Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Anwar dont debate with kakilima boys like Mat Rempat and the Parliament Gangster

Source: www.gutteruncensored.com
Nazri is the biggest joke in Malaysia and it is spreading worldwide. Everyone is talking about him and his lust not to mention his hypocrisy.

Double Standards
Hypocrisy Double Standards Hypocrisy Double Standards is great when you don't believe what you preach! Yeah, they preach it but they don't follow their own preaching. They force the people to do one thing and they do the opposite. Punishment come fast when the people get caught but nothing happen when they are caught. What give them the moral authority with theirdouble standards?
Hypocrite or Fake Muslim?


"Unfair" for Anwar to debate with Najib when Rosmah is overseas
It is so unfair of Opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, to challenge Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to a debate, knowing that the First Lady is away in Saudi Arabia on urgent government business.
The least Anwar could have done was to wait until her return. Everyone is aware that Najib is not a patch on the First Lady. Her advice in something as important as an open debate cannot be denied.
As expected, Pakatan’s 100-day reforms have hit a raw nerve with the ruling party. Those with much to hide and even more, to lose, will want to defend the status quo.
Surprisingly, there is now a queue of Umno politicians egging Anwar on, to have a debate with them instead of with their leader, Najib.
First of these is the outgoing Umno Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin. He issued his challenge over Twitter and said, “You and me, Dato’ seri. On the economy. Let’s debate.”
Why should Anwar even bother with Khairy? Khairy recently announced that he was having a break from politics, so as to study.
Others firmly believed that Khairy was asked to leave by Najib to avoid his administration being dragged into the glare of publicity from the investigation into bribes which Alcatel paid to Telekom Malaysia Bhd and two ‘consultants’. One of these ‘consultants’ was allegedly Khairy.
Right behind Khairy is the Minister in the Prime minister’s Department, Nazri Aziz. He too, has challenged Anwar to a debate about APCO.
Then, acting like he is a glutton for punishment, the Information, Communication and Culture Minister, Rais Yatim, waded in and described Anwar’s debate a ‘gimmick’ for cheap publicity.
Amazingly, like a dung heap which attracts flies, other politicians felt compelled to join in the clamour for Najib to avoid ‘that’ debate with Anwar.
Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali warned Najib to avoid Anwar as he claimed that Anwar was neither an expert in economy nor finance, and had no experience, nor qualifications.
Perak’s Umno Youth Khairul Azwan Harun, voter registration bureau chairman Hishamuddin Yahya and Director of the Institute of Ethnic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Prof Dr Shamsul Amri Baharudin all felt that Anwar’s desire for a debate was a sign of desperation.
Doesn’t it look like everyone is moving quickly and positioning themselves, like the pieces on a boardgame?
Why are all these people bending over backwards offering to take Najib’s place for that all important debate?
The reason is not that Najib is afraid.
The truth is that the people who volunteered to take Najib’s place, in the debate, simply have no faith in Najib.
They are also confident that they have superior debating skills.
Perhaps some are trying to prove their loyalty to Najib, especially as his Deputy is conveniently out of the way in America. Perhaps they are also eyeing the DPM’s post.
Others are possibly more ambitious.
What could be more telling, than to show off one’s skills and knowledge in a debate, and let others be aware that they are worthy of the top prize in a leadership contest. After all, everyone knows that Najib was not an elected Prime minister.
Khairy must regret the day he announced the break from politics and is no longer treated seriously. But he is foolish to think that Anwar would consider having a debate with him.
Why should Anwar have anything to do with a Mr.‘Has-Been’?



