengan khidmat dan jangan sekali-kali memotong atau membantah ucapannya sebelum ia selesai berbicara. Memotong pembicaraan orangtua sama dengan tidak menghormatinya.
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2.. Bersikap patuh terhadap perintah orangtua, selama perintah itu tidak bertentangan dengan hukum dan syari’ah agama dan bukan kedurhakaan terhadap Allah.
3.. Tidak mengeraskan suara melebihi orangtua, melainkan bertutur kata dengan lemah lembut dan penuh hormat.
4.. Menjawab panggilan orangtua dengan segera dan jawaban yang lemah lembut.
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5.. Selalu berusaha mencari keridhaan orangtua. Rasulullah saw. bersabda: “Keridhaan Allah tergantung dari keridhaan orangtua dan murka Allah-pun tergantung pada kemurkaan orangtua. (HR.Hakim).
6.. Bersikap sopan, ramah dan tawadhu’ di hadapan orangtua. Seorang anak jangan bersikap urakan di depan orangtua, apalagi memperlakukannya dengan semena-mena, misalnya dengan membentak dengan perkataan kasar atau menyakitinya secara fisik. Perbuatan semacam ini jelas perbuatan seorang anak yang durhaka yang sangat dimurkai Allah.
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7.. Tidak mengungkit-ungkit jasa atau menyebut-nyebut kebaikan-kebaikan yang ia pernah berikan kepada orangtua. Perbuatan ini akan sangat menyakitkan hati orang tua sehingga mendapat ancaman siksa dunia akhirat.
8.. Tidak mengerutkan muka di hadapan orangtua, dan apabila masih hidup dibawah tanggungan orangtua (belum berkeluarga) jangan pergi tanpa se-izin orangtua.
9.. Menghormati dan berbuat kebaikan kepada saudara dan teman-teman dekat orangtua, apabila kedua orangtua telah meninggal dunia.
10.. Mengikuti segala nasihat orangtua untuk kebahagiaan anak di dunia dan di akhirat, sebab pada dasarnya tidak ada orangtua yang menginginkan anak-anaknya menderita.Marilah kita selalu memohon pertolongan Allah SAW. agar senantiasa dapat berbakti kepada kedua orangtua kita dan mendapatkan keridhaannya, menjauhkan kita dari sifat durhaka serta membimbing kearah keselamatan yang abadi baik di dunia maupun di akhirat.
Posted by chittarkotain

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