Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sex is my Religion Chua Soi Lek SAYS to Keep my sex passion alive" So what is so great about that ISLAM ?

MCA president Chua Soi Lek appears to be on a warpath, defending his criticism of Muslim women who chose not to shake hands with the opposite sex for religious reasons.
In an angry reaction to questions from reporters, Chua insisted that the norm practised by many Muslim women to avoid skin contact with the opposite sex during handshake was contrary to "basic culture and manners to shake hands".
“I have been in the public life for many years. It's part of the basic culture and manners to shake hands," said Chua, who also scolded a reporter from online portal Malaysiakini, which first broke news of Chua's attack on PAS candidate Normala Sudirman.
It's a natural thing for the passion between a couple to wane after a few years into the relationship. What starts off as red-hot, 'cant keep our hands off each other' action may deteriorate to action between the sheets just once a week or once a month. And while some couples learn to exist comfortably, in many cases, this may lead to a complete breakdown of the relationship, and that's not something you want happening with yours. Remember, passion is one of the key ingredients in keeping a couple together and consequently, their relationship rocking.

Here's how you can re-ignite that lost spark and keep it burning.

Say I love you: 
You may have said it like a million times as a couple in the courting phase, so what's stopping you from doing it now that you are committed or married? Don't save your emotions for special occasions or days. Remember, a successful relationship is work in progress and needs to be tended to everyday. Hence, make it a point to express feelings of love and tell your partner just how much you love them everyday. And if your busy schedules aren't allowing both of you to spend as much time together as you would like it, you can also leave him/her little love notes on the fridge or in a pocket or in the lunch box. Else, just SMS him/her with a simple 'I luv u', it will work just as perfectly. 

Celebrate your love: 
Take time out to celebrate each other and the love that you share. Birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine's Day are the perfect excuse to go that extra mile - dress up, get him/her flowers and a gift, go out for a meal, go dancing, take a long drive, etc. If you're not in the mood to do anything fancy, just indulge in a favourite activity together like catching up on your favourite movie or playing a game of scrabble or listening to your favourite song. Another nice activity to do together on an anniversary is to go through your wedding album or watching your wedding video together. It will undoubtedly bring back all the good memories of that happy day. 

'No kids' holidays: 
Of course, everyone loves heading out on a good family vacation but then if this is all you did, it wouldn't be too different from a normal outing. You don't need to take your kids trooping along on each and every vacation you go on. Having time to yourselves will help you bond again as a couple. Leave the kids with someone trusted and head out for your own special 'couple time', even if it's for just the weekend. Being away from those young prying eyes and not having to worry about them 24x7 is sure to make you feel a lot less inhibited and lead-up to some sizzling hot romance. Also, remember that this is your special time so do not discuss things like home, work and other nagging problems. Just enjoy being with each other even if it means that you sit side by side in absolute silence watching the sunset or walking down the beach hand in hand.

Love coupons: 
If your partner has done some unexpected good deed, rather than just acknowledging it with a mere thank you, present him/her with a redeemable love coupon. Tell your partner that the coupons can be exchanged for a host of freebies like free massages, a foot rub, a shower together or even an exotic holiday. Be as innovative as you can, your partner is sure to enjoy the suspense and excitement of not knowing what's in store for him/her and the excitement when you actually tell them what the reward is. 

Voice out your secret fantasy: 
So you've always fantasised about how you'd want your partner to make love to you. But unless you actually tell him/her explicitly, you can't really expect them to imagine what turns you on. Even though you may think it's a silly thing to do, remember this can be a potent aphrodisiac. And if you're still too shy to indulge in a bit of 'dirty talk' here's a solution. Buy a book of erotic stories or poetry, wrap it up innovatively and gift it to your partner. You can then read it out together.

Just like saying 'I love you' to often is a good habit, a bit of flirting can also spice up things faster than you can imagine. Go back to the start of your relationship and think of the various ways your flirted with each other to catch the other's attention. If something worked for you then, it's bound to work now, too. Recall the most successful flirting techniques and indulge in it without telling your partner. It may take them a bit of time to realise that you're flirting, but once they get the hint (and recall the good old courting days) the sparks will start flying again.

Chua had poked fun over Normala's preference not to shake hands with the opposite sex, and compared it to a similar practice by PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
In M.C.A threesomes are called 3P and for whatever reason it is becoming a very popular pastime three. The interesting about this set is that we might not have it but we can be 100% sure there is a sex video to go with these pictures. The husband watching his wive get fucked seem to have had a video camera rolling while take photographs. In spite of the fact that wife swapping and swinging is highly encouraged. Swinging parties, or the more patronizing "wife-swapping" parties, may sound like a throwback to the 1970's in the US, but in M.C.A sex is our religion. But the popularity of these parties are growing fast
Anyhow, you got to love when people are doing sexual things at the risk of serious punishment or other consequences. Like fucking a dozen or so heroin addictive hookers without protection. Give that guy one of those "I Do My Own Stunts" T-shirt. So, the Chinese are eating more pig the richer they become and apparently are getting into the whole wife swapping/wife sharing lifestyle thing. LOL... Welcome to the Western world 

"She will not come here (a Chinese temple), she doesn't even shake hands with the people. I have received complaints about this.
“She is like Anwar Ibrahim's wife. She wears gloves when she shakes hands. If you can accept this kind of Islamic values, go ahead and vote for PAS," he said.
This was followed by deputy Domestic Trade Cooperative and Consumer Affair minister Tan Lian Hoe of Gerakan lashing out at Normala and saying her practise was proof of PAS's goal to establish "an extremist Islamic state".
“This is the most basic thing... Not only men, but when she shakes hands with women, she also needs to wear glove," alleged Tan in the presence of her minister Ismail Sabri.
"This is not friendly. It's as if she thinks our hands are dirty... I hope the Chinese voters are careful (with Islamic state). We are very worried about the Islamic state. They want to implement an extremist Islamic state," she added.
Chua's comments drew strong reactions from Muslims from both sides of the divide, with many recalling his sex video which exposed his adulterous affair in a hotel room in 2008. Even UMNO deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin chided him for raising religious issues in MCA's bid to convince Chinese voters that PAS would trample on non-Muslim rights.
Chua however dismissed Muhyiddin's reminder.
"There is no need for the DPM or the media to communicate this to us," an irate Chua was quoted by Malaysiakinias saying.
'What's so great?'
Despite the storm, Chua stood his ground, saying there was nothing great about knowing the Islamic religious values.
"So what is so great about that? That is your religious value which I don't know. How am I to know about the religious values when I'm not practising that religion?”
"I have the right to say that it's basic manners to shake hands with people. That's my values. Understand? You also must value my value, which is good manners, which includes shaking hands," he went on, as quoted byMalaysiakini.

Meanwhile, condemnations continue to pour in over Chua's comments, with Selangor speaker Teng Chang Khim saying Chua's ignorance reflected the failure of racial integration as claimed by Barisan Nasional.
“CSL says it's not fair for non-Muslim to understand Islamic values. No wonder BN's national integration policy has failed.
"CSL now blames the media for the hand shake issue. He never blames his narrow-mindedness and sheer ignorance,” added Teng on Twitter.
Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria has also broken his silence, and demanded Chua to issue an apology.
“He has to know... he must respect religious practices of others, but if he doesn’t know, that is ignorance. If he knows, but pretend not to, that is insulting Islam," said Harussani, but quickly added he was not supporting the PAS candidate.
- Harakahdaily

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