Every one ZONIST UMNO politician talks about changing MALAYSIA. Why can't they begin by doing one small thing? Why can't they help ten people every month who are being harassed by the Government? That will change MALAYSIA. That will save many lives. It will also change the nature and quality of our polity. Mother Teresa began with Rs 15 and succeeded because her goal was simple. All she set out to do was give dying people some love and dignity before they passed away. Simple goals are always easy to realise. For MALAYSIA, it could begin simply by not imposing more GHANI PATAIL ARRGONCE for the next five years related article One smart asshole RAZAK BAGINDA is Intriguing and interestingHAS WAIT FOR THE AG OFFICE prosecution NOT follow thru with an appeal BEFOREHIS FIRST MEET PRESS?WHAT WAS HIS MESSAGE TO THE MALAYSIANS WHO ARE THE SUCKERS
but the huge tax moneys collected by the Government MOSTLY FROM THE NON MALAYS are largely wasted,stolen. MAHATHIR said once told that 75% of the TAX money are from the chinese the Government spends on various schemes never reach the intended beneficiaries. That was a long time back.Today it's much worse. Yet no Government's bothered about monitoring how the money it raises is actually spent. Instead of further increasing taxes and duties over the next five years, why doesn'ta Government, any Government be it the Central Government or the State Government or the Municipality spend some quality time and effort in ensuring that the vast moneys at its command are optimally and effectively spent? Why doesn't Zero Wastage of Public Money become our national campaign instead of constantly devising new ways and means to raise more money and put tax payers under greater stress? Trust me, the national crime rate will halve if people weren't under such pressure to make ends meet. It's not easy to live with 20% food inflation. The cost of living goes up by a higher percentage every year even though State statisticians spend sleepless nights fudging figures to show lower inflation rate
2010 is still in its adolescent phase: is that the reason for a sudden rash of acne on the government's face? Nothing serious, nothing incurable; just a sense that life would be so much better without the itch and cream-resistant spots.
Despite najib repeated denials, swearing on the Quran, and the authorities refusal to find concerete links, the spectre refuses to be exorcised, READMORE AN UNBELIEVABLE SPECTACLE TOOK PLACE IN THE BIZARRE MURDER TRIAL OF MONGOLIAN BEAUTY ALTANTUYA SHAARIBUU ON JUNE 29. THE COMBINED FORCES OF THE PROSECUTION AND DEFENSE BLOCKING THE LINE OF QUESTIONING.
In January, the government looked invulnerable. March became a month of stumbles and at least one spill on a banana skin Just ask yourself MONEY PAID TO ZONISTAPCO GONE WITH THE WIND More sleepless nights for NAZRI,NAJIB,GANIFABRICATER and MUSA&RODNEY MADRESSCARRIER
what are the ten stupidest things you have seen anyone do and I can bet your list will feature eight done by the Government. It doesn't really matter who or which party runs it, every Government is stupid. Governments are stupid even when the cleverest people are part of it. Why is this so? Why is it impossible for a Government, any Government to behave intelligently, cogently, instead of stupidly and often vengefully? I guess the answer's simple. Even the most intelligent people when they occupy seats of power become corrupted by it and corruption doesn't always stop at money. It's also about degradation. Power degrades most people but it degrades most those who run affairs of the State.it's now trying to make laws that will allow it to do exactly what the court forbade it to. Unfortunately, in this country, we are so busy protecting our own selves that we don't bother about others' problems. So no one's complaining about these retrospective changes. No one quite figures what a dangerous precedent they are setting. Imagine



Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today reminded the media not to corrupt the people's minds by publishing concocted stories, lies and defamatory statements


Now we see a mattress carrier of sodomy 1 and the Boss who claimed to have Degree in law, spring to life to show his claws. I suppose he is seeking further extension to his contract which is due to expire in Sep 10, after all UMNO/BN had already renewed their contract with their APCO why not his, cause he is better than the Israelis and didnt kill the Palestinians readmore UMNO is unaware that all of you who have been baptised into zionism extended Zionist Empire
Najib said personally, he could accept media reports that were trueeven if they touched on his weaknesses as prime minister

