Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fox Shoots Hunter With Gun On the stump in Tenang UMNOBARISANISM was outfoxed...by a fox.

A man in northern Belarus was recently outfoxed...by a fox.
According to Reuters, the hunter approached the fox after wounding it, intent on killing itwith the butt of his rifle.
However, the two ended up getting into a tussle, and the fox managed to trigger the rifle, shooting the hunter in the leg.
A prosecutor from the Grodno region said, "The animal fiercely resisted and in the struggle accidentally pulled the trigger with its paw."
The hunter is currently in the hospital with a leg wound, and the fox just happened to escape.

According to National Geographic, the fox's resourcefulness is what earned it its reputation for being sly, intelligent and cunning. Though this incident of a fox shooting a hunter was only an accident, it certainly gives the fox another reason to be thought of as crafty.
This isn't the first time an animal has shot a human, AolNews reports. At least three incidents involving dogs and cats unintentionally triggering guns have been reported in the last decade.
UPDATED In the interest of the Malaysian people who are becoming increasingly worried about the state of the economy and the prospect of crippling inflation, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has written a formal request to Prime Minister Najib Razak for an open and public debate.
However, although the 63-year old Anwar is unlikely to get a civil reply from his counterpart in the federal government, Najib will now have no choice but to agree after publicly insisting that there was no reason for him to fear Anwar
“Yes. Najib now has no way out but to agree after his swaggering speech in front of all the Felda settlers. Very 'malu' (shameful) for him to pretend he doesn't know now. If previously, people accused him of cowardice, he could still close an eye. But today, he himself told thousands of people, ‘why should I be afraid of debating with Anwar?’ Now, let’s hope that he has the guts to carry out his words,” PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Attacking Anwar for sodomy but mum on Altantuya
On the stump in Tenang, where a by-election will be held at the end of this month and even before official campaigning is allowed to start, Najib went all out to muddy his rival’s reputation.
Najib told some 7,000 Felda settlers at the Chemplak settlement in Tenang that he was the prime minister and because of this exalted position, why should he be afraid to debate with Anwar.
Like his Umno colleague and newly-appointed Felda chairman Isa Samad, Najib hit Anwar on his sodomy charges. Not surprisingly, he omitted to mention that Anwar had accused him of fabricating these very charges to derail Anwar's political comeback. Najib’s government has been condemned and shamed by many nations in the world for trying to frame Anwar with an unfair trial.
"Why should I be afraid of debating with him? I'm prime minister, I have all information. If I expose them... adoi... he will get a fever. Do I need to debate with him?" Malayskini reported Najib as telling the crowd.
The 57-year old Najib is himself at the centre of a sex scandal involving the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibu, with whom he allegedly had an affair. Both he and his wife Rosmah Mansor were accused of manipulating behind the scenes and although they have denied the allegations, their former former bodyguards were sentenced to hang for the murder. Even so, most Malaysians believe there were master-minds who ordered the killing and many still suspect it was the first couple.
Meanwhile, Pakatan Rakyat leaders also slammed Najib for bringing election goodies to Tenang and said they would lodge complaints that he was campaigning before it was permissible.

Najib, who is also the Umno president, had promised the Tenang settlers that Felda would set aside RM1.6 billion for community and development projects to improve their lives. This would also include other settlers in the country.
“It is against Election Commission rules to campaign before Nomination day. Najib thinks he is being smart by bringing the goodies early so that he won’t be accused of bribing voters. But he is breaking another rule – that of campaigning before campaigning period is officially open,” said Tian.
Fear of civil debate and Najib's own low culture
Najib began the debate controversy when he lambasted the Pakatan's 100-days reform plan as "irresponsible" and would bankrupt Malaysia like Greece. Yet his own department had months ago warned that Malaysia could go bankrupt by 2019 if subsidies on consumer essentials were not cut and prices not raised.

Anwar has frequently slammed Najib for being "unmanly" to target consumer essentials which affect the lower income, but not daring to reduce the same aid to crony firms that have been given billions of ringgit in subsidy far exceeding the sum total of retail subsidies for goods such as petrol, cooking gas, sugar and the like.
Indeed, Anwar's public exposure that Independent Power Producers enjoyed subsidies totalling RM19billion and toll concessions RM4billion have infuriated Najib, whom pundits say has no valid rebuttal to make.
“We cannot take such a populist approach to the point where we sacrifice our country’s future. We cannot afford to do that, it would be irresponsible to the point where our children and our grandchildren will pay the price and suffer. As a matter of fact, we do not even have to wait for our children or grandchildren, according to our calculations, if these promises are implemented without taking into account the country’s finances, it would just take two years,” Najib had said.
His comments sparked the debate challenge from Anwar the very next day. But instead of accepting the proposal in the spirit of working for the good of the people, Najib and his advisers have chosen to regard it as a personal challenge to his credibility.
Even Umno leaders appear to have little confidence in his being able to trump Anwar in a public discourse. Minister in the PM's Department Nazri Aziz and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin have rushed to offer to stand in for him. Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali was also among the first to advise him not to accept.
"This is Umno for you. They cannot be civil and behave with respect to other people. They can only hurl insults or burn effigies to hide their own fear. Najib is their leader, so it is not surprising that he exhibits this sort of low culture too," Gopeng MP Lee Boon Chye

Mahathir’s Legacy: An Open Verdict?