Corruption is a hydra headed monster that has grown so big, so all pervasive that we don't even acknowledge it any more What's worse is that Corruption has reached a level today where it no longer stops at what you want. It involves even what is rightfully yours. Your electricity bill is wrong. Want to get it corrected? Pay a bribe. Your tax refund is due. Pay some speed money if you want your cheque. You have won a Government tender? Great. Now if you don't want the minister to interfere in reversing the deal, go settle with his PA. The system has now started using corruption as a lever to harass us from getting what is rightfully ours. Pensions are held up for years. Fake cases are filed on frivolous grounds. Files mysteriously disappear from Government offices. Some universities don't even give mark sheets for years. You have to pay under the table to get duplicates. Do you have any idea how much our policemen have to pay as bribes to get their postings and promotions? No wonder they try to extort you when they catch you.

Crime, sleaze, insurgency, poverty, violence, they all start from one source: Corruption. But the Big C is the only thing no one wants to discuss any more.It's so all pervasive, so deeply entrenched that we have all come to believe we have no choice but to live with it. So we are busy trying to tackle other issues
What no one figures is that at the heart of all our problems lies Corruption. If UMNO can even tame this monster, forget slaying it, many of these problems will simply disappear. How did the PENAN injustice begin? With the frustrations of local people when they saw greedy politicians loot the State while the Centre turned a blind eye to their complaints. When they showed anger, they were called secessionists and the army was called in to silence them. Because the tribals kept losing their lands and means of livelihood as rapacious politicians drove them out. These lands were then handed over to the lumber mafia with whom our leaders shared the loot. How did ANTI BARISAN rear its head in the East Malaysia? Simply because every political party in power grabbed the money sent to develop those states and gave the people nothing. Absolutely nothing
RPK can't be believed, says Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who swore in God's name that he has never met 'that Mongolian woman'. 40% of what RPK writes is true, the balance 60% are lies, says the son of Malaysia's longest ruling Prime Minister who invented the word spin-doctoring. Let us try to figure out which of the following are the 40% truths and which are the 60% lies.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
  1. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wants his 'Crooked Bridge' to Singapore continued while Najib Tun Razak wants it aborted. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had actually aborted it soon after he became Prime Minister in 2003 — much to Dr Mahathir's annoyance who complained that the cost to abort the bridge is higher than the cost to build it.
  2. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alleges that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been implicated in the 'Oil for Food' scandal, according to the United Nations investigation. Dr Mahathir said that action should be taken against Abdullah Badawi — as what happened to India's Finance Minister who had also been implicated in the same scandal and was forced to resign from his post.
  3. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alleges that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi spent RM200 million of the taxpayers' money to buy a new luxury jet whereas when he (Dr Mahathir) was Prime Minister he did not buy a new plane but used the old, small one to move around.
  4. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alleges that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was not running the country and that the country was actually being run by the 'fourth floor boys' led by his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, who is close to Singapore and allows 'that little red dot in the south' to decide how the country is run.
  5. A Mongolian national by the name of Altantuya Shaariibuu entered the country and was subsequently murdered but there are no immigration records to show she has entered the country and two police officers have been found guilty of murdering her although there is no evidence she ever entered Malaysia since there are no immigration records of her ever having entered the country.
  6. One of those initially charged for Altantuya's murder, Abdul Razak Baginda, is close to Najib Tun Razak but he was later acquitted of the murder without his defence being called.
  7. When Razak Baginda was first charged for murder he was allowed bail although bail is not provided for in cases that attract capital punishment, such as murder — while the co-accused, the two police officers, were not allowed bail.
  8. When Razak Baginda's bail was revoked he applied for bail and supported the bail application with an Affidavit that alleged he had never met the two police officers before until they were sent to him by Najib Tun Razak's police officer ADC called Musa Safri but Musa was never called to testify in the murder trial to confirm or deny Razak's allegation.
  9. The judge in the murder trial at first refused to accept Razak Baginda's Affidavit and advised the lawyer to withdraw it as it may be damaging to his client's case. The lawyer, however, insisted that they submit the Affidavit and the judge had no choice but to accept it and after reading it actually made adverse comments and said that after reading the Affidavit he is even more convinced that Razak should not be granted bail. The senior judge was subsequently removed from the case and replaced with a junior judicial commissioner.
  10. Razak Baginda's wife, a lawyer and ex-magistrate, went berserk during the trial and shouted that it is not her husband who wishes to become the Prime Minister. There was also an incident outside court when Razak Baginda's wife kicked Altantuya's father and her lawyer complained to the court and asked the court to instruct her from further accosting the father.
  11. After Razak Baginda and the two police officers were charged for Altantuya's murder, the Attorney General made an unprecedented announcement to the media that only three people and no others are involved in the murder although the trial had not even started yet and no one knows what the witnesses would be saying during the trial.
  12. After Razak Baginda was acquitted of the charge of murder the Attorney General announced that the government would not be filing an appeal like it would normally do, while at the same time, as soon as the court ruled that my Internal Security Act detention was illegal and ordered my release, the government filed an appeal.
  13. The judge who acquitted Razak Baginda of murder ruled that he believed Razak is not guilty based on the Affidavit he filed to support his bail application although the Affidavit was never tendered as evidence during the trial.Therefore, while the Affidavit is not strong enough to convince the court that Razak deserves bail it is, however, strong enough to convince the court that he is innocent of the charge of murder.
  14. The Petroleum Development Act was passed by Parliament in 1974 whereby the state's oil and gas activities would be nationalised and a national agency called Petronas would be set up to manage these oil and gas activities while the state's would be entitled to 5% of the revenue and which would be called 'royalty'. Agreements were subsequently signed between Petronas and all the states in Malaysia to legalise this arrangement.
  15. Under the Petroleum Development Act 1974, Petronas is to report only to the Prime Minister and to no one else and not even Parliament can question Petronas about its affairs, activities and financial matters.
  16. In 2000, the federal government withdrew the 5% oil royalty due to the state of Terengganu and the management of the money was handed over to Umno.Furthermore, how the money is to be spent lay in the hands of the Prime Minister's Department so that the state no longer had control of the money or could decide what happens to the money.
  17. It is estimated that at least RM1,000 billion or probably even as high as RM2,000 billion has been earned through the oil and gas activities over more than 35 years since 1975 but only a few people know what the real figure is and what happened to all that money.
  18. It is estimated that at least 6,000 people or probably even as high as 10,000 have been detained without trial over 50 years since 1960 but no official figures have been released and neither has the full list of names been released nor information about what the alleged crimes of these detainees are.
  19. It is estimated that thousands of Malaysians have died under extrajudicial circumstances either for 'resisting arrest', while being interrogated, or during remand awaiting trial and human rights groups have protested these killings and have expressed anxiety that many died under suspicious circumstances.
  20. Umno is of the opinion that Malaysia's economy is controlled by the non-Malays and that the Malays are being left behind. Umno is further of the opinion that the Malays are also losing political power and would one day become second-class citizens in their own country unless the Malays all unite under the banner of just one political party rather than be split under so many political parties.
  21. Umno is of the opinion that while it appears like some states are headed by multi-racial governments in truth it is the Chinese who are the power in those states and the Malays are merely the running dogs of the Chinese.
  22. Umno is of the opinion that it is the largest Islamist political party in the world and that Malaysia is already an Islamic country so here is no need for another Islamist party like PAS — who after all, being the opposition, can only talk without being able to do anything whereas Umno is in power and can do what PAS can only talk about.
So there you are. The above are only 22 items in a list that can run into 100 items.However, 40% of the above are supposed to be true while 60% are lies. Since I am not able to figure out which falls into the 40% category and which falls into the 60% maybe you can help me out here.

M.C.A jihad versus PAS jihad where is your jihad UTUSAN ?