Let us disabuse ourselves, quickly, of the notion that 2011 would be an improvement over last year. Nothing so far has given us any reason for optimism. Just look at the way the affairs of thenation were being conducted in the first week of the new year.
Appointment of Selangor State Secretary
For example, the appointment of the Selangor state secretary. The Sultan in this very public controversy, I am afraid, has been badly advised. He has blithely, amidst much pomp and circumstance, naturally, trespassed, in a manner of speaking, into a politically explosive situation, a veritable minefield if ever there was one. Minefields, political or otherwise, are not known for their ability to distinguish a Sultan from a Mentri Besar.
He is a constitutional monarch, the Sultan, I mean, not the MB who is a political animal. His Royal Highness should confine himself to matters in which he has a clearly defined role to play.
Plunging into the murky waters of politics, where even killer whales fear to put in an appearance, is to risk losing the special constitutional protection that sets His Royal Highness apart from the chattering hordes of common politicians.
HRH has now blown to smithereens the aura and mystique of his royal person. Rightly or wrongly, many now invariably see him in a new light, and from a different perspective or angle, as a person who no longer is above the political fray.
I know this is not true, but perceptions are difficult creatures to tame. All rather unfortunate because the controversy could arguably have been avoided. There is, of course, that little legal maxim “The King Can Do No Wrong.” Unfortunately it was inappropriate to apply it in this context. I hope we have all learnt a good deal from this unfortunate and unhappy episode.
The Attorney-General and Ramon Navaratnam: Strange Bedfellows
Then, there was that “clearing-of-the-air” farcical drama. The ever nimble-footed, redoubtableAttorney-General of Malaysia, acting on his own initiative and, no doubt, prompted by the urgings of his newfound conscience, went to the citadel of all that is good and honourable, to prostrate himself and grovel before Ramon Navaratnam and the serried ranks of the country’s pillars of the establishment.
I am assured these are men of unquestionable honour with an unquenchable thirst for the truth. A-G Gani Patail, looking suitably contrite, shedding a few tears for effect, was there to explain how he managed, on the salary of a civil servant, to pay for the high-end haj package for himself and the accompanying family entourage. He was responding to allegations of impropriety centring on the question of who actually paid for the trip.
The good Tan Sri Gani Patail turned up with a few grubby receipts as proof that the trip was “kosher”.Ramon Navaratnam, the well-known eager upstager, pronounced his satisfaction with the explanation given by the A-G and, therefore, in his infinite wisdom, he verily declared that no investigation into the allegations of corruption against the A-G was necessary.
Now that a new operating procedure has been put in train, citizens suspected of corruption will not be investigated. I suppose just as well considering the incomparable cutting-edge investigation prowess of the MACC. Suspects will only be required to appear before Navaratnam & Co. And an instant decision is guaranteed. Now that a pattern has been set, we should remember that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Even the MACC can understand that.
The whole sad and disgraceful spectacle was a total sham, deftly organised and orchestrated by the increasingly farcical MACC. Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan would have approved entirely the creative energy and ingenuity of Datuk Abu Kassim in producing an operetta to the accompaniment of nothing more than a lot of empty drums signifying nothing more than a lot of hot air.
The MACC and Robert Phang
If they were alive today, they would have named it “The Pirates of Putrajaya” as a companion edition to their own amusing “The Pirates of Penzance”. I should have been extremely surprised if the MACC had not produced this masterpiece of deception.
A good try both Ramon and Abu Kassim who obviously deserve each other. In the meantime, Robert Phang is being demonised because he had the moral courage and rectitude to challenge Ramon’s lightning verdict of NOT GUILTY. The A-G shed tears: the nation is in mourning because justice has been sacrificed and trivialised yet again.
The Teoh Beng Hock Verdict
The long-awaited coroner’s verdict on the death of Teoh Beng Hock had finally been delivered. The open verdict is nothing if not an affront to human dignity and a travesty of justice. Any reasonable citizen following the proceedings would have, in all the circumstances, been entitled to expect other than an open verdict which in the event has opened a can of worms to destroy the last vestige of public trust in the criminal justice system, long eroded by corruption.
The Justice emasculated by Che Det & Co
The system, as we all know, was emasculated by successive prime ministers, starting with Mahathir. The unholy trinity of corruption, abuse of power with impunity, and desecration of religious, ethical and moral values in national life, sanctified by Che Det, will I am sure last many lifetimes unless we say enough is enough.

Che Det, the Emasculator of Malaysia's institutions of governance
The verdict reminds me of a comment on public enquiries I came across a long time ago (source forgotten) which goes: “As civil servants are apt to say, one does not commission an enquiry unless one clearly knows the answer.” The coroner, a civil servant, knew at the outset what verdict should be delivered. Blame the corrupt system. The coroner was merely doing the job expected of him by the Najib Administration.
Mahathir’s legacy has left this nation in a shambles. Should he not at least admit responsibility and ask for forgiveness so that we may start afresh to rebuild Malaysia without the excesses of the past?

Fox Shoots Hunter

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