The Star rapped for twisting Hadi's comments

It’s tough to deal with abusive comments that keep coming every day. There are regular such emails and comments on the posts. Most of these guys don’t even bother to read the posts and it appears they are full of hate towards Islam and Muslims readmore

(Harakahdaily) - Former Subang Jaya state assemblyman, MCA's Lee Hwa Beng,
has appealed to Christian sentiments when he suggested on Twitter yesterday that a state based on Islam would ban all other religions.
"As Christians, we should fear Islamic theocracy nation more than anything. Why is DAP helping PAS to achieve it?” questioned Lee in a response to DAP supporters on the micro-blogging site.
Saying religions other than Islam would not be tolerated under what he coined "Islamic Theocracy State" and that Islamic laws would be imposed on non-Muslims, Lee even went on to claim that it was "God's command" to fight an "Islamic Theocracy State"

Hwa Beng

I should have stuck your photo above. You get the idea.

How stupid can you get? Or do you expect us be even more stupider than you, expecting us to buy your theology ? From who's behind did you pull out this explanation - that God commands Christian to fight an Islam theocratic state?
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, son of the slain Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto, knew his words needed to count.

He was speaking at a memorial service for Salman Taseer, the murdered Governor of the Punjab, in London.
Dressed in simple Pakistani clothes, his words were far from simple: "To the Christian and other minority communities in Pakistan, we will defend you ...those who wish to harm you need to go through me first."
Using words like "jihad" to describe what must be done to combat extremism in Pakistan, he went on condemn those who praised the assassination of the governor.
He is a student not known for his religious views, or speech making skills, and yet he went to to use even tougher language.
"Allah has promised them hell, and we shall send them there," he said.
That they are strong words is beyond doubt. He spoke in the UK capital, in English and it was clear his audience were the West and English-speaking Pakistanis.
But there are two points to be made here. Bhutto Zardari's words have not been used by any politician in Pakistan.
His party has condemned the shooting and his supporters are in uproar over what happened. However, the kind of language used in his speech has not been repeated elsewhere.
Secondly, what was surprising was his use of religious language to condemn the killing of Taseer and those who praised the act.
Bhutto Zardari, on the face of it at least, has decided to fight fire with fire.
By using the same terms, the same language as those who praised the killing of the governor he is clearly saying enough is enough.
In some ways his speech is a reclamation of Islam from those radical groups who he, and many other Pakistanis, view as being extreme.
In the English language press of Pakistan, the speech provoked much reaction. Editorials and subsequent comments on them have veered from praise to dark warnings that his language was "not welcome".
Why would Bhutto Zardari cloak himself in Islam to combat what he sees as extremism?
There is anger among many Pakistanis that Islam is being subverted, Bhutto Zardari's words may well be the opening salvos of a liberal fight back against so-called extremism.
He declares himself to be of the faith, and that is enough for him. But many others say mere proclamation of faith is not enough - you must act in accordance with that faith.
But those beliefs are polarising, particularly within Pakistan. It depends on who you are.
Taseer's assassin shouted "Allah O akbar" at his court hearing. Nearly 200 lawyers by some accounts rushed to defend his actions.
In contrast, a handful of people gathered in London to hear Bhutto Zardari's words. Very few non-English speaking Pakistanis even knew he had given a speech.
Mosharaff Zaidi, a political analyst and writer, suggests that it's a blessing in disguise that Bhutto Zardari's comments did not recieve wider coverage given the current climate.
"That would have threatened his security and that of many others because his words would have easily been manipulated by the radical right," says Zaidi.
I go on to question Zaidi whether those who use Islam to praise Taseer's killer have won out?

"Fear has the upper hand but it hasn't won," says Zaidi.
"Salman Taseer's assassination is fuelling a crisis of conscience. And with Bilawal's speech I'm optimistic that more and more Pakistanis will call a killer a killer, and courageous man a courageous man".
Pakistan finds itself at the heart of a debate that is running throughout Islam: Who speaks for Muslims?
But in Pakistan, it's a question that has deadly consequences.
By using Islam to condemn the acts of other Muslims are you opening the floodgates to a religious war of words?
A war of words that has already claimed the life of Taseer.
A year and a half later, however, his Pakatan Rakyat coalition is on the defensive. There is a new and more robust prime minister in charge. Pakatan lost Perak after BN engineered a number of defections.
Anwar himself is facing another controversial sodomy trial. But being an incorrigible optimist, he remains upbeat.
In this first of a four-part interview, he tells Malaysiakini about his battle to clear his reputation in a second sodomy charge leveled against him, which he concedes is a liability in the battle for Malay votes.
But unlike the Sodomy I trial 10 years ago, Anwar is confident of staying out of prison despite all the “dirty machinations” by BN.
He also said that, although Najib is a stronger opponent than his predecessor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah), he does not hold a candle to his other adversary, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Mahathir’s strength is that he fights things head on. Najib is never known to have the capacity to face up to things,” he explained.
Anwar said that Najib’s tactics of using Umno mouthpiece Utusan Malaysiaand institutions such as the judiciary to smear him is a sign of “cowardice” and “sheer hypocrisy”.
“I know their personal lives, I was their friend…. Who is talking about morality here? In Islam – be it sodomy, adultery, drinking or corruption – who can pass the test? Name one person. Can Najib pass the test?” he asked.
Excerpts of the interview follow. The content has been edited for language and brevity.
Malaysiakini: It seems that since Sept 16, 2008 Pakatan has lost momentum and that Najib, notwithstanding the Perak episode, has been coming up with initiatives that are getting media attention, thus giving BN the upper hand. Do you agree?
Anwar Ibrahim: I would say that in the first three months (of Najib’s term in office), yes. You have (the global public relations firm Apco Worldwide), fully-financed to craft this liberal image and (they are) temporarily successful.
So you have this façade of this nice guy trying to reform the country, and then you have this hidden agenda and black hand using all these powers – the Special Branch, the Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission, the judiciary, (attorney-general) Abdul Gani Patail and the prosecution – to ‘beat up’ opposition leaders.
It’s not just Anwar, it’s (Kelantant Menteri Besar) Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, it’s (Penang Chief Minister Lim) Guan Eng. I think the more effective you are, the more the beatings. So I think the situation has changed dramatically.
Was he (Najib) successful in Perak? Yes, but only in taking over the government. But (was he) successful in terms of winning the hearts and minds of Perakians? I’m not sure.
(Was he) successful in trying to portray that he is the champion of the Malays, contrary to his public image and persona in his 1Malaysia concept? People know it is sheer hypocrisy, done to please some segments. I don’t think he is convincing anyone.
The only issue is now, to me, the battleground is the Malays, because they tend to repeat this in their incessant propaganda and mechanism using instruments like Utusan Malaysia. (This is) clearly racist. The true Umno agenda is in Utusan Malaysia, the façade is Najib’s 1Malaysia.
You mean to say that just because the Chinese and the Indians don’t readUtusan they are completely ignorant? No. So the battleground is among the Malays, which means we, particularly the Malay leaders … and I’ve said to (DAP leader Lim) Kit Siang and Guan Eng is that even the Chinese leaders need to go down, not only to court the support of the Malays but to show that here in Pakatan Rakyat we have a breed of Malays who remain committed to the Malay and Malaysian agenda, which we will have to explain.
We have Chinese leaders who say, ‘Look, this is the stark reality. We are not here to have a Chinese government’.
Do you think that Najib is a tougher opponent than Pak Lah?
Tougher in a sense that he is more vicious and ruthless. You can see it in the case of Perak. You saw that he was prepared to call (the former Perak Pakatan assemblypersons) to his house for days, which is not usual. I mean, he doesn’t care that people associate him with dirty machinations, because he thinks he has Apco to cover his international image.
(Najib) would have no qualms … look at the present case. That he could call up the young man, and (sodomy complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan) admit to meeting him before the (police) report….this is not done if you are any decent sort of political player. Stalin, Hitler, I don’t know. I have not heard or seen anything like this throughout my experience.
(As for) the judiciary, the (Perak) 5-0 decision in the Federal Court means that they don’t care. The way they dismissed the (royal) commission report in the VK Lingam case. You can name it, one after another.
Clearly, we are in for a tougher challenge, which is also a sign of desperation. I’m sure his advisers would tell him, ‘Look, we don’t have an option. The (BN) component parties are in complete disarray. We have to hold on to Umno, get these Malays, hold the base and threaten the rest’.
Would you put Najib on the same rank as Mahathir, in the way he is using state institutions?
Yes, in some ways, because Mahathir is a very strong influence (on Najib). I don’t see much difference, although Mahathir’s strength is that he fights things head on. Najib is never known of having the capacity to face up to things.
More subtle in a sense?
I don’t consider that subtlety. I consider it cowardice, because he has never in his entire political career had to face up to a challenge.
On one hand, he has 1Malaysia, and on the other he has Utusan. Some argue this is because of a split between him and deputy premier Muhyiddin Yassin, who is seen close to Mahathir. Do you agree?
I don’t know, and I am not keen to comment on that. The rationale that Najib is a true Malaysian leader … and then there’sUtusan.Utusan is under him! It is totally naïve to think that here is the prime minister and president of Umno and he has no influence over the police, the AG, the judiciary and more so, the media.
The president of Umno has absolute control of the media, but more soUtusanbecause it is their mouthpiece. That, you can read, is the real Najib.
He wants to make sure to dilute some of the attacks because then he can turn around and say that he didn’t say anything. He didn’t say it, but Utusan(did and it) is under him. How do you deny it? Probably get some of his boys to say this might be Muhyiddin, that the prime minister has nothing to do with this.
So you think his fingerprints are there.
I am absolutely certain. I have been associated with Umno and I know how the prime minister and the president of the party controls (Utusan). It’s absolute.
Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor came up with a statement recently denying that she is the one pulling his strings. Knowing Najib as you do, do you agree?
She may be right. It’s not strings, we’re talking about ropes. [Laughs]
Rosmah and Najib have also been alleged to be involved in the ‘conspiracy’ levelled against you in the sodomy charge. How confident are you of winning the case?
I don’t know about winning, but they cannot even prefer a charge with compelling medical evidence. If they are determined, they have to fight it out, and it’s not easy.
They have to send Abdul Gani of all people, the most discredited AG in the region, to defend the issues of law and governance in Washington DC. They will send him to Australia, Turkey, Indonesia, Qatar … so I say, ‘Good. You send the AG as the roving ambassador and save the country’.
The Australian MPs are backing you quite strongly.
Not only the Australian MPs. Some to do it quietly. I know of presidents and prime ministers of countries who have written to Najib and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
But based on the Sodomy I trial, it looks like they are hell-bent on getting you. Your bail wasn’t granted and you went straight to prison.
(Judge) Augustine Paul is gone, but then the same thing is happening now. You see the change of judges, the issue with the charges … they think they have improvised and are more sophisticated in the charge, but they made enormous blunders too.
In the first charge, no medical evidence was required. In the second charge, they had medical evidence but that has actually forestalled the process. They can smear, and they will continue to do that to my reputation, to my character, they have done that for the past 11 to 12 years. They have done everything. Not that I like it, I am actually sick of this.
It reflects the worst of characters, (those) who claim a moral position. The worst form of hypocrisy. I’m now saying this, this is in public domain. I know their personal lives, I was their friend. Don’t forget, I was deputy prime minister and had quite some powers, overseeing the Anti-Corruption Agency, and the Special Branch reported to me.
But what do I do? Do I choose to play their game? No, I don’t. They should thank me because I have not been provoked to the extent of opening up the cases that I know of. But that does not stop them.
I remain confident not because I am naïve and unrealistic, but it is a tough sell. Mahathir did so, and he just couldn’t be bothered, known to disregard every single rule. Of course, now, everything has been exposed in the Lingam tape. I have redeemed myself, I am vindicated. In fact, the Anwar case, for me, is strong enough.
Now we also have the billionaire list, which includes his son (Mokhzani). I don’t need to pick a fight with (Mahathir).
We have Najib, who wants to portray himself as a liberal man, a reformist. He can’t have this and at the same time think that Gani, the mediocre AG, will help resolve the problem. He can’t.
So I am confident. (DAP adviser) Dr Chen Man Hin, (told me), ‘Keep up the good fight’.
You are the central figure for Pakatan and PKR. Can the coalition and party hold it together if you go to prison?
I don’t think this is true, because many of the programmes, for example the ones that (DAP secretary-general Lim) Guan Engand (Penanti state assemblyperson Mansor Othman) organised in Permatang Pauh, they attracted a huge crowd even without me. In Perak, there are huge programmes.
But sometimes they do want to pull slightly larger crowds, (and) so okay, I can do that.
You’re confident that, without you, the party will survive?
So far, the programmes in Penang, Kedah, Perak are going on without me. And I’m not going to jail. No way are they sending me to jail. For doing what?
Even if you don’t go to jail, hypothetically, will the party be able to survive if you are out of the picture? Because you are a personality cult, people are in it because they support you.
Of course, people talk about it. But I was out of the picture for six years and things were still going on.
People were backing your fight for justice. If we take Anwar out of the equation, will PKR…
Don’t give them the idea of me going out of the picture. These guys are nasty. That’s why I’ve stepped up my security. It’s a bit annoying and people complain, they say, ‘We can’t even shake hands with him’. But we have our intelligence and people advise us, so I have my hands tied.
Relating to the sodomy charge, some people say, there is no smoke without fire. How do you react to that? People are saying that ‘perhaps…
No, this is tak baik (not right). You accuse the people, then you smear them, which is unprecedented. Nobody in Malaysia, or throughout the world (has done this). Look at history, Chinese history, Indian history, Muslim history, there is nothing…
It just shows how vicious, how dirty the machinations, how desperate these people are. So a (police) report has been made, should I be investigated? Yes. Should a charge be preferred? No.
You ask any legal expert, any Muslim expert, internationally, to look at the charge. The charge says, ‘Yes, the doctor said it’s conclusive, but we don’t think it’s conclusive’. What is this? It’s a joke.
Medical evidence is medical evidence. This is the first charge in the world that people know of where you can prefer against a person when there is medical examination and findings (against it). That’s it. Why this ’smoke and fire’ and all that?
My friend, a doctor in Washington told me, ‘You can’t have pretty girls in your office because your wife will not approve. You cannot have young, handsome men because it will lead to suspicion’.
So I asked, ‘Then what happens?’
‘Have 70-year-old ladies as your secretaries’. [Laughs]
What Mahathir did was to implant suspicion, and what Najib does is to reinforce this. But do you let these evil forces to succeed? Do you allow these dirty machinations to succeed?
Again, why this hypocrisy on personal lives and morality? Who is talking about morality here? In Islam – be it sodomy, adultery, drinking or corruption – who is talking about it now?
An immoral person cannot lead. But what is immorality in Islam? Who can pass the test? Name one person. Can Najib pass the test?
Speaking of campaigns, you are now being used as the poster boy for gay rights internationally. What do you think of that?
[Laughs] What did I do to them? I have quite a strict moral code myself but I don’t impose.
I know some Malay friends who (are known to drink, so) what do I do? Do I not be friends with them? No, but I say, ‘Please don’t drink in front of me because it will embarrass me and cause problems’. Why this pretentious manner of imposing a moral code?
You can preach nicely. My understanding of Islam is that. There is a clear (understanding) that is not for you to probe, peep and then publicise to humiliate people.
These are the works of rogues who are trying to show as if they are so pious. I mean come on, oh my God … you know these characters, their personal character.